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    你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.1你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.2你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.3你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.4你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.5你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.6你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.13你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.14你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.15你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.16你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.17你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.18你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.19你能原谅我吗? 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2023-09-01 16:31


      李(梅丽莎·麦卡西 Melissa McCarthy 饰)曾是一位小有名气的传记作家,所撰写的作品屡屡进入畅销榜。然而,李是一位个性非常固执的作家,她不愿意为了迎合市场而改变自己的创作风格,久而久之,再也没有出版社愿意同她合作了,李的生活渐渐的陷入了窘迫之中。


     1 ) 你能原谅我吗

    对故事背景和演员一无所知的我,在查阅资料时被惊呆了。 其实看到快结束也猜到一些,靠模仿名人书信被判缓刑的这位过气传记女作家,


    女作家依托自身文笔和所做的大量功课,将名人书信模仿的比本尊还像本尊,甚至还会模仿打电话,甚至还有名人著作里加入了她仿造的内容,再版时才被出版社删除。其本人特立独行,过着自己喜爱的生活,终身未嫁,活到70多岁。 比这段历史还要让我吃惊的是女主梅丽莎·麦卡西,看的时候还在想会不会主人公最后一夜醒来决定重新做人,然后变漂亮了。电影里并没有,百度图片满足了我。 外表和妆容并不是梅丽莎·麦卡西获得此次奥斯卡最佳女主提名的原因,此片数次让我回忆起最爱的《刺猬的优雅》,弥补了BE的遗憾,在致郁之后也被彻底治愈。女作家的孤独潦倒和她不与人群为伴的倔强,都是每一个社恐深宅最生动的写照,如同对镜看到自己。在被爱人抛弃、朋友背叛、老猫离世的深渊中无力挣扎,最终自我拯救。在看到Lee脚下又有一只奶猫出没,热泪盈眶了都。Lee在法庭上说,她并不为伪造信件而感到后悔,相反觉得,这是她的人生巅峰,因为她为这些作品感到骄傲。这是本片中梅丽莎·麦卡西最动人,最高光的时刻。 有意思的是,电影根据本人回忆录改编,而回忆录,好像也是别人伪造的😂。 影片节奏妥帖,温馨动人,摄影感人,歌曲动听分享Various Artists的专辑《Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》:http://music.163.com/album/73889066/?userid=390281280(来自@网易云音乐)。5星推荐!

     2 ) Such a beautiful disease.

    Rows of mansions,cubic office with rigorous work rules,old fashion jazz music.....you can make a decent guess about the location without seeing the actual neiborghood.And yes it's new york, again.From countless films depicting people living in this metropolis,This one is the newly update with similiar background but a memorable twist.

    New york is the epitome of big cities.In one corner,billionaire is drinking wine in Michelin restraunt,in another,charlatan is stepping on the bench hawking his wares.Everybody is busy surviving in this merciless capitalized junggle.Lee Isreal is this lady so ordinary that get no one's attention but made her own special story.When our protagonist Lee Isreal met her publisher,all she got were bitter words,"you can't success if you dont play the game","you can be an asshole when you're famous".A person have to work his ass off to climb the social ladder in this city or you be knocked out.

    Lee Isreal,whose books stood on the discount shelf,can hardly make a living after losing her job.But as the implication of her name and her unpopular interst on jewish writer,she would probably contrive some crafty ideas.And here it is.By selling her old letters,she explored a whole market of "originals".Her unfond skill suddenly became an advantage.Piece by piece,she started to make famous writer's letter that escaped the scrutiny of most people.Not everyone could imitate this.That's explain her cherishment of those fake originals and her anger when her friend Jack try to sell her letters arbitarily,"these are literature treasures!!"

    While revealling Lee's history of counterfeit,the story also shade light on her life and freindship.She is an lonely lady with a sick old cat,an alcholic with a gay drinking buddy, and a book writer with limited recognition.She share her secret fraud with jack and sharing became a bond of genuine freindship but when the bookshop owener want to extend thier freindship,the fraud become an obstacle.Just like she want to write book without concerning sales,she want to be a good neighbor but can't make her own room clean,all these contrary narratives somehow decriminalize her as a fraud but a midlle-aged poor lady who deserve some sympathy.When the final scripts rolls in,we know that her letters that personating other famous writers was so impressive that even some biography included them before knowing it's fake.Even an honest people may show a bit of admiration,at least i do.

    Another great story,wonderful music.Norah jones song describe new york city as a beautiful disease,this melancholy tone sing well with the story.When the film gives a few shots of new york city,it create not familiarity but a sphere of possibilities,you just don't know if the people walking by is a delicate criminal ,a talented writer or a cat lover,maybe all of them.

     3 ) 那些书信竟是她最好的作品




     4 ) 一个恃才傲物的女骗子



    他们再见面的那场戏,是 梅丽莎 麦卡锡 与 理查德 格兰特 最能打动人的对手戏。他们彼此疼惜着对方,也感谢着对方曾经的陪伴,但是终究不是一路人,同行一时却难以为伴。这种描写底层两个落魄人的电影,很像2017年的一部《无处为家》,都描述了小人物对抗着社会既得利益群体,虽然最后结局都不算好,也许这就是生活的真相,社会的规则就是如此,虽然极其不合理,但是你执意拧着来,最后终究会被社会淘汰。

    这是一部比较轻松的剧情片,喜剧演员 梅丽莎 麦卡锡 完美演绎了这一个不得志的中年女作家,提取了人物性格中刚毅的一面,市井气加上街头痞气,同时也是十分看重感情的人。表演太过于细腻,都能感觉原型人物也就是这样吧!

     5 ) [Film Review] Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) 8.0/10

    A pet project for Nicole Holofcener for years (who was set to direct it with Julianne Moore and Chris O’Dowd heading the cast), the final fruition of a biopic about New York biographer-turned-literature-forger Lee Israel (1939-2014) shifts its director chair to her fellow female director Marielle Heller, CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? becomes the follow-up of her Sundance darling debut feature THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (2015), with Holofcener and Jeff Whitty taking the writing credits, Melissa McCarthy starring as Israel and Richard E. Grant as her partner-in-crime Jack Hock (all received their Oscar nominations except Heller).

    Scarcely there is anything exciting in Israel’s criminal peccadillo (apart from a tense letter-purloining episode inside the library of Yale University), who forges letters written by deceased celebrities (from Fanny Brice, Noël Coward to Dolly Parker, and the key is to fake their signatures, that’s when an Xerox machine comes quite handy if you have a pair of deft, steady hands), often inputting her own wits into the contents to raise the appeal, then sells them to antique bookshop owners to earn fast cash, yet, it is a fiendishly ingenious idea, because as long as these memorabilia can attract potential collectors, most of these buyers don’t give a toss about its authenticity, but there is also a catch, sometimes, it is difficult to fool a connoisseur who pays handsomely for their collection, also, you cannot sell too many items without rousing suspicion (that “avuncular” slip-up is really embarrassing).

    From the start, in the early 1990s, 51-year-old Lee is dead strapped, fired from her wage labor, once a New York best seller, her upcoming biography about Fanny Brice cannot secure an advance, living alone in her cluttered apartment with a long-in-the-tooth cat, her misery should arouse sympathy but any commiseration dissipates vanishingly whenever she talks. A curmudgeon who unabashedly professes that she likes cats far more than her own kind (and later duly proves that with her action), and apparently has no family or friends, Lee belongs to that rarified group of movie protagonists who is not equipped with any modicum of charisma, but that doesn’t make her less human, conversely, among others, McCarthy’s vastly lived-in performance makes every aspect of her humanity coruscate and bubbling with intensity and veracity, we might not want to meet a character like her, but nonetheless, she is there, indomitably represents the unglamorous, unsympathetic side of ordinary beings which narrative cinema often intends to overlook.

    The friendship between Lee and Jack, gels naturally from their common propensity of libations. But sex is definitely off the table because of their similar queer orientations, Jack, a small-time drug dealer who seems to sleep rough without a permanent residence, much balances off Lee’s cynical nature with his unapologetic flamboyance, and Grant has a whale of a time in inhabiting his idiotic, happy-go-lucky persona to the hilt, even in the final reveal of his impending fate, Jack is Jack, nothing sentimental or phony is doctored into their tenuous, but unalloyed bond chiefly borne out of a mutual necessity, once that phrase passes, Holofcener and Whitty script makes sure nothing wishy-washy remains.

    Many a supporting female performance scintillates with their own strength, Dolly Wells as Anna, one of the bookshop owners, is extremely eloquent in conveying the trickiest part to elicit a tangible romantic feeling towards a dumpy Lee because she peers through her prickly carapace and intuits something tender underneath, but their romance is better not ignited (which Lee snuffs it roundly), as not everyone in real life is prone to act against one’s best judgement. Jane Curtin simply kills it as Lee’s pragmatic agent Marjorie, who does not mince words to pinpoint Lee’s problems with sharp asperity, and Anna Deavere Smith, appears only in one scene as Lee’s ex-lover Elaine, totally shatters our expectation of a comforting figure when Lee seeks out her help, instead, she rams home her mixed feeling of bitterness, weariness and insouciance that persuasively speaks volumes of why their relationship has fallen through.

    Carving out an engrossing narrative and teasing out compelling performances out of an assortment of un-cinematic elements, Heller’s CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? not just ushers in a new era of female filmmakers strenuously and felicitously tackling thorny issues like their male counterparts, but also brings a new form of character study to the mainstream audience, if we don’t want other people’s sympathy in real life, likewise, cinema needn’t desperately bank on compassion-inducing characters to make for a rewarding viewing experience, as this film beautifully attests, for what it is worth, humanity is a many-faceted creature.

    referential entries: Björn Runge’s THE WIFE (2017, 7.0); Hirokazu Koreeda’s SHOPLIFTERS (2018, 8.4/10).

     6 ) 认真的女人还是可爱

    这位女作家浑身上下都是缺点,肥得油腻、言语粗鄙,工作能力差,不合群脾气大,为了生存还干起伪造名家手信真迹的违法勾当,最终上了法院。可就是这样一位壳比肉厚的女人,却让人心生可爱之情。有人说,如果她再理性一些选个好工作,生活不会这么艰难,有人说,她满身是刺肯定很缺爱。不知道什么原因造就了如今的她,但是我确定她活得并不邋遢并不虚弱,反而比世上许多条件看似更优厚的人更加认真地对待生活、也更加期待未来的可能性。通过她我仿佛看到造物主的智慧,因为这样鲜活有力量的生命不容易的生活着,让我们看到了人之为人生而不凡的模样,看到了光芒从裂缝穿透出的力量,看到了万花筒折射出的不一样的色彩。仿佛一颗投入湖面的石头,激起内心深处的涟漪,唤醒内心沉睡着的老虎。只不过她是真老虎,她有自己的武器,有自己的骄傲,有自己的信仰,而这恐怕是百分之八十的人都未必拥有的幸运。 感恩,世界上有着如此多不像我这样的人儿的存在,他们的故事都是我们每天观看的精彩电影。


    一看发现编剧有Nicole Holofcener就明白为何如此纽约客式扎心了,Melissa McCarthy几处或高傲或动情或沮丧的泪水实在神迹。

  • CharlesChou
  • 力荐
  • 被导演拍的毫无灵气

  • swordfish
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  • 整体都很文艺气,包括配乐。孤独、落寞的同时,又有点冷幽默。梅丽莎麦卡锡确实变化很大,完全没有谐星影子了,一个非常冷淡古板的女人形象。

  • 桃桃林林
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  • 一般能达到票房台柱的喜剧演员,演技都不会差,这部戏也证明梅丽莎不演喜剧也是能发挥出精彩的演技。这个故事是讲一落魄女作家跑去违法犯罪各种作死操作的,观看下来并没有太多的恶感,一方面是各个演员出色的表现带给角色更多层次,另外一方面是导演表现手法轻松诙谐再配上合适的音乐使整个作品的提亮不少。总体是不错的的,tiff看的第一部比较触动我神经的作品。

  • 吃货F
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  • 2.5 / 男女主的化学反应是挺强的。但面对这样一个优秀的题材,主要的观感还是看到无数个可能的闪光点在我眼前飞速划过然后被导演一一精准避开变成最空泛的"C'est La Vie"式抒情,除了唤起我对原事件的好奇心好像啥都没做到。

  • 寒枝雀静
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  • 原来当个女作家再养只猫,老了是这副惨样。我不当了行了吧ಠ_ಠ。

  • 私~川流
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  • 女主简直我瓣典型:社恐鳏寡孤独养猫酗酒除了真文艺无实用生存技能,朋友都是LGBT。全场笑声不断,上座率不比隔壁皇后乐队少。配乐超棒。最近看了好几遍预告片,今天一刷竟然上映了超开心⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃Jack帮忙打扫卫生那段恶心到了,床下猫屎让全场的叫声此起彼伏,非典型性洁癖的我躲在虫虫背后看不下去,确定Jack对Lee真爱无疑。

  • 竹淡刻骨
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  • 生活就是个缓慢受锤的过程,人一天天老下去,奢望也一天天消失,最后变得像挨了锤的牛一样。看着凸起的肚子和下垂的奶子,狗屁的文艺,都会变成狗屎。

  • Fleurs.哼哼
  • 还行
  • 完成度很高。开头就黑汤姆•克兰西。Melissa真的不要再自己鼓捣那些烂喜剧浪费才华了。

  • 拜金沃斯学者
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  • 导演要讲的东西其实很多,比如女人在职场上遭遇的性别歧视,LGBT的凄凉晚年,社交恐惧症患者错失机会怀才不遇,女主角很毒舌,竟然还养了一只猫。这些特点放在一个女人身上,感觉她来混豆瓣会比较受欢迎,可惜片子并没有想象中没有好看,主要是角色缺少明确的戏剧目标,伪造名人信笺被FBI调查的主事件也没有戏剧张力,感觉是导演想要兼顾的点太多,结果芝麻和西瓜都丢了,最终你理解这个人物,只是无法在情感上激起一点波澜。本来是个好项目,可惜剧本太烂。

  • 亵渎电影
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  • 精彩走心的小暖片。不是什么烧脑巨案,但是可以阅读别样的人生。找到一生的角色就是梅丽莎·麦卡西扮演李的这种感觉吧。7

  • 巴士底的猫
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  • 看完搭车回家,看着路上裹着冬衣缩着脖子顶着寒风走的人们,突然想到这个故事其实和午夜牛郎很像呀。纽约的冬天可以是诺拉埃夫隆电影里温暖的圣诞树和毛衣,但也更可能是肮脏和孤独。一个是失意却不愿妥协的作家,只能靠仿写信件赚钱营生,一个是居无定所的只能靠睡遍曼哈顿来继续生活的同志,他们的关系很有趣(虽然电影没太拍出来),也注定不会是什么神仙犯罪组合,但纽约总会把人变成惨淡却高傲的刺猬,这一点几十年不变好令人感叹

  • 米粒
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  • Can You Ever Forgive Me,既是主角伪造信件中最常用的一句话,也是她对自己曾经伤害过的人的内心独白。片子属于越回味越觉得好看的类型,写不出新鲜感和性感的没名气作家为了维持生活开始伪造信件的故事,让我想起前几年的《鸟人》。主角的孤独感太让人产生共鸣了,51岁还是孤身一人,不愿意相信别人,觉得人还没有猫好,说实话我仿佛看到了几十年后的自己。片子剧情流畅,一气呵成,Melissa McCarthy意外地适合这个角色,丧感加上一点点的喜剧感使角色生动不少。

  • Rocrw
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  • nytimes的"sordid, and pretty damned"是最精准的评价了。主角如此可爱,就在于她毫无愧疚感的自负,也让影片和聚焦作案动机和过程的常规犯罪片划清界限,它有某种女性视角的灵动。换个角度看,这不也是melissa mccarthy本人在好莱坞处境的一种投射吗?

  • V.Dunham
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  • 赝品届,画家对应的是画,作家对应的却不是书。名家书稿,名目有限,均记录在案,更何况页数太多成本极高。所以片中女主伪造的是无法速辩真伪的单页书信……女导演海勒四十岁作品,片名已在自行归类:你能原谅我吗vs你能抓到我吗,后者又名――猫鼠游戏。三星半

  • 赱馬觀♣
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  • 独身、老年、女性、写作、贫穷、养猫(后来还死了)、社恐、肥胖、酗酒、偷窃、诈骗、嗑药+艾滋的Gay蜜…所有的元素摞在一起,感觉闻到了人生脱轨的灾难气息,但是,能拍得演得这么喜感,辛苦你了啊导演,辛苦你了啊梅丽莎。

  • 匡轶歌
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  • 把漫长岁月里潦倒的写作,凝缩成一人一猫的促狭,千疮百孔,都是寻常风雨。长期躲在叙述背后的作家Lee直言自身懦弱,怕抵不住袒露自我后的批评。惊觉这也是我长久以来龟缩不动的借口之一。很能理解当他人不再相信你能用文笔叱咤风云,而你却可兴风作浪得不惜铤而走险也要顶风作案的疯狂。人有时差的不是天赋,而是运气,以及为了抓住那种足以闪耀的运气,愿意走得多远。这电影也好,这人生也罢,真的都是卑鄙无耻,却又精彩绝伦。麦卡西和格兰特都很赞。

  • Mr. Infamous
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  • 好莱坞最被低估的正剧女演员终于决定放弃丈夫的导演棒好好演戏了。角色刻画和叙事节奏上都极上乘,McCarthy特写镜头前不刻意煽情的嗔怒、暗涌、诡算、沾沾自喜,尤其那jazz吧里被美好光鲜吸引挑起的希望之光的灵光一现,直击灵魂。

  • V_Lachesis
  • 力荐
  • 真人真事的文学犯罪故事,老基老姬的灰色组合。既有同志老无所依的写照,也有文字工作者的创作共鸣。Melissa McCarthy的表演浑然天成,看完让人不会对角色投入大爱大恨,但却能生出淡淡的怜悯和莫名的贴近。可能是今年完成度最好的女同电影了。

  • 同志亦凡人中文站
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  • 飞三亚的南航航班上看的,看完了飞机因北京大雪还没起飞。不过电影还是好看的,男女主精彩,获奥斯卡提名。真人真事,无奇不有;艺术再现,令人感慨!冬日纽约和怀旧歌曲十分协调。

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