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    主演:加里·格兰特  多丽丝·黛  吉格·杨  




    春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.1春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.2春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.3春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.4春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.5春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.6春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.13春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.14春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.15春泪溅花红 剧照 NO.16
    更新时间:2023-09-01 14:51




     1 ) [Last Film I Watched] That Touch of Mink (1962)

    Title: That Touch of Mink
    Year: 1962
    Country: USA
    Language: English
    Genre: Comedy, Romance
    Director: Delbert Mann
    Stanley Shapiro
    Nate Monaster
    Music: George Duning
    Cinematography: Russell Metty
    Doris Day
    Cary Grant
    Gig Young
    Audrey Meadows
    John Astin
    Alan Hewitt
    John Fiedler
    Dick Sargent
    Barbara Collentine
    Rating: 6.6/10

    A screwball-inflected US chick-flick pits a blonde bombshell Doris Day against a dapper Cary Grant, under the helm of the Oscar-winner director Delbert Mann. Day plays an NYC career woman Cathy Timberlake, embarks on a seesaw with a wealthy middle-aged man-about-town Philip Shayne (Grant), in their romantic entanglement which the man (naturally) wants to keep it casual but the woman (also naturally and morally correctly) doesn't want to relinquish her virginity before marriage.

    The meet-cute premise is blank beggar belief (the chauffeur of his Rolls Royce must be a sterling matchmaker), but magnificently, the film deploys pleasurable set pieces (whether it is a rash or under the influence of liquor) to sabotage Philip's advances and countervails the frivolousness with Cathy's oscillation, she is endowed with the dream of every wide-eyed bachelorette, courted by a minted knight in shining armor, only in her case, not for marriage but dalliance, and that is her conundrum.

    So, it goes without saying that the cut-the-Gordian-knot solution is to tie the knot, but for an incorrigible bachelor like Philip, Cathy, the destined ultimate victor, needs an operative ploy to jolt him into the action, which is, she pretends to go with another suitor (the unassuming John Astin) to a motel, to make Philip jealous, to make him fight for her, a golden rule to all the girls in the same fix: you must prove yourself to be desirable first and foremost, other virtues can wait afterwards.

    The dialogue is snappy and chirpily facetious as expected, Audrey Meadows is one sterling one-liner thrower as Cathy's roommate-and-best-friend Connie and Gig Young emerges as a repartee-prone right-handed man of Philip, blithely wallows in the gay innuendo, a light-hearted running gag. The two leads, both are too long-in-the-tooth for their characters nevertheless, are a charming match, Day, oozes with pizzazz in her jauntiness and comic rhythm, whereas a genial Grant takes an essentially patronizing role with his de rigueur panache, a job only a bankable matinee idol can excel at.

    In the main, THAT TOUCH OF MINK is a good-natured, tongue-in-the-cheek rom-com, completely at ease with its fine amalgamation of cartoony decorousness and appealing retro-flair, no frippery, no particular insight neither.

    referential points: Delbert Mann's MARTY (1955, 7.4/10), SEPARATE TABLES (1958, 7.6/10); Charles Walters' PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES (1960, 5.2/10).


    xzd 可怜的加里·格兰特是无法弄出故事来的.

  • 喘喘
  • 较差
  • How about late movie? I have an uncle who’s a socialist!太好玩啦

  • iunne
  • 力荐
  • garygrant好可爱 爱情喜剧闹剧曾经那么成熟过?女主傻傻笨笨 男主优质吐槽向 暗黑 还有后人玩无数次的 心理师 毒舌女伴 海外度假 萌萌哒

  • Q这一切的一切
  • 推荐
  • watched it when writing essay, for Cary Grant. But I don't believe the plot.

  • Amberley
  • 较差
  • 这部比较一般 女主角不亮眼也不聪敏 全靠上了年纪的Cary Grant一个人

  • |
  • 还行
  • 傻白甜俘获高富帅,作为多丽丝·戴的影迷和歌迷,叹一句她和加里·格兰特的恋爱不在同一频率。

  • ofelia11
  • 还行
  • 浪漫轻喜剧,我的菜。

  • Choi小雅
  • 力荐
  • 老電影有它的魅力,也有一些文明進步過程中應該被拋棄的垃圾。比如男權夫權主義。

  • 老王909
  • 推荐
  • 2.5 六十年代理想女性,要像小狗服主一样崇拜男的,年轻貌美又有点小聪明

  • .
  • 还行
  • 人在性与金钱面前无一例外既想当婊子又想立牌坊,谁也别嫌弃谁。感觉Day在这时期的rom-com里总演比她实际年龄小太多的角色。男二的片尾笑话和Pillow Talk异曲同工。

  • Caneloni
  • 还行
  • 所以说导演换掉赫德森是错的格兰特这个角色演的德太面瘫完全不请愿的各种走场又有点年纪大,人俩人多配的CP非拆。剧情真是玛丽苏到天际平凡女遇见总裁简直多亏下过雨,整体非常糟糕无感。女配到成了亮点。

  • 了花
  • 较差
  • 你追我我追你的爱情故事,就是演员年纪不是大了一点点。

  • Claudia
  • 还行
  • 上世纪欧美经典荧幕搭配:四五十岁老白男和二三十岁的白女,即使这样这片里男女主一见钟情还是离谱。。还有一贯把资本家吹嘘成关爱老百姓的大慈善家也是传统了

  • 诺亚传说
  • 很差
  • 六十年代初,教育女孩抓住钻石王老五,get married then fight,婚前什么都不要发生。

  • 黄小米
  • 还行
  • luv me like u do, lululuv me like u do

  • reneryu
  • 推荐
  • I have an uncle who is a socialist 哈。DD总给我一种美但太显老的感觉,但她穿黑色礼服真系太美了 - 两人一个快六十,一个四十。床的隐喻非常有趣,真实,仍适用于现代。但是霸总+stray kitten,ugh,no thx。那是伟德体育最新网站卡刚开始普及的年代哦。以及这剧本也配提名最佳原创剧本?是和阿拉伯劳伦斯/知更鸟/意大利离婚/兰闺惊变同年哦。

  • 较差
  • “当一个女孩到了我的年纪并且没有结婚,她不是个哲学家就应该被逮捕”如同以往众多的神经喜剧一样,这部影片的台词有不少也是写的妙语连珠,女配角的演绎很出彩。PS为什么好女孩都想套住老花花公子?!难道是为了迎合观者的心理需求。。。

  • 秦诺诺
  • 还行
  • 霸道总裁与傻白甜原来这么早就有了她好单纯好不做作,娶了她,别让她去祸害别人了

  • 如果云知道
  • 推荐
  • 依然是麻雀变凤凰的故事,只是重点一直在两人为什么没有搞在一起上

  • 桃桃林林
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  • [奥斯卡][彩色]射手中字,上传:@KEVIN

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