某站把电影翻译成了《战地情人》,我还是更喜欢它本来的名字《上尉的曼陀铃》。潘潘素淡了眉眼仍然美的不可方物,凯奇还在当红的上升期,甚至男二竟然是贝尔,现在回看真是顶级阵容。贝尔和凯奇的人物塑造都很丰满立体,唯一遗憾的是潘潘的心路历程太突然了,应该再刻画细腻一点的,肯定评分会比现在高。不过潘在有限的戏份空间内已经竭尽全力用那双会说话的眼睛去表达和诠释了,在演技方面潘是满分的,人设薄弱是导演的问题。全片真灵魂主角是女主爹,简直是行走的金句机,太通透太智慧。 其实本片的剧情非常简单,加分项是音乐和摄影。凯奇一出场莫名想笑,想想他演的是意大利人又觉得很合理。前半部分电影的氛围都是轻松的、愉快的,凯奇的演绎甚至给这部反映二战的片子增添一分喜剧效果,直到后半部分德军的到来终于撕下侵略者最后的假面,露出战争狰狞的本来面目。前半部分的所有欢乐与和谐化作惨烈的现实,导演一种荒诞的形式表达了反战的最终命题。不过最终还是回归爱情片的本质,或者说导演想表达的是一种人性的思考,而战争只是反映人性的一个载体。浪漫狂野的意呆和古典端庄的希腊,很完美的结合。就像曼陀铃的歌声和希腊小岛的景色一样完美。 私以为全片的核心金句是女主爹的几处台词,比如关于爱的思考,关于地震带来的影响。也许这不是一部爱情片,但这确实是一部讨论爱的片子。
Dr. Iannis: I wanted her to understand how a land so peaceful could be shattered by earthquakes and war. I wanted her to understand why sometimes the gods bless us and why they sometimes become angry and shake us, and fill our lives with pain. I want her to learn the lesson that nature teaches us, that we should not ask why we are wounded only if the wound can be healed.
Dr. Iannis: What on earth are you doing?
Corelli: I was just about to start.
Dr. Iannis: Well, about time, too, I should think.
Corelli: The first 45 1/2 bars are for the orchestra. “Allegro moderato e grazioso.” You have to imagine the orchestra.
Dr. Iannis: I’m damned if I can sit through all that tapping again. Just play your part.
Corelli: If I do that, I’ll start getting confused about when I’m supposed to come in, and that in a concert hall, would be a disaster.
Dr. Iannis: I apologize for disrupting the concert; I apologize to each and every one of you, to those in the cheapest seats in the gods, to Your Majesties in your royal boxes draped in your jewelry and your fine furs. But I’m damned if I can imagine an orchestra.
Corelli: I’ve never aimed a gun at anybody, never in my life. It must be very difficult for you to have to put up with us.
Pelagia: It must be very difficult for you to have to live with yourself. You lie in the sun and swim in the sea and flirt with your prostitutes. And there are people I know, people I grew with who are fighting for their lives and dying for what they believe in. And all you do is singing. What’s there to sing about? We are in the middle of a war, not an opera house. And you, you think you are so cultured with your pasta and your panettone and your puffed-up opera. Why don’t you take your holiday on somebody else’s island?
Corelli: What is there to sing about? There is singing when babies are baptized, when you celebrate a marriage. Men sing as they work, soldiers sing as they march into battle. And there is singing when people die. I always found something in life worth singing about and for that I couldn’t apologize. For the fact that I’ve caused you pain I cannot apologize enough.
Pelagia: You must be one of the most stupid people I’ve ever met. You wanted to show off so you nearly get us all killed.
Corelli: I can see your lips moving but I can’t hear a word you’re saying.
Pelagia: It should pass in a day or two.
Corelli: Your father says it will pass in a day or two.
Pelagia: Does he? Is that what the great doctor says?
Corelli: What are you saying? Are you saying how beautiful life is since Italians arrived?
Pelagia: All my life I’ve been waiting. I don’t know how I survived before you came.
Corelli: Are you saying how much you missed having me around?
Pelagia: I miss you so much I can’t sleep at night.
Corelli: The other night when you were dancing, the way you were moving, the turn of your head……I thought I could watch you forever
Pelagia: You think you can come here and turn my whole world upside-down?
Dr. Iannis: This is a very ancient land and we had nothing but earthquakes and slaughter for 2,000 years. We’ve had massacres at Sami and Fiskardo and God knows where else. There will be more. It’s only a question of time. So don’t make any plans.
Dr. Iannis: Do you love him?
Pelagia: We are engaged to be married.
Dr. Iannis: I am not talking about Mandras.
——When you fall in love it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness. It is not excitement. It’s not the desire to make every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body.
——NO, don’t blush. I’m telling you some truths.
That is just being in love which is any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? But it is. Do you think that you could begin to imagine that is how you will come to feel with Captain Corelli?
Corelli: I don’t belong here, Pelagia! I never belonged here! Ever since I came, look what has happened all around you.
Pelagia : I love you.
Corelli: I had no right to make you love me when you weren’t mine to love
Pelagia: Why did you save him? Why didn’t you leave him to die?
Mandras: I wanted you to love me again.
——In Albania, I made them read every one of these to me. “Mandras, I love you. Mandras, I want you. Mandras, when are you coming back?” And then one day a different letter, “I don’t know how to describe my feelings. It’s as if I’ve been waiting a hundred years to hear from you, waiting a hundred years for you to return. Once I thought my heart was overflowing with love for you, but now all I feel is emptiness. And I think all the time it was a pretense that I never loved you at all.”
Dr. Iannis: If there is a wound, we must try to heal it. If there is someone whose pain we can cure, we must search till we find them. If the gods have chosen that we should survive, it will be for a reason.
故事看的很别扭,不是故事别扭,是心里别扭,Cage故意想把腔调意大利化,一开始还真的觉得挺像,但是越听越别扭……有点儿愣。很喜欢最后地震的情节,也属于小收煞,是我见过最好的小收煞。另看了第二遍才想起来里面有Christian Bale。。。
永远保持对生活的信心,哪怕经历了多大的灾难,地震,战争或者心灵的创伤----有伤口一定要治愈。 贝尔的冷峻的太迷人了,凯奇饰演的意大利上尉很有意思,曼陀铃很好听,还是喜欢不上克鲁兹。
编剧真的很一般 也浪费了这组cast 只不过 漂亮宝贝 两点钟方向 向她致敬 这句不错