After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse Solange, a minor pop music diva and eccentric B-movie actress. As the odd pair become embroiled in a world of sex, drugs, and murder the boundaries of trust start to wear thin and John begins to wonder whether Solange is the victim of a bizarre lifestyle or its mastermind. Shot on location in Europe and featuring a killer soundtrack, Todd Verow's most recent film is an homage to 80's cinema and a fun installment in the prolific director's portfolio
ToddVerow,你要不就拍GV,拍的一坨屎,又没有good sex又没有good story,也没有美人美景,请问看点是什么?
killer soundtrack indeed! 電影本身傾向於一次關於自我的小說 有點扯淡 有點把愛做下去的勢頭 除開劇情主線 其實還是有6分的 但就像某些人寫的小說一樣 某些情節 某些跳躍可能是有特別含義的 可能只有創作者自己知道 如同紀念劉和珍君啥啥的
一星给Valentin Plessy小哥,一星给那段小哥做爱和唱歌的混剪。
因为蒙特叔看的。这画质和运镜让我想到了《bad boy street 》,一看导演是同一个。一颗星完全为了叔的屁屁。不过也感谢导演让叔在两部戏里都露肉了。