• 点击色块切换皮肤



    主演:张国立  葛优  范冰冰  徐帆  韩童生  黄素影  杨欣  张涵予  范伟  张鹭  咏梅  赵奎娥  李连义  郭百利  





    手机2003 剧照 NO.1手机2003 剧照 NO.2手机2003 剧照 NO.3手机2003 剧照 NO.4手机2003 剧照 NO.5手机2003 剧照 NO.6手机2003 剧照 NO.13手机2003 剧照 NO.14手机2003 剧照 NO.15手机2003 剧照 NO.16手机2003 剧照 NO.17手机2003 剧照 NO.18手机2003 剧照 NO.19手机2003 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2024-06-03 00:38


      著名电视谈话节目《有一说一》的主持人严守一(葛优)在去电视台录节目时,把手机忘在家中,手机中所藏的他与情人的秘密被妻子余文娟发现,后者想起他人前人后的两张脸时,觉得婚姻失去意义,提出离婚。不久,戏剧学院台词课教师沈雪(徐帆)成为严守一新女友,两人度过一段快乐时光后,沈雪发现严守一的手机响铃方式由震铃改成了震动,产生猜疑和嫉妒。  原来严守一一直割舍不掉秘密情人——某出版社女编辑武月(范冰冰)。武月在火车餐车上与严守一偶然相遇后,开始对他穷追不舍,要他为出版社写书。因为武月能帮下岗的妻子余文娟找工作,严守一答应下来,不久两人成为情人。而为了不让沈雪发现武月的存在,严守一开始不断对沈雪说谎,生活朝一团糟糕方向发展。


     1 ) 《手机》观后感








     2 ) 太过接近现实的幽默,少用









     3 ) Cell Phone and the Cinema of Infidelity

            Cell Phone (2003) marks the culmination of the popular cultural preoccupation with infidelity. A famous TV talk show host Yan Shouyi, tries without success to maintain the delicate network of lies and concealments that allow him to have two different mistresses in addition to his estranged wife.
            The story starts in a small town where the town’s first telephone, which signifies the modernization in China, has just been installed. In a small village nearby, a young man Yan Shouyi takes a peasant woman to the town to make a phone call to her husband. About twenty years later, the middle-aged Yan Shouyi has already become a popular TV talk show host in a big city, owning a wife, a nice job, a BMW, and a mistress. His life and work would not have taken this path if he had not been equipped with a cell phone, the latest wireless communication technology. But the Cell Phone also causes the end of his marriage: his wife accidentally answers a phone call from his mistress complaining about his absence from a date.
            After getting a divorce, Yan starts a new relationship with a college teacher, Shen Xue, while still occasionally dating his old mistress, Wu Yue. On the several occasions when his double life is about to be discovered by Shen, Yan deftly covers the truth with lies. His close friend Fei Muo, a university professor and producer for his television show, is also involved in a similar love affair with a graduate student, which is soon discovered by his wife. Eventually, Yan’s infidelity is discovered by Shen who sees a digital picture of Yan and Wu making love, a picture taken by the digital camera built into Wu’s new cell phone. Not only is Yan’s relationship destroyed, his career also ends as Wu threatens to expose their relationship and takes over his position as the talk show host. At the end of the film, throwing his cell phone into fire, Yan swears that he will never again own one. Then after a dip-to-black, the film welcomes a second ending, Yan’s niece, who is also from the same village, becomes a cell phone saleswoman and comes to demonstrate the latest product to his uncle Yan. (Zhang, 135)
            Given the obvious Marxist bent of Cell Phone’s rhetoric and its fable-like narrative of the dangers of commodity fetishism, one might easily conclude the film as criticism of the effects of rapid economic transformation in urban China, and denial of male dominance. However, underneath this reading which is merely based on the resolution provided by the film, we can find both the cultural underpinning and ideological impacts of the film, whether they are conscious directorial decisions or not, are the other way around.
            The film is based on patriarchal and post-socialist assumptions in the first place. The leading character, wealthy, successful TV host Yan Shouyi, is representing the controlling patriarchal order and the ruling class. The young and charming mistress Wu Yue, on the other hand, is a sexual object and an oppressed worker reinforcing and perpetuating an exploitative capitalistic scheme. Yu Wenjuan, the pregnant wife and later the mother of Yan’s only child, is a cheap labor whose family value in undertaking housework and fostering children is totally underestimated and neglected by both the character Yan and the filmmaker Feng. Shen Xue, the successor of Yu and Wu, is a wonderful replacement of the two women, since she functions as both mistress and wife and has the highest total value. Therefore, marriage and divorce follow the rules of product exchange. The values of women as sexual commodities are estimated by their male owner, based on evaluation and grading of their sexual attractiveness and productivity among others.
            In the second place, the narration neglects and degrades women’s family values.
    While there are scenes of Yan Shouyi working at the TV station and attending meeting with his colleagues, which confirms his value in production, there is hardly any scene of the women working. In addition, among the values of women, the four structures proposed by Mitchell, sexuality is emphasized against reproduction, and socialization. While there are a lot of scenes of Yan Shouyi flirting and having fun with her young and passionate mistress Wu Yue, there is hardly any scene of him and the older and less attractive wife spending time together. The cinematic representation of the reproduction process of Yan’s first wife is almost absent in the film. Having been pregnant for months, Yu Wenjuan did not inform her husband at all, and Yan is only informed several months after divorce by his ex-brother-in-law that his first wife had already given birth to their baby and needs money from him.
            Hiding behind socialization of children and the new motherhood are deeper oppressions of women. Spending a lot of time and energy nurturing the kid, the woman Yu did not get the compensation in improving her own social status; instead she lost her job in the big city after she went back to her hometown. As the value of socialization of children is often neglected by the society, this part of the plot is also omitted in the film, and is only told through Yan’s narration, serving as an obstacle that hinders and adds drama to Yan’s women pursuing career. As her value looks invisible, Yan replaces his first wife not with his mistress whose value only lies in sexuality, but with a beautiful college professor Shen Xue who seems to be a more serious and proper wife candidate, but also has the sexual disposition of a mistress.
            From Yan’s perspective, all the three women can be valued on a materialistic basis. Women become commodities, and their sexual attractiveness, job, education status are all counted in their exchange value while man is the buyer who has the right of choice because of his economic power and dominance in a patriarchal society.
            Extramarital relationship is a fatal violation of Chinese social norms and a tradition that often punishes the woman for such “immoral transgression” (Cui 181). In Cell Phone, the mistress Wu Yue, became the conflict's cause and the incarnation of immorality instead of the Male character Yan Shouyi. As an advanced prostitute, she would love to sell her body in exchange for money and power. And, ultimately, she threatens to replace Yan Shouyi as a television talk show host by using the photo she took in her cell phone. Thus, Yan Shouyi becomes the victimized character pitied by the audiences instead of the evil woman.
            The resolution of the film, Yan Shouyi’s abandoning of the cell phone, which may seem like a self-criticism, is actually a displacement and denial of the guilt and regret by reprimanding the modern technology and communication device. Cell phone becomes the scapegoat for Yan Shouyi, the hypocritical and immoral character, and therefore the patriarchal and capitalist order behind the story, which was supposedly to be criticized, is actually being extended sympathy.
            Depicted as the direct cause of all the conflicts between the protagonist and the three female characters, cell phone, the symbol of post-socialist modernity seems to be criticized. Rui concludes that Cell Phone addresses the subject through the director’s satirical take on consumerism and his exposure of the moral crises and ethical issues brought by expansion of high technology into our everyday lives (Zhang, 136). However, in the first 90 minutes of the film, a fantasy of the patriarchal and post-socialist (capitalist) utopia was already created for the male audiences: mistress as a symbol and accessory of urban success. Female audiences were also given a utilitarian fantasy integrated with the narcissistic and masochistic visual pleasure: being someone’s mistress is the shortcut to wealth and success. Thus, the film belittles the value of women, and denies women's independent existential meaning.
            In addition to the narrative constructed to propagate the attractive image of the “successful personage” that has represented the “new ideology” of contemporary China, an image that endorses a reality of growing class differences and income disparities, Feng Xiaogang adopts a lot of meta-cinematic elements in Cell Phone to offset the seriousness of his own criticism, a technique abundantly used in his early films. There are ample shots within the TV station, such as the staff operating camera, and outtakes of the TV host Yan who says his lines wrong, that remind the audiences to question the authenticity of their own movie watching experience. There is also a lot of inserting advertisements for cell phones that deconstructs the movie’s final critical stance towards post-socialist modernity. As the audiences identify and follow the male protagonist throughout the film, they highly enjoy and celebrate his material wealth and “romantic affairs” brought about by his professional success in the patriarchal and post-socialist order. In the meantime, they also accept a message that all women, whether they are educated or not, college professor or press editor, wife or mistress, are all annexed to the life of men.
            As McGrath noticed, the basic narrative structure of Cell Phone already had become so common by the end of the 1990s as to constitute a cinematic genre in itself, a genre that offers fable-like narratives of the moral dilemmas confronted by protagonists facing dramatic changes in personal economics as well as libidinal possibilities in the reform era. In such films, a man takes on one or more extramarital lovers after achieving some sort of economic success and social elevation (McGrath, 98). In many cases, a man’s ability to defy his wife is supported by both his male role and some sort of economic success. Even though these films reveal the social issues of the oppression of women, they neither provide a solution nor hold a feministic point of view that attempt to liberate women. Instead, they stand in line with the successful male protagonists, and celebrate the current patriarchal and post-socialist status quo. In a word, these films are women-concerned, but not at all feminist films.
            Supposedly a subgenre of family melodrama that aims to criticize the social immorality and educate the audiences, the actual impact of the “cinema of infidelity” is rather doubtful. An example is the sex diary scandal of Han Feng, the former senior tobacco official, which culminates the “mistress fashion” in 2010. Even more dramatic than Feng’s films, the purported diary, written in graphic detail, includes boasts that Han was enjoying sex romps with many different women while taking bribes and attending banquets. Populated by Internet users, Han’s case is just one in a million of the government officials and the privileged stratum in Mainland China.

     4 ) 七十年代人的爱情观







     5 ) 男人,有个女人等你回家






























     6 ) 你最近还回来么?









    牛三斤 牛三斤 你的对象叫吕桂花 吕桂花叫我问问你 最近你还要回来吗

  • 哪吒男
  • 推荐
  • 冯小刚的电影总能直击人心,讽刺中的现实,戏谑中的悲哀。

  • 遇见彩虹🌈
  • 推荐
  • 时隔十几年依然觉得这部电影仍然具备现实意义。

  • 斑斑点点
  • 推荐
  • 当年刚开始出现手机,人与人之间的距离限制一下子就没有了,可是靠得太近,也很容易产生矛盾。没有手机的时候无论自己干什么,也没有人来打扰而且无人知晓,可是因为手机,人与人之间架起了一种直接的联系,做过的事情也没有办法轻易摆脱了。当下更需要这一部电影的价值观,智能手机的普及、视频通话的兴盛,这些东西都把我们每个人拉得太近了,我微信设置了自动拒绝语音通话,这也被我身边的人说过很多次,有的人也说我不正常,所以有事儿能直接给我发消息可以不要一个语音通话直接甩过来吗?但是这部电影我还是感觉缺了什么,因为讲的是出轨,这本身就是一件亏心事儿,把出轨被发现的缘由安在了手机上面,我也感觉手机有点冤枉。

  • 高詩遠
  • 较差
  • 弹幕说“聪明的女人闭一只眼 愚蠢的女人亲手毁掉婚姻”、“知道的越多越伤心”、“查账单的女人有病”…弹幕确实和剧情一样讽刺 请问要这样的人渣有何用 要这样畸形的爱情有何意义 送一首歌给各位渣大爷:啊人渣再见 啊人渣再见 人渣再见吧再见吧再见吧

  • 鹿知山
  • 推荐
  • 「处心积虑证明在乎你。」这种谎言的遮羞布还真是张口就来啊。这部电影中的男性都花心,女性都悲哀。相对于“正房”们刨根问底的自寻烦恼,反倒是武月显得通透。知道自己需要什么,也知道自己得不到什么。青岛旅馆里那一滴泪来得很灵,画龙点睛,让武月成为这部电影中最鲜活的配角。

  • 木由
  • 推荐
  • 真的是把生活展现在舞台上,我们感情生活并不轰轰烈烈,但平凡的生活却处处是陷阱

  • 蓝下老婆
  • 推荐
  • 国产电影中有一股风气,就是痞子当道,鉴于编剧、导演的水平和格局,拍出来的净是些劈腿啊睡学生啊这种流氓才会干的事情。这部片就算其一。

  • 木森林
  • 还行
  • 这片把男人那点儿秘密都说出来了,戏谑之余,确实有可挖掘的东西,冯小刚最有内容的一部片子~~

  • 战国客
  • 力荐
  • 冯小刚很多老电影拿到今天依然很有意义

  • 大島
  • 推荐
  • 真实的讽刺了当下社会现实,我个人感觉教育意义大于故事本身!

  • 元宝宝
  • 还行
  • 最近因为手机2掀起轩然大波,所以又回看一下这部片子。感觉剧本还是很扎实的,确实有影射崔的意思,不怪小崔郁闷了

  • 世界尽头
  • 推荐
  • 《手机》的手机过时了,《手机》的故事却不会过时,人的贪婪、懦弱、背叛在科技时代只会被放大,有人把电影当喜剧看,我却觉得能当警示恒言看

  • Indecent time
  • 力荐
  • 至今仍觉得这是冯小刚最好的片子,因为提出了时代问题,接地气,不乱甩段子卖贫嘴,当然大部分要归功于刘震云的原作。徐帆的表演风格恰好对了这个角色,后面片子都过火,跟冯导的心气儿一样。

  • 陈楸帆
  • 力荐
  • 你看看冯小刚电影的现实意义,多么深重啊~里面的范爷多么威武啊~

  • 中雪君
  • 力荐
  • 范姐姐最高~~~~

  • 崇子
  • 推荐
  • 最近因为崔永元的事情看了一下这部电影。就电影本身来说拍的不错,至于崔与冯的恩怨,还是支持崔。这事儿,还是冯导做的不地道在先。打交道嘛,有来有往,你不地道就别怪别人对你不好。

  • 五哥
  • 还行
  • 电影本身拍的还可以,但是影射抹黑别人的做法的确不地道

  • 潇湘烟雨
  • 较差
  • 牛三斤,牛三斤。

  • 大头绿豆
  • 推荐
  • 片子本身可以,不评价。小时候只看到过结尾,也不知影射谁,心想是多大仇撕成这样?刚刚看完全片改变了看法,我要是崔,能把他们撕出银河系。

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