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  • 秋缠断肠记


    主演:艾琳·邓恩  加里·格兰特  比尤拉·邦蒂  




    秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.1秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.2秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.3秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.4秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.5秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.6秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.13秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.14秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.15秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.16秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.17秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.18秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.19秋缠断肠记 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2024-04-13 01:39


      When a newspaper man falls for a record store sales girl, their whirlwind courtship does not prepare him for a life of laughter, romance and tragedy. He must learn the value of true love, or face failure like he's never known. Academy Award Nominations: Best Actor--Cary Grant.


     1 ) [Last Film I Watched] Penny Serenade (1941)

    Title: Penny Serenade

    Year: 1941

    Country: USA

    Language: English

    Genre: Drama, Romance

    Director: George Stevens

    Writer: Morrie Ryskind

    based on the story Martha Cheavens

    Music: W. Franke Harling

    Cinematography: Joseph Walker


    Irene Dunne

    Cary Grant

    Edgar Buchanan

    Beulah Bondi

    Ann Doran

    Eva Lee Kuney

    Wallis Clark

    Dorothy Adams

    Rating: 7.0/10

    The film reunites Irene Dunne and Cary Grant for the third and the last time, after their successful pairing in Leo McCarey's THE AWFUL TRUTH (1937) and MY FAVORITE WIFE (1940). Under the tutelage of George Stevens, PENNY SERENADE is a good-natured and polished melodrama where mishaps and glee alternately emerge around an average couple Julie (Dunne) and Roger Adams (Grant).

    Opening with Julie assuming her deliberated departure from Roger in medias res, the narrative consists of a nexus of chronological flashback segued by various melodies in an album coined“The Story of a Happy Marriage" playing from the phonograph, as signifiers to Julie’s memories, how a tuneful and glitched YOU WERE MEAN FOR ME brings Roger to her life, their sequential romance, a spur-of-the-moment marriage and their spell in Japan due to Roger’s work where a seismic shock (both literally and metaphorically) leaves an irremediable missing link in their otherwise content life.

    Back to US, Roger starts his print business from the scratch in a small town, that missing link will be mended through adoption, a new life is put into their care and they must get familiar with parental skills(where we get great comedic moments in its slice-of-life simulation)and fight for their baby girl against their unstable financial situation, only to come in for another hammer blow that will (almost) sabotage their marriage, if not for the problematic and expedient ending, the fond memory of a departed can be so quickly and miraculously displaced by the arrival of a new one, is it a blind faith deeply entrenched in the psyche of America at then or that marriage is so unbearable if not for the presence of an offspring? One would gratingly wonder.

    Save for that reactionary deus ex machina, the film is a heartfelt blessing from Hollywood-land in a less glamorous and often depreciated genre of melodrama, the two leads give sterling performances here, both shorn of star vanity and completely carry the rather corny story on their own shoulders and shore it up with significant effort to sustain a touching but also realistic vibe that transmogrifies the picture with enduring charisma and yesteryear nostalgia. Cary received his first-ever Oscar nomination for this picture, his Oscar moment is that earnest plead in front of the judge, which rarely emblazons his dramatic showmanship to great extent, but Dunne, admittedly, is the fulcrum of the film here, she is self-deprecating but never shy of inner strength and orthodox femininity, quite a leading lady in her early 40s, why isn’t she more worshiped by new generations? She is the convention-bucking heroine of a sexism business and an impressive 5-times Oscar nominee. Also,Edgar Buchanan andBeulah Bondi both need a shout-out for their supporting turns, the former’s uncle Applejack is the bee’s knees every family needs whereas the latter is so primly respectable by her sheer appearance as the rule-breaking head of the adoption faculty, lastly, to sing a little praise to directorGeorge Stevens, what an even-handed actor’s director he is, his style is un-showy but after all, it is the torrid human emotion gets our attention and keeps us watching closely to his performers, that is a different kind of cinematic expertise which no one can deny.

    referential point: George Stevens’ A PLACE IN THE SUN (1951, 8.1/10)

     2 ) 父亲的责任







  • SundanceKid🌈
  • 还行
  • 剧情片不要一会像喜剧(海报这样)一会像科教片吧。加利格兰特表现还不错。Irene Dunne真是不显老。

  • arapallas
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  • 1080p 2013 version

  • 搵岑荷
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  • Fran观光团 Cary Grant演的这个男的……台词里出现了Victrola黑胶唱机 talcum爽身粉 I'm licked击败

  • 斜杠过多王静阁
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  • 居然真找这么小的baby😯

  • 故园遥望
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  • 唱盘一张张转出一段段美丽欢欣紧张愁苦幸福跌宕的回忆,两个人撑起的世界风云变幻,五味杂陈,影片绝妙的一段当属婴儿进了家,父母举足无措,生怕一丁点儿的声响破坏了孩子的睡眠,蹑手蹑脚,神经如在弦上,实在趣味非常,爱意弥漫却又暗示悲伤。

  • 醉梦·聊生
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  • [subhd外挂中字][彩色染色][奥斯卡]秋缠断肠记.Penny.Serenade.1941PENNY SERENADE(1941) Cary Grant Irene Dunne - COLORED油管/watch?v=dMe2Ct9hWLs

  • []
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  • 这夫妻俩也太苦了吧……

  • touya
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  • 补。大学在图书馆看过两次。格兰特的个人presence太强烈,以至于演这种小老百姓的时候特别没有说服力。适应战争年代需要,四十年代上半叶出现了不少这种情伤电影,苦情戏电影,比如本片,比如魂断蓝桥,自君别后等等。但是像本片这样直接反映一对贫贱夫妻的艰难生活的影片仍然是比较少见。

  • Freddie Lee
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  • 讲几个槽点,①小职员刚升职加薪,就开始耍大牌,老天爷就算不拿雷劈你,也要用地震搞你,所以做人得拿捏好自己的斤两;②严重怀疑主角死里逃生的地震,是广岛核爆,不然一场地震为何能将人震得不孕不育,不是辐射的缘故是什么;③男二如此心地善良,任劳任怨的好男人,就因为好哥们几句跑火车的谎话,就千里迢迢跑过去,干着分文不给只包三餐的活儿,这样子的老实人真的难得;④对孩子情比海深的大爱,只因福利院院长的一个电话,瞬时可以抛诸九霄云外,不得不让人感叹一句人类的虚伪

  • 滿神的異教徒
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  • 看到加里积提名奥斯卡影帝,啊,就这?

  • 橙子
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  • 不愧是王佳芝看哭的电影啊,看得我心里也酸酸的一张张老唱片,勾勒出一幕幕回忆,从两个人相遇、相识、相知、婚配、历劫、重燃希望、沉痛打击…史蒂文斯在本片中的情感运用如此细腻,简直直击心灵,真切让我感受到那份痛苦、希冀、再痛苦、再希冀的人生喜乐…

  • 永久禁言
  • 力荐
  • 上一秒还在忧伤追忆逝去的养女下一秒就美汁汁领养小男孩去,亏我还在格兰特求法官那段感动得差点内牛满面心想这还不给个面子颁个奥斯卡。维系夫妻感情的橙色道具:次抛型工具娃......爱情拍得挺好(友谊天长地久again),三个打酱油的日本小p孩可爱!各种BGM不间断煽情得要死,不过看小夫妻小心翼翼七手八脚养娃还是挺愉快的。Irene绝美,和格兰特最配了。她叫他"little boy"🥺🤌

  • 钢筋工钢筋
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  • 就算是《色戒》和《末路狂花》致敬也改变不了黄金坞不擅长拍这类现实色彩强的题材。格兰特的技术始终有点捉急,多少次到了该“有反应”的时候,他默默低下头“逃避”,父亲这个角色的复杂性与前后成长层次也没有很好展现。

  • WillGoWild
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  • 我来看一看,佳芝看过的电影

  • 胭脂盆地
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  • 既然是加里格兰特提名奥斯卡的作品,自然要观摩一下,前半段就是男孩的爱情故事,后半段是人与人之间、是有感情的,不是他们需要孩子,而是他们需要去爱。

  • 白云在青天
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  • 明明可以把东西放地上再开灯,非要为了体现喜剧效果去整一出小心翼翼的戏码,太刻意了。这个结尾是有多保守多传统,就不用我说了吧。

  • LoudCrazyHeart
  • 较差
  • 他的大眼睛 明亮又闪烁

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  • 【MUBI】故事角度而言中规中矩,但符合当时条件“尝鲜”似的有了日本等有趣的元素。但更令人感兴趣的是Irene Dunne和Cary Grant的表演。两人的确很有化学反应。而前者也难怪被誉为最伟大的但没有获得奥斯卡的女演员。如果不是两者拥趸的话,本片可能就显得陈旧了些。

  • Parker Li
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  • https://www.douban.com/people/hitchitsch/status/1616926899/

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