1 ) 塞尔玛
2 ) 不瘟不火
3 ) 塞尔玛
4 ) 美国选举权议题上再起抗争
电影《塞尔玛》(Selma, 2014)为了解美国公民履行投票权的抗争提供了历史样本,故事发生在1960年代初民权运动在南方逐渐展开的时候。电影开头,欧普拉·温芙瑞扮演的黑人护士安妮到阿拉巴马州法庭完成选民登记,申请表格的“种族”栏里填写的是“Negro”,这个词因歧视意味现在已经不再使用。
接下来登记员要求安妮背诵美国宪法的序言。我对美国政治和历史有一丁点了解,但只能说出序言的开头”我们合众国人民”(We The People of the United States),其他内容可以大致讲出来,无法做到准确背诵。在中国做学生时强记路线、方针、政策、计划的能力到了美国已经基本丧失,这里基本上“转述”(paraphrase)清楚就行,无需标准文本。
安妮的选民登记之难与新移民选民登记之易,最粗略地概括,几十年民权、平权、选举权运动的历史性努力起着关键作用。地理因素也很重要,自由派聚集的都会区与南方偏乡有很大不同。针对共和党在州一级开展的选举法改革,民主党人士以“开历史倒车”回应,包括拜登在内。有的说这是要退至南方推行种族隔离的Jim Crow时代,更有语出惊人者说是要退回到1860年代的美国内战,电影《塞尔玛》中马丁·路德·金等人带着安妮们勇敢抗争获得的权力有可能略微缩水。
5 ) 写在颁奖礼前夜
不过,这部电影好像没有完全讲好这个好故事,我在这里点出两个问题。第一,虽然主角表演很卖力,但配角比主角还惊艳,每个黑人演员表演也很卖力,万万没想到蒂姆·罗斯会饰演州长George Wallace,一出来就那贱贱的样儿。第二,虽然剧情很流畅,但总觉得叙事结构和叙事方式略显单调,而且对这段历史不太了解的国内观众很可能会觉得这部电影有些无聊,比如有的观众会问“I have a dream去哪儿了”,好在配乐对其有所弥补。
另外,这部电影在美国上映时正遇到了弗格森事件等一系列涉嫌种族歧视事件的社会问题,电影结尾曲也提到了弗格森(本人很喜欢John Legend)。广大爱好和平、民主和正义的美国人也正需要这样一部《塞尔玛》去安抚受伤的心灵,在美国好评如潮情理之中。啰嗦一句,可惜啊!贾樟柯的《天注定》······
(PS: 这是本人第一篇豆瓣影评,近来豆瓣水军太多,不喜勿喷。)
6 ) Response to Selma
Response to Selma
Last week, I went to see the movie Selma in the theater. The reason I went to watch this movie is not because I wanted to watch it, but because I needed to get the extra credit for my EWRT 2 English class. Before I went to the theater, I watched the trailer of this movie, so I basically knew that this movie was about Martin Luther King, Jr. I only knew a little bit about Martin Luther King, Jr., who was the leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement and delivered his famous “I have a Dream” speech. I guessed that the movie might be about what happened before and after Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous speech. After watching the movie, I was surprised because this movie talked more about the speech, and it made me feel touched since it talked about the conflicts, struggles, and feelings of people. I think Selma is an amazing and meaningful movie to watch because of its story, actors, and emotion.
The story of this movie talked about how African American people fought for their voting right and freedom by expressing conflicts between different positions of people and feelings of them, so I think this movie is a meaningful movie. In the movie, it basically talked about how Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed to Congress to pass the bill in order to protect the voting right of African American people. Besides, the movie showed a few main characters of the movement in the past, such as, Martin Luther King, Jr., his wife, the thirty-sixth president of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson, and the governor of Alabama, George Wallace, etc. There were scenes that were showing speeches, demonstrations, and the brutal repressions of police. In addition, there were political conflicts between many different groups of people, such as Martin Luther King, Jr.’s non-violent movement, leaders of students, the President Lyndon B. Johnson’s white house, Alabama’s governor George Wallace, and the police of Selma. Since this movie talks about African Americans fought for their freedom and the right to vote, which is an important political history to Americans; also, people should watch this movie and learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his movement.
Selma not only has a good story, but also has a group of amazing actors who tried their best to successfully act their characters. David Oyelowo is the actor who played the role of Martin Luther King, Jr. I do not know how the real Martin Luther King, Jr. looks like. Even though Oyelowo did not particularly copy Martin Luther King, Jr., the way that he gave out the speech had the feeling and momentum of the real Martin Luther King, Jr. Also, Oyelowo really focused on some small details of Martin Luther King, Jr., which made me feel like that Oyelowo was exactly the Martin Luther King, Jr. in the movie. Moreover, Tim Roth played the role of the governor of Alabama, George Wallace. Also, Roth played this character successfully, and some words that he said make me laugh. Besides, the version of Tom Wilkinson’s President Lyndon B. Johnson is very good (“Selma (2014) Full Cast & Crew”). In the movie, President Lyndon B. Johnson became one of resistance of the bill advancing because the movie showed that the right to vote was not his primary political issues and goals, and he thought that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s movement hindered his agenda. However, he started to support what Martin Luther King, Jr. did and said after hearing the criticism and encouragement from Martin Luther King, Jr. In my opinion, Wilkinson did a great job of playing his version of President Lyndon B. Johnson. I think the President actually wanted to pass the legislation, but he did not have enough power to do it, and Martin Luther King, Jr. gave him the power or enlarged his power to pass the bill. Furthermore, there were a lot of powerful supporting actors, such as the film producer Oprah played a supporting character who wanted to vote, but could not vote in the movie. Also, Cuba Gooding Jr. acted a lawyer who only showed up twice in the movie. Even though there are many famous actors who played supporting characters in the movie, I think they did a good job to expressing each character’s emotions, and I respect them. Therefore, this movie Selma has a group of powerful and famous actors, and they all did a good job to perform in this movie.
The movie Selma is an amazing movie, and it made a lot of people feel touched. When I went into the theater, there were a lot of African Americans and a few white people, and there were some Asian people like me. I could not pay my attention at the beginning of the movie because an African American little girl who sat in the front row kept laughing. When Tim Roth showed up at the scene, she laughed even harder than before. I did not know this girl, and I had no idea what she laughed about. Suddenly, I heard an old man walked up to her and said to the little girl, “Little girl, you better be quiet. I have been waiting this movie for many years.” I could feel how much the old man cared about this movie, and I knew that he really wanted to watch this movie carefully and intently. Also, I was glad that the little girl did not laugh again, so I could pay my attention on the movie. After two and a half hours, the movie ended with John Legend’s new song Glory, which was a nice song because I think this song helped me understand the feelings of the movie better. Suddenly, I saw the old man stood up, and he said out loud, “Remember Michael Brown, Remember Eric Garner. Our parade is not over yet.” I did not know this old man, and I did not really pay attention to what he said about. I thought this movie encouraged him something. Later, I did some research about what the old man said, and I found out that the two names that he mentioned were two African Americans who were dead because of some unfair reasons. Therefore, this movie made people sympathy because some people knew the feeling of inequality of people of color; also, I am an Asian, and some white people have treated me unfairly or looked down at me.
This amazing movie not only made people touched, but also made me sympathy. In fact, I cried and laughed while I was watching the movie. Sometimes, there were funny scenes and dialogues that made me laugh right after some scenes made me cried. The reason I became sympathy about this movie is not only because of its powerful speech and memorable scenes, but also because I could directly feel the sadness, fear, anger, or determinations of the characters in the movie. I could see the struggles of how people fought for their freedom and equality and the feeling of how they really wanted the right to vote and freedom. Each actor put lots of emotions and effort to perform the characters, and each staff who worked behind the scenes tried their best to produce an amazing movie. Also, the background music helped me a lot to understand the feelings of the scenes. Therefore, staffs and actors put a lot of efforts into the movie, and they produced a wonderful movie that truly expresses the emotions of each character in the movie., which made me touched.
From my point of view, I think people should go to watch this movie Selma because of its story, a group of powerful actors who accomplished their tasks on performing each character, and a group of staffs who put many efforts into the movie. This movie talked about an important political history that Martin Luther King, Jr. led a group of people to fight for the right to vote and freedom of African American. Also, there were a lot of powerful and famous actors who played main or supporting characters in the movie, and all of them perfectly accomplished their jobs to express each character’s feeling. Furthermore, staffs behind the scenes put music, set up the scenes, and edited the movie in order to make the movie powerful and emotional. Therefore, I think this movie is a very meaningful movie, and we should produce more movies like Selma.
Work Cited
“Selma (2014) Full Cast & Crew” Imdb. IMDb.com, Inc., 2014. Web. 14 March 2015.
3.5. vs Lincoln-2012 、Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom-2013,过程都是比较流水账的,阵容和结尾动人。
在美国的电影院的观影结束后 我经历了人生中全体观众为一部电影掌声雷动 我是个愚昧的观众 不关心所谓的政治正确奥斯卡脸谱化 我只知道五十年后的今天 我可以和白人黑人共同在同一个舒适的电影院看到这部电影 这就是金博士和当时所有有良知的美国人的胜利
喜欢它的摄影和配乐 主人公精彩的演绎使得主旋律更加深入人心 更有震慑力和感染力
众星捧月... 政治任务很重,黑人演员们都是在呕心沥血的演啊... 林登·约翰逊对内的政绩不错,就是越战搞得很失败。这部片也顺便把他吹捧了一遍。4星
拍得中规中矩,适合用来了解历史参照当下。“If anyone had a right to believe that this democracy did not work, and could not work, it was those Americans. Our ancestors. They were on the receiving end of a democracy that had fallen short all their lives. And yet, instead of giving up, they joined together and said somehow, some way, we are going to make this work.”
在电影院里直接Déjà vu了,实在是太套路化的民权片啊,恍恍惚惚就像看过一样。 其实美国现在的种族问题也没改观啊,看弗格森骚乱的起因,和60年代有差吗?(烂番茄98%的“政治正确”真让人反感...)
history professor 说 lyndon johnson 其实是 pro-civil rights
重现65年马丁路德金的“塞尔玛游行”,几十英里的路,真的由他们的鲜血铺成... 虽然为了突出King的伟人特质,其他的政客都被或多或少地脸谱化了(尤其总统林顿约翰逊),但看见那么多真实的人在为了自己的宪法权利不惜流血牺牲,实在感动!如果说这也是“主旋律”,那我愿意看更多这种的