戈达尔哲学 估计有不少人会对戈达尔剧中的哲学部分望而却步,但是电影并不是无聊的,只是观影体验比较差,至少第一遍时是这样。如果说昆汀的话唠像睡前的催眠音乐一样自然,那么戈达尔的哲学就像睡前播英语听力一样折磨。戈达尔和特吕弗都是我比较喜欢的导演,穷苦出身的特吕弗会很贴近现实,或者说直接取材于现实,而影片也是为观众服务的,特吕弗会将将一个哲学命题讲得浅显易懂。而富家子弟的戈达尔明显拍摄的花样更丰富,哲学讨论也更开放,这种开放和它主题并不明晰有关。特吕弗的生活气息,戈达尔对生活深层次思考,都令人着迷。 Porthors的悲剧 剧中讲了一个Porthors的悲剧,他在前20年的生活中都没有思考,在他引爆地窖的炸药时,却开始思考认识如何走路的,以致于他不会走路了而被炸毁的地窖砸死了。我想起另外一个也比较贴合的故事,民国一个作家写的,忘记是谁了。一个酒店的老板卖的黄酒都是兑过水的,然后一个工人时每次发钱都会来喝一碗,过年的时候酒店老板良心发现没有兑水,结果工人喝完一碗酒回家时直接闷在路上然后被车轧死了。而《随心所欲》也差不多讲了一个类似的悲剧,娜娜从售货员变成了妓女,在她遇到爱的人生活将要重回正轨的时候,她被杀了。有时候做了正确的决定,想要重回正确的道路时,因为命运还有走的路太弯了,反而起了反作用,这就是Porthors式的悲剧吧 存在主义妓女 “我举手,我有责任;我转头我有责任;我不高兴,我有责任;我抽烟,我有责任;我闭上眼睛,我有责任; 即使我忘了我有责任,可我仍有责任。”这全然是存在主义的主张,而当时正是萨特的思想最火热的时候,不怎么思考的娜娜也受了这样的风潮的影响,存在主义其实是一种生活方式,一种人生观,它并不解释世界是什么样,只指导你应当如何选择自己的人生。而信奉存在主义的人,必然是一个独一无二的人,而这也与娜娜与男友的争执相符,娜娜想被认为是与众不同的,而男友说他认为每个人都是一样的。不过与众不同的人确实是令人着迷的。 语言 “突然间我不知道要说些什么;我常常出现这种状况:我知道我想说什么了,我在想那是不是我所想的,但就当要说的时候,我就说不出来了。”这种痛苦不就是《挪威的森林》里直子的痛苦吗,像是隔着柱子追逐合适的语言。“话说的越多,话意味着越少”,这用后面的话解释,我们的表达是不准确的,并不能完全传递真实,而话语中的错误和说谎还是不一样的,而话说的越多,错误的累积甚至已经超过最初的一句话,所以说“话说的越多,话意味着越少。”而解决的办法则是借黑格尔和康德的话“让我们回归生命的本质,让我们明白只有认清了错误才可获知真相。” 其实我觉得语言是在进化中的,从最初的手势等肢体语言,再到后面的口语,再到后面的文字,语言在表达中的准确性是逐步提高的。而进化中也意味着还有再进化的可能,而进化的动力源于需求,就现在而言或许还没有特别大的需求,即使男女之间,团体之间常常因为语言传递带来的偏差而产生误会,但是还没有到达阻碍生产力发展的地步。不过我想在人们可以通过脑电波提取脑中语言的技术成熟之后,或许就能催生出新的需要更准确的形式。
“我想告诉你,你是无处可逃的。everything is beautiful,你需要的仅仅是对某事产生兴趣。”
Nana: Why are you reading?
Parain: It's my job.
Nana: It's odd. Suddenly I don't know what to say; it often happens to me. I know what I want to say. I think about whether it is what I mean. But when the moment comes to speak, I can't say it.
Parain: Yes, of course. You've read the Three Musketeers?
Nana: I saw the film, why?
Parain: Because in it, Porthos, this is really in Twenty Years Later, Porthos, all strong, a little stupid, he has never thought in his life. He has to place a bomb in the cellar to blow it up. He does it. He places the bomb, lights the fuse, then he runs away of course. But suddenly he begins to think. What about? How is it possible to put one foot before the other? You must have thought about that too. So he stops running. He can't go on. He can't move forward. The bomb explodes, the cellar fell on him. He holds it up with his shoulder. But after a day, or maybe two, he is crushed to death. The first time he thought, it killed him.
Nana: Why did you tell me that story?
Parain: No reason, just to talk.
Nana: Why must one always talk? Often one shouldn't talk, but live in silence. The more one talks, the less words mean.
Parain: Perhaps. But can one?
Nana: I don't know.
Parain: I've found that we can't live without talking.
Nana: I'd like to live without talking.
Parain: Yes, it would be nice, wouldn't it? Like loving one another more. But it isn't possible.
Nana: But why? Words should express just what one wants to say. Do they betray us?
Parain: But we betray them, too. One should be able to express oneself. It has been done in writing. Think: someone like Plato, can still be understood - he can. Yet he wrote in Greek, 2,500 years ago. No one really know the language, at least not exactly. Yet something get through, so we should be able to express ourselves. And we must.
Nana: Why must we? To understand each other?
Parain: We must think, and for thoughts, we need words. There's no other way to think. To communicate, one must talk, that is our life.
Nana: Yes, but it is very difficult. I think life should be easy. Your talk of the Three Musketeers may make a good story, but it's terrible.
Parain: Yes, but it's a pointer. I believe, one learns to talk well only when one has renounced life for a time. That's the price.
Nana: So, to speak is fatal?
Parain: Speaking is almost a resurrection in relation to life. Speech is another life from when one does not speak. So, to live in speech, one must pass through the death of life without speech. I may not be putting it clearly, but there's a kind of ascetic rule that stops one from taking well until one sees life with detachment.
Nana: But one can't live everyday life with... I don't know
Parain: With detachment. We balance, that's why we pass from silence to words. We swing between the two because it's the movement of life. From everyday life one rises to a life we call superior, the thinking life. But this life presupposes one has killed the everyday too elementary life.
Nana: Then thinking and talking are the same thing?
Parain: So I believe. Plato said so, it's an old idea. One cannot distinguish the thought from the words that express it. An instant of thought can only be grasped through words.
Nana: So one must talk and risk lying?
Parain: Lies too, are part of our quest. Errors and lies are very similar.
Nana: (Tries to interrupt)
Parain: I don't mean ordinary lies, like I promise to come tomorrow, but I don't, as I didn't want to. You see, those are ploys. But a subtle lie is a little different from an error. One searches and can't find the right word. That's why you didn't know what to say. You were afraid of not finding the right word, that's the explanation.
Nana: How can one be sure of having found the right word?
Parain: One must work. It needs an effort. One must speak in a way that is right, doesn't hurt, says what has to be said, does what has to be done, without hurting or bruising.
Nana: One must try to be in good faith. Someone told me: "There is truth in everything, even in error."
Parain: That's true. France didn't see it in the seventeenth century. They thought one could avoid error, and what's more, that one can live directly in the truth. It isn't possible. Hence Kant, Hegel, Germany philosophy: to bring us back to life, and makes us see that we must pass through error to arrive at the truth.
Nana: What do you think about love?
Parain: The body had to come into it. Leibnitz introduced the contingent. Contingent truths and necessary truths make up life. German philosophy showed us that in life, one thinks with the servitudes and errors of life. One must manage with that, that's true.
Nana: Shouldn't love be the only truth?
Parain: For that, love would always have to be true. Do you know anyone who knows at once what he loves? No. When you are twenty you don't know. All you know are bits and pieces, you make arbitrary choices. Your "I love" is an impure affair. But to completely at one with what you love you need maturity. That means searching, that is the truth of life. That's why love is a solution, on condition that it is true.
字幕来源: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUp_du3awI0
与Nana交谈的学者为法国哲学家 Brice Parain (Courcelles-sous-Jouarre, 10 March 1897 - 20 March 1971 ) //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brice_Parain
8.4 十二幕剧,正侧面看个遍,就后脑朝着你,妓女行业介绍,绕台球室独舞。她看圣女贞德看哭了,她不是个妓女,她是个存在主义妓女。
[2019年10月戈达尔√] 奖项收割机时期的戈达尔。可能做得最有趣的还是声音,技巧用的比较节制(跟他最具挑衅的片子比起来)但是不少地方依然很新颖(旁白、音乐、完全静场等等用的都很不错,皮条客朗读法国妓女现状那段太讽刺了,戈达尔应该自己还担任了一段配音[imdb显示未署名])。除了有趣的小标题之外还用到了字幕技巧。把女主角的脸跟德莱叶的[圣女贞德的激情]混剪非常好。最后拐到存在主义哲学探讨上其实有些跑偏了。
Godard月,16号晚在BFI终于见到了我多年女神Anna Karina,一位健谈、和蔼可亲又有趣的女士,对了话,如梦似幻……
“说话越多,没有意义的话也就越多…不用说话也能生活,一想到这点我就觉得很惊讶” 第二部戈达尔,感受好一点了…喜欢“吹气球”、“桌球室跳舞”、“妓院抽烟”三场戏。娜娜的美,是镜头都不足以构画的!