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    更新时间:2024-04-11 05:24




     1 ) 日军致命失误在瓜岛

    太平洋战争的转折点真不是中途岛啊,与双方实力无关,完全是老美运气好,日本真正的失败源自6个月之久的瓜岛争夺战,如果不是日本人的意气用事,直接放弃瓜岛,而是在所罗门群岛再建几个简易机场,局面完全不同啊! 要知道日军最初只派一个支队不足千人来夺瓜岛,但6个月里日军联合舰队损失了三分之一,陆军损失一个旅团和精锐的仙台师团,而掘井旅团翻越3500米海拔的几内亚中部山脉到达莫尔兹比门口时被迫放弃又返回莱城,否则新几内亚全境伦陷,澳大利亚也就完了! 43年美军在太平洋都开始反攻了,塔拉瓦之战仍是惨不忍睹啊

     2 ) 美国的二战


     3 ) 片头罗斯福总统的演说全文


    June 13, 1942

    White House news release.

    Today on Flag Day we celebrate the declaration of the United Nations-that great alliance dedicated to the defeat of our foes and to the establishment of a true peace based on the freedom of man. Today the Republic of Mexico and the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands join us. We welcome these valiant peoples to the company of those who fight for freedom.

    The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of man's needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive him of all these freedoms and he dies-deprive him of a part of them and a part of him withers. Give them to him in full and abundant measure and he will cross the threshold of a new age, the greatest age of man.

    These freedoms are the rights of men of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their heritage, long withheld. We of the United Nations have the power and the men and the will at last to assure man's heritage.

    The belief in the four freedoms of common humanity-the belief in man, created free, in the image of God-is the crucial difference between ourselves and the enemies we face today. In it lies the absolute unity of our alliance, opposed to the oneness of the evil we hate. Here is our heritage, the source and promise of victory.

    We of the United Nations know that our faith cannot be broken by any man or any force. And we know that there are other millions who in their silent captivity share our belief.

    We ask the German people, still dominated by their Nazi whip-masters, whether they would rather have the mechanized hell of Hitler's "New" Order or-in place of that-freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.

    We ask the Japanese people, trampled by their savage lords of slaughter, whether they would rather continue slavery and blood or, in place of them-freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.

    We ask the brave, unconquered people of the nations the Axis invaders have dishonored and despoiled whether they would rather yield to conquerors or-have freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.

    We know the answer. They know the answer. We know that man, born to freedom in the image of God, will not forever suffer the oppressors' sword. The peoples of the United Nations are taking that sword from the oppressors' hands. With it they will destroy those tyrants. The brazen tyrannies pass. Man marches forward toward the light.

    I am going to close by reading you a prayer that has been written for the United Nations on this Day:

    "God of the free, we pledge our hearts and lives today to the cause of all free mankind.

    "Grant us victory over the tyrants who would enslave all free men and nations. Grant us faith and understanding to cherish all those who fight for freedom as if they were our brothers. Grant us brotherhood in hope and union, not only for the space of this bitter war, but for the days to come which shall and must unite all the children of earth.

    "Our earth is but a small star in the great universe. Yet of it we can make, if we choose, a planet unvexed by war, untroubled by hunger or fear, undivided by senseless distinctions of race, color or theory. Grant us that courage and foreseeing to begin this task today that our children and our children's children may be proud of the name of man.

    "The spirit of man has awakened and the soul of man has gone forth. Grant us the wisdom and the vision to comprehend the greatness of man's spirit, that suffers and endures so hugely for a goal beyond his own brief span. Grant us honor for our dead who died in the faith, honor for our living who work and strive for the faith, redemption and security for all captive lands and peoples. Grant us patience with the deluded and pity for the betrayed. And grant us the skill and the valor that shall cleanse the world of oppression and the old base doctrine that the strong must eat the weak because they are strong.

    "Yet most of all grant us brotherhood, not only for this day but for all our years-a brotherhood not of words but of acts and deeds. We are all of us children of earth-grant us that simple knowledge. If our brothers are oppressed, then we are oppressed. If they hunger, we hunger. If their freedom is taken away, our freedom is not secure. Grant us a common faith that man shall know bread and peace-that he shall know justice and righteousness, freedom and security, an equal opportunity and an equal chance to do his best, not only in our own lands, but throughout the world. And in that faith let us march, toward the clean world our hands can make. Amen."

     4 ) 值得一看


     5 ) My reviews of WWII in HD

    1 War is stupid, nobody likes war unless they have to fight for their freedom. The man who was trapped behind the German line. He slit a German soldier's throat in order to keep himself covered. The bad experience lives with him for his whole life.

    2 Those who declared the war never fight for the war. A General said to his troops who were going to Normandy "I know some of you will be alive or dead. This makes no difference because we are going to do it". A soldier responded "It makes no difference to you, sir. But it did to us"

    3 The grueling point of the war is not how many causalities we will have. It is the influence to the civilians especially women and children. During the battle of Saipan, thousands of Japanese civilians committed suicide by jumping off the Banzai cliff because of their emperor told them to. In addition, remember those Jews who died in the German interment Camp.

    4 After German and Janpan surrendered, people celebrated a lot on Times Square and elsewhere. But when the wounded including seriously injured and amputated were finally shipped home nobody celebrated. Everything is normal.

     6 ) 镜头拼凑的故事




  • 天路客
  • 力荐
  • 美帝自说自话的二战历史 远不及欧洲人来得客观、冷静 富于自省和思考~若是看过#兄弟连#和#太平洋战争# 就不必看这部纪录片了~

  • dodofish
  • 还行
  • 美国的角度。从片中可以看到美国当时就已经比欧洲强大了,打仗还带有军衔的纪录片制作人员。

  • 唐错刀
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  • 看完了,有些伤感啊。喜欢这段历史的友邻,推荐你们看看。那些经历过二战的人,他们是卓越的一代,向他们致敬。

  • 蛋丁
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  • 神作

  • d1n6oat
  • 力荐
  • 非常珍贵的视频资料。

  • DatShamShield
  • 力荐
  • 全部是美方视点,而且几乎都是太平洋战争,没有东线和抗日。

  • 黑化的大神
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  • 有些镜头是在是重口味,还发现有孟菲斯美女号的片段。

  • benny715
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  • 普通美国人视角。不如说是高清美国人在二战

  • Die Katze
  • 推荐
  • 完全意义上的美国视角

  • 兑冲鸡精
  • 推荐
  • 有些资料不错,但可惜又是通篇的美军视角,太单一了些

  • 晚安好运©️
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  • 3+

  • 斯多亞
  • 还行
  • shocked

  • 北木
  • 力荐
  • 散漫拖沓的流水账,纯美国视角,客观性与CCAV媲美,实属垃圾中的战斗机

  • Shelly·F·Diary
  • 很差
  • 通过十几个二战老兵的视角来看二战,虽真实但还是琐碎了点,这种手法用在一部战争片中拍一场战役没有问题,但是对于一部重现二战整段历史的纪录片来说显得太小气了。

  • Don't Panic!
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  • 什么叫战争,纪录片看过很多,很恢弘的,很激愤的,很壮烈的。然而这部是唯一一部真正让和平时期的小民们了解什么叫残酷的。心理承受能力较弱者勿入!

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  • Cong
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  • 纪实频道太给力!

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