I just don't remember it being this orange.
First, I remember being with my dad.
He would get these far-off looks in his eye, and he would say...
''Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan.''
''Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan.''
I just wish I realized at the time he was talking about my life.
But that never stopped us from taking our adventures together.
He would pack up our sometimes-working car...
and he would tell me amazing stories...
about strange and exotic lands...
as we headed off to exciting destinations like...
It's amazing how exotic Wisconsin... isn't.
But my favorite memories were the stories...
that he would tell me about my mom.
He would take me to the church where they got married...
and I'd beg him to tell me more about the ceremony...
and about my crazy Uncle lrwin...
who fell asleep in the macaroni and cheese.
And I asked my dad when he knew...
that he truly loved my mom.
And he said to me, ''Lucy, your mother...
gave me a special gift.
She gave me the world.''
Actually it was a globe with a light in it.
But for the romantic that he was, it might as well have been the world.
Well, the first time I saw him...
he didn't exactly give me the world.
It was a $1.50 train token.
Uh, but I-I looked forward to it every single day.
He started coming to my booth between 8:01 and 8:15...
every morning, Monday through Friday.
And he was just perfect. My Prince Charming.
Well, we've nev-- We've never actually spoken.
But I know someday we will. I know it. I just know it.
And I know that someday I will find a way to introduce myself...
and, and that's gonna be perfect.
Just like my prince.
Forty-five dollars for a Christmas tree and they don't deliver?
You order $10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong's, they bring it to your door.
Oh! Ooh, I should've gotten the blue spruce. They're lighter.
All the stupid love fantasies make me sick of love. It's all illusion.
7.5分。回想一下,90年代真是个纯真的时代:就连这种普通的爱情喜剧都拍得好有味道。Sandra Bullock一直是我很喜欢的女演员,这次扮演的年轻傻大姐让人看得非常舒服,而男猪一家的热闹劲让我想起了《月色撩人》,果然人还是群居动物,孤单真是不可接受呢。出差回家路上看看感觉好温暖啊~~
我最喜欢Sandra Bullock在这部戏中的演出,从头到尾,没有败笔,连配角都个个可圈可点,情节设计巧妙自然,喜剧做到这个份上太罕见了。
相当可爱、温暖的爱情喜剧。从本片喜欢上了Bill Pullman。隔段时间就可以看一遍的佳作。
"I have a cat, I have an apartment, total possession of the remote control, that's very important. It's just, I've never met anybody that I could laugh with." I wish I could save your life and have you sleep before me, I'll talk to you till the morning comes.
Peter Gallagher的浓眉大眼,Bill Pullman的潇洒帅气,放我选得纠结一下!Sandra31岁也演出了Bridget Jones式的中女心境:不安、渴望爱护与一颗不失浪漫的心。除去美好动人的一见钟情,经常“加戏”的各路亲戚长辈们和“闹哄哄”的亲情也是九十年代这些片子令人着迷的地方。
十六年前的Sandra Bullock美的清麗自然,如今捧過小金人,經歷過愛情的悲歡離合,有沒有比那時快樂。十六年前的電影細膩平實,溫暖動人,只是如今,看客們再也尋不到,這般不摻雜質的愛情。