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    主演:切瑞拉·凯瑟莉  马修斯·纳克加勒  克劳迪奥·桑塔玛利亚  





    更新时间:2023-09-01 14:55




     1 ) Love the feeling of being part of nature.

    Central Park- a way to make myself still feel alive, birding is the window open to everything, to get myself or lose myself in reality for a while. Just simply and naturally to be part of nature, those raw, vibrant and intengibly fading. Hope it that forever. #

    Below is what I most like in this documentary.——

    Seeing this familiar urban park filled with birds like that, was one of those rare times in adult's life where the world suddenly seems more magical rather than the less.

    Seven beauties of birding:

    The beauty of birds

    The joy of being a natural setting

    The joy of scientific discovery

    The joy of hunting without blood shed

    The joy of puzzle solving

    The joy of collecting

    It's a joy to watch a light goes on somebody's eyes, see a bird and know what they're looking at. And they kind of know it.

    Why birds? I guess they are so alive, active and beautiful and varied.It's almost like seeing a movie star on the side walk. You have seentheir pictures, you've known all about them, you feel this artificial intimacy, and then you realize they really exist in this physical world and you are sharing space with them. And they really exist and there they are.

    Biophilia. We need nature around us to feel more like ourselves.







    Intensive obsessive birder

    Landscape management

    But I remember when I started birding, and I couldn't believe central park was so full of birds, I just thought I've discovered this unlimited human resource, that the world was filled with birds, and then come to discovering the heels of that, that one the reasons that central park is great for birds is they don't have any other places to land. And I think the funny thing of bird watching is it can tricky us to think the natural world is doing great because there are so many birds you can find almost anywhere you go but they are bounded up with the nature world that in fact is naturally in peril.

    When you are in the blizzard, and you just huncle down with a cup of tea. This is a kind of fun to go through remembering what you have found.

    I guess it's away of realizing I am still alive. I got to touch a tree, got to see a bird, got to see a squirrel moving, that something inside of me requires that. And birding opens to me all of it. Central park could give me a natural fix. It's a way to make me feel my soul,if I have one.

    Oh, it really has a life inside of it.

    Birds are all that's left to the wild world that we can see almost anywhere in the country, so I think one of the reason why bird watching becomes so popular now is this awareness of how fleeting things are. Everyone is hungry to hold something, to touch something that you feel fleeting away.


    许多场景都很有共鸣 中央公园云加新之旅 (人均湿滑 太壕了

  • 异端云术
  • 力荐
  • 七大观鸟之乐:1.鸟的美丽 2.融入自然的快乐 3.科学探索的乐趣 4.不杀戮的狩猎乐趣 5.解密的乐趣 6.收集的乐趣 7.独角兽现象

  • -O525
  • 力荐
  • 很喜欢,从第一分钟就很喜欢。最后有一个大哥说,观鸟不是一个爱好,就像养孩子不是爱好一样,这是我们生命本能的事情,如果有一群麋鹿从你家门前走过,你一定会去看的,只是现在只剩下鸟了。我们都希望可以留住那些美妙但易逝的瞬间。

  • 会跑的菠萝
  • 推荐
  • 8分20秒有文学界著名观鸟佬乔纳森·弗兰岑出场,B站就能看。

  • 渡边
  • 推荐
  • 关于鸟、观鸟者、城市公园。

  • 黑鱼羹
  • 力荐
  • 中央公园,一片人工营造的自然,众鸟沿美东海岸迁徙途中的珍贵绿洲。观鸟者的天堂。鸟是自然的精灵,观鸟,感知自然。一群可爱的人,春秋冬夏,将自然的光影活力吸纳心中。

  • 林边
  • 力荐
  • 观鸟者,一定喜欢看的纪录片

  • 爱读书的熊
  • 推荐
  • 看的时候总忍不住拿奥森与中央公园相比。拍的好像就是我身边一些人似的,拍出了观鸟人的生活和心声。

  • 编辑部牛小姐
  • 力荐
  • 好看,讲中央公园一群观鸟人的纪录片。很纯粹。纪录片的摄影师应该也是观鸟爱好者,拍了好多中央公园的鸟的录像在里面。前阵子Karen事件的那个受害黑哥也出现了。

  • 今🇺🇦口
  • 推荐
  • 也是被片名给骗了😂以为是讲中央公园的 结果是讲公园里面的鸟的😂不过里面那些鸟类狂热爱好者真的好专业

  • Dublin苍穹下
  • 还行
  • 平实的拍摄与讲述,对非观鸟人来说也许突出个新奇,但对上海的观鸟人来说——这部纪录片拍摄的就是我的生活!!片中那些向导、拍鸟者、中年观鸟人…我甚至怀疑他们是不是就是我的那些朋友,套了一层美国的皮!太真实了太真实了~ 上海的世纪公园仿照纽约的中央公园,在这里,同样的一幕也在上演着。

  • 杏汁
  • 推荐
  • 世界突然变得奇妙 而不是平庸

  • Xander
  • 推荐
  • 跟着纪录片去云旅行,意外发现了中央公园里的另一番景象。

  • 农夫渔夫
  • 推荐
  • 一会儿看看望远镜测评

  • 綠 鴨
  • 还行
  • 同一个世界,同样的打鸟大爷。Seven beauties of birding:The beauty of birdsThe joy of being a natural settingThe joy of scientific discoveryThe joy of hunting without blood shedThe joy of puzzle solvingThe joy of collectingIt's a joy to watch a light goes on somebody's eyes, see a bird and know what they're looking at. And they kind of know it.

  • 爬行钢炮
  • 力荐
  • 观鸟爱好者必看,配上Lens那篇文章,更有味道

  • Lanthanum
  • 力荐
  • 唯有热爱,才能抵御岁月漫长。

  • ○Ⅴ○
  • 推荐
  • 观鸟可以成为一辈子的爱好 于我

  • 雨雨雨
  • 力荐
  • 感同身受,只有观鸟时才能真切地意识到自己还活着。没想到最喜欢的镜头除了呼噜呼噜眯着眼睛睡大觉的Eastern Screech Owl竟然是脚底打滑的加拿大鹅ww 修理乐器的大爷用椰子变出了一个很酷的feeder;姓Auerbach的女生手持望远镜,嘴角露出不自觉的微笑。后半看得伤感。鸟儿的数量在过去半个世纪中大幅下降,人生亦不可避免乘着轻舟驶向永恒的死亡,比起不知平生能着几两屐,这会不会是此生见到的最后一只Magnolia Warbler是如此具体而切身的疑问。把每一个秋天当成生平第一个秋天,或许,也应将每一个春天当成生平最后一个春天。去年春天没能见到blue-gray gnatcatcher,一个春天便这样过去了。

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