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    主演:金周玲  金洙宪  




    不眠之夜 剧照 NO.1不眠之夜 剧照 NO.2不眠之夜 剧照 NO.3不眠之夜 剧照 NO.4不眠之夜 剧照 NO.5不眠之夜 剧照 NO.6不眠之夜 剧照 NO.13不眠之夜 剧照 NO.14不眠之夜 剧照 NO.15不眠之夜 剧照 NO.16不眠之夜 剧照 NO.17不眠之夜 剧照 NO.18不眠之夜 剧照 NO.19不眠之夜 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2023-09-01 16:30


      珠熙(金周玲 饰)是一名瑜伽教练,和丈夫贤珠(金洙宪 饰)结婚一转眼已经两年了,但他们的感情还是如同刚刚结婚那会儿一样恩爱和甜蜜,两人都感到庆幸,他们是彼此命中注定的那个人。时间静的像流水,生活中的一切都按部就班的向前迈进着,珠熙和贤珠都很享受这样的日子,两个人的世界只剩下她们彼此。


     1 ) 太枯燥了



     2 ) Cheap Romance

    It's a low-cost movie with all kinds of rough movie elements. But because of its low cost, it has become an advantage. The movies no longer pursue too many montages, but use a large number of long lenses to tell stories, and even long lenses are mostly filmed in fixed positions.

    Although this is a Korean story, it has the general style of Japanese movies. Its brushwork is warm and slow, like some Japanese Zen movies. But it also has no paranoia or perversion in some Japanese movies. It's just a slow narrative brush and cheap shooting that tells you a cheap romance story in Korea.

    The hero and the heroine are two blue-collar workers. They are not so young. They go to and from work every day and lead an uneasy life. On the surface, they seem to be living in a heart-to-heart way.But in fact,like almost all couples, they can not love so deeply.

    Faced with the social values of working first, having children, and then providing for the aged, they naturally have to compromise, because they are also supporters of such values. Nor can they see the world from the perspective of any great man. They only know that when they have children, the number of intimacies and the amount of money will decrease, and they will need to work harder. So they don't seem too anxious about having children. But even so, when others have children, they are a little jealous.

    In the film, they lost a bicycle. Even in such a simple disaster, they will mourn for half a day. However, they soon got their bicycle back, and the anger between the couple disappeared immediately. They may also know that there is no need to be angry. Losing a bicycle is only a small test of their lives. The real reason why they are sad is that in the social cohort of life, the ranks of others have gone far. Their team didn't keep up with most other ordinary people, so they are anxious.

    However, even such cheap romance. It is also love, but not so precious, not so reliable. This is the love of millions of people, this is the love of our parents, this is our love. This is a very limited love, any major disaster can break it down. But it is also the love that society needs. When we fall in love like this, you are as indecisive as the rest of us, and as indecisive as the couple. However, the only way you can face this kind of love is to occasionally look at the stars and discuss with each other whether it's time to have a child.

    For thousands of years, most love has been like this. We really don't need to be too sad because of its shallowness. Because you and I all know that life is short, feelings are precious, too precious, and most of the feelings will be given to the wrong person. Even if you are lucky enough to give love to the right person, chances are that the two couples who fall in love will be humiliated by fate. Why?

    Because we are collective animals, Wherever there is a steep place, there is pressure, even in love.

    In love, if you love too much, you will soon be criticized. "Do you need to do that? You can be more rational.”

    But what if you love too little? The whole value system, including yourself, will spit on your desperation. "He's such a ruthless fellow."

    You just need to "not love so much, just love a little". Because the key is not whether you are brave, but that you are just ordinary people. Most ordinary people do not have the ability to carry too deep emotions. Deep emotions are not scarce things, but they are difficult to maintain. Facing the flood of fate, love is extremely fragile, ordinary people often find it difficult to preserve.

    If affection is so difficult to pursue, then what else can we pursue? The author really doesn't know. Perhaps, less nonsense, more learning, more work, learn to save themselves before saving all living beings, is a positive way to face. Because there is an old Chinese saying that all living things are humble in front of the gods between heaven and earth.





     3 ) 廉价的温情


     4 ) 不眠之夜:对未来的不安让你彻夜难眠

    这部电影展示了 30 岁左右与另一半在韩国生活的感觉。这部电影中的大多数事情都是普遍的,你与另一半的关系,你的父母、朋友、工作、孩子,这部电影就是关于这些的,没有精心设计的转折,也没有夸张的故事,只是另一对 30 多岁的夫妇想知道他们要去哪里做他们的生活。





  • Yan
  • 推荐
  • 女主这挂我是吃的...这部电影还真是很平淡很平淡,但是我也是真的喜欢。那些细碎的生活,莫名其妙的争吵以及相爱的细节。感觉真好…

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  • Mediocre

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  • 于影同行
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  • “哥,你今天要不要射在裡面。”

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  • 最美好最真实的恋爱莫过于此吧…

  • 七彩云男
  • 力荐
  • 除去夸张的表演,粉饰过头的扭曲情节,韩国人还是会好好讲故事,好好说话的。

  • .....
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  • 很实际。。。写实

  • leslieQ
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  • 生活流,家庭事

  • 桃桃林林
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  • 太平淡了。。。

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  • 明显功力不够,讲平淡故事的火候根本比不上洪尚秀。不上不下

  • nihaoma
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  • 生活的样子,平实的不像真的~~

  • 瞳°不乖
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  • 一般般吧,与洪尚秀还是有差距

  • 阿德
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  • 醒着的时候倒像梦一样。

  • 让保罗切小田
  • 推荐
  • 鸣虫之夏,流星来的那一夜。两个梦有点意思,对未来婚姻生活的担忧与恐惧。主题很清晰,但结婚在一起还那么高粘度的腻味,是不是有点OVER。还至少致敬了两部电影吧,《偷自行车的人》和《低俗小说》。

  • 木卫二
  • 还行
  • 这种独立电影还真不是我的菜,但可以想象这部电影的诞生是一个怎样的过程。

  • Jonhanna
  • 还行
  • 这货其实很难说是一部电影~

  • shanglin117
  • 较差
  • --“哥,你今天要不要射在裡面?”--“万一怀了孩子怎么办?” 确是小夫妻平淡真实的生活,但独立电影不应该只看得到剪辑。

  • 豆友1576610
  • 较差
  • 对于我来说,我所能记起的每段感情都是最轰轰烈烈的片段,最精彩的时光,或许因为没有这种同居经历吧,这种平淡的,相濡以沫的感觉从来也没有郭,说什么事儿的时候也总是以“我”开头,而不是我们,没有跟任何人绑定在一起过,这种感觉真棒,夏夜穿着裙子,吹着凉风,吃着冰棒牵着手散步,我期待

  • 持刀少女
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  • 完全就是纪录片吧。。。

  • 筱晗
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