1.the first lesson 2.the inspector calls 3the fate worse than death(ugly marriage system) 4all through the night(be locked in the classroom) 5the best things in the life(a mistake of lottery) 6come back all is forgiven(the main character is more popular than the new one) 7the cheating game(practice test) 8better to have loved and lost 9hello sailor(a Russian sailor wanted to be English) 10a point of honor(boxing with other teacher for potcting a student) 11how's ur father(a mistake of the main character's father) 12kill or cure(a bad cold and all the students and the headmaster came to visit the main character) although it is not difficult to find that this TV program wanted to say English culture is better than lots of other cultures in the world,this TV program still have many advantages like it makes people do not afraid of English learning in a way.
太搞笑了,迫不及待就一次性看完了,一个英语补习班上的故事,一集二十几分钟第一季总共也才13集就把每个人物特点都交代清楚,人物特征也很鲜明:极其耐心负责任和倒霉的Brown老师,比较刻薄的Miss Courtney,两个经常斗劲的巴基斯坦穆斯林Ali和口头禅“Thousand apologize!”印度锡克教Ranjeet,喜欢勾引Brown老师的法国美女Danielle,只有为了赢得法国美女Danielle青睐的时候才会争论的意大利人Giovanni和希腊人Maximillian,严肃和喜欢肘击Max的东德人Anna,一直织毛衣的北印度人Jamila和她的把老毛随时挂嘴边的中国同桌Su-Lee,毕恭毕敬每次站起来都要鞠躬的日本老先生Taro,还有个人认为最逗的学生,真没听到或是故意装听不见老是"Por Favor?"的西班牙大胡子Juan,以及Sid和Gladys,出场时间虽然不多也承包了不少笑点。反正是一部笑点密集,吃饭时候慎看的喜剧片,我已经不小心喷过两次饭了哈哈哈……
My feet are killing me.
之前见过的类似表达是:My dogs are killing me.
▍首先查询俚语词典Urban Dictionary,可以找到这个条目:
dogs可以指“a person's feet”,可还是没有说明缘由。
▍接着查询词源网站Online Etymology Dictionary:
此时终于有了一点头绪,“feet”,from rhyming slang dog's meat.
▍什么是rhyming slang呢?来看维基百科的解释:
Rhyming slang is a form of slang word construction in the English language that uses rhyme. It is especially prevalent in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. It started in the early 19th century in the East End of London; hence its alternative name, Cockney rhyming slang. In America, it is used in the underworld, where it is known as Australian slang. The construction of rhyming slang involves replacing a common word with a phrase of two or three words, the last of which rhymes with the original word; then, in almost all cases, omitting, from the end of the phrase, the secondary rhyming word (which is thereafter implied), making the origin and meaning of the phrase elusive to listeners not in the know. ——Wikipedia
这里还有一个简明易懂的rhyming slang示例:
The form that is followed is made clear with the following example. The rhyming phrase"apples and pears" evolved to mean "stairs". Following the pattern of omission, "and pears" is dropped, thus the spoken phrase "I'm going up the apples" means "I'm going up the stairs". ——Wikipedia
▍更多关于rhyming slang的故事和例子,可以在以下网站找到:
http://www.cockneyrhymingslang.co.uk/ http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/cockney-rhyming-slang.html //www.le.ac.uk/ee/glossaries/2008/cockney/index.html
其中第一个网站十分可爱有趣,里面还有一个Cockney translator的小工具。
▍发现rhyming slang通常是指Cockney rhyming slang之后,我马上想起了这部英剧Mind Your Language,该剧讲述的是一群异国学生在伦敦某学校学习英语的喜剧故事。剧中有一个看门人Sid,他在剧中经常使用这种rhyming slang,使得在这个学校学习英语的各国学生摸不着头脑,不明白Sid在说什么。
学校的英语老师Mr. Brown不得不给大家解释:
没错,看门人Sid告诉我们,plates of meat可以指“feet”。那么dog's meat呢?
▍查询维基词典,可以发现用dog's meat表示feet的说法是真实存在的:
在Londontopia网站上,也有一篇文章Language: Top 100 Cockney Rhyming Slang Words and Phrases,列出了一些相似的Cockney rhyming slang,同样出现了dog's meat和feet:
回到最初,My feet/ dogsare killing me. 从feet到dogs,再到dog's meat,这部剧带给观众的乐趣,不仅在剧中,也在剧外。
— END —
Por favor.
看老剧最让人难受的不是渣画质 不是糙布景 是喜欢上某个温暖帅气的演员时发现他已经不在了。
看完之后,开始喜欢:笑嘻嘻的说blimey, 笑嘻嘻的双手合十摇摇头说a thousand apologies, 笑嘻嘻的一摊手说por favor,一脸天真的说santa maria!!
日不落帝国的梦。por favor?
Barry Evans讓我想起誰呢? | 早生了四十年啊barry
Ali:I was looking where I am going.Mr.Brown:I wasn't looking where I was going.悼念Barry Evans,同时悼念《是,首相/大臣》中Hacker、Humphrey的演员。
仿佛一下子英语提升了好多,而且学会了好多其他外语。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,虽然笑点有些刻板,不过看下来真是好快乐,每个人都这么傻傻的好可爱。Françoise Pascal 头几集觉得特别臭美,到后面越来越好玩;Barry Evans 生平真的好凄惨,嘤嘤嘤~~ 谢谢花花❤
仅以无数次笑声,献给伟大的情景剧演员Barry Evans。愿天堂如课堂温暖,永不孤独。
Por favor? Blimey! A thousand apologies! Ah so.Santa Maria!1977年冷战背景下能有这种世界各族人民和谐共处的剧,不得不佩服。有人会批评它的刻板印象,可是刻板印象并没有什么事实上的错误。这样的剧以前是不是就这一部不知道,但以后不会再有(拍出来会被白左喷种族歧视、被小粉红喷抹黑天朝)。