Thrusting audience into America’s ‘50s suburbia of contentment, where behind the closed doors, inconceivable horrors lurk within a perfect nuclear family, actor-turned-director Bob Balaban’s first directorial effort PARENTS is a black comedy/horror melange that walks a tight rope in balancing the tonal shifts, and it is satisfactorily effective.
Displaced by his family’s recent move, 10-year-old Michael Laemie (Madorsky) is a gawky kid who inclines to keep to himself, haunted by morbid thoughts and gory nightmares, he begins to suspect his parents (Quaid and Hurt) might be cannibals. Are they or aren’t they? Balaban’s film taunts us with ambivalence, one moment, it appears everything is a figment of Michael’s wildest imagination, but when a slovenly, chain-smoking social worker (Dennis, looks out of sorts) is involved, murderous acts seems veracious.
Balaban’s satirical streak runs amok with a kid’s untrustworthy viewpoint, not least with the cozy but unsettling ending, intimating an affirmative answer to the big question mark hovering inside a viewer’s head. It also provides ample opportunity for him to effect sundry visual techniques - like split focus, 360 degree rotating long takes, black-and-white fuzzy shots, etc. - and horror tropes - a creepy cellar, a room full of cadavers, movable meat sausages, among others.
If the material is irrefutably dark, Oedipus complex is the prime mover behind Michael’s mortal repulsion toward his father, PARENTS also conspicuously basks in the sunny-side of normalcy, accompanied by easy listening tunes and a whiff of breeziness sent by Quaid, Hurt and others. Quaid is exceptionally good as a frustrated father, whose respectable, bland appearance flakes out bit by bit, and when he is pushed beside himself, he can be equally menacing with those chilling eyes behind spectacles; and Hurt adorns her domineering mannerism with exquisite daintiness, she is the mommy dearest to die for.
Largely ignored upon its release, PARENTS is worthy of a resurgence of acknowledgement for its transgressive portrayal of growing pains, or its flippant message to convert carnivores to vegetarians, either way, Balaban’s film is a hoot that sends up the none-too-bizarre bedfellows of respectability and perversion.
referential entries: Paul Bartel’s EATING RAOUL (1982, 6.9/10); Balaban’s BERNARD AND DORIS (2006, 6.5/10).
Title: Parents
Year: 1989
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Country: Canada, USA
Language: English
Director: Bob Balaban
Screenwriter: Christopher Hawthorne
Music: Jonathan Elias
Cinematography: Ernest Day, Robin Vidgeon
Editing: Bill Pankow
Randy Quaid
Mary Beth Hurt
Bryan Madorsky
Sandy Dennis
London Juno
Kathryn Grody
Deborah Rush
Graham Jarvis
Rating: 6.8/10
如果把结局拍成男孩的臆想 就成了儿童精神分析学的范本 对父母性爱和肉类的恐惧投射 表现主义手法展示男孩的梦境和心理对于父亲的抵触 和父亲总作为施暴方的形象出现 也算是为弗洛伊德性学背书 末段处理得太过模糊 挥动曲棍球杆和棒球杆的特写组接严重误导 血红色镜头和配乐不错
#吃人爸妈#以小孩视角讲了一个黑色童话故事,很有《闪灵》的范儿。自闭内向迷离梦境,人肉包子,爸妈异类,黑暗中盯着天花板的裂缝织造恐惧。或许每个人都有那么一段童年梦魇。本片镜头也相当出色,复古优雅的画面基调,轻松诙谐的配乐(用@QQ音乐 摇了几首),刚好反衬主题的迷幻怪异。不错的心理片~
8/10 陰暗,極具幽默感,濃厚且多元化的隱喻及象徵,高強度的情感表達,非常有趣!目前看過唯一憑藉電影本身給出的所有線索仍無從判斷導演意圖的複雜劇情片;如果鏡頭角度給得再漂亮些,完全可以9/10。DVD的導演短訪談中對於幾種真相的設定非常有意思。
To me It's about childhood fears, anxieties and tensions with parents. The music and the set are brilliant. And it's a very unique role Randy played, among his typical drunk father(but with love from daughter)..
6.0 和yad在毛概课一起看的。一边听俊奎教授讲段子一边看的。看完我说“很无聊”,他说“看不懂”。老师说“印度的星巴克杯子小。”
配乐和色彩都很棒 浓浓的50S Feel 节奏不太好 前半段快看不下去 这哪里“黑色幽默”了? 明明是一个有俄狄浦斯情结的正宗恐怖片好吗 只不过真相体现得有些模棱两可