For years, detective Jae-hwan has been obsessed with catching Jin-hyuk, the serial killer responsible for the death of his partner and brother-in-law, even if the path to revenge means skipping a few rules. But, when the much-delayed encounter finally comes, things don’t go at all as expected—after a chase and a muddled accident and having been missing for a month, Jae-hwan wakes up handcuffed to a hospital bed, only to discover that he’s trapped in Jin-hyuk’s body and that, in turn, the killer is taking his place alongside his family. But this is only the starting point to a sinuous, extreme narrative filled with surprising twists and tinged the red of blood and neon lights. In his brutal debut, Kim Jae-hoon appropriates the body switch trope in order to give shape to a feast for genre film lovers.
当我以为要上演互换身体版《变脸》的时候,反套路反转来了,但是之后编剧像是突然没招了,一泻千里靠典型西八腿脚解决问题烂尾收场… 拜托,哪怕把你那灵光一现的小聪明放到最后一分钟也差强人意啊!
看完之后的第一句话:这个警察有病吧。整体图一乐吧,就节奏蛮紧凑的那种商业片,但是bug有点多吧。 警队的描写太幼稚了。那么多人去现场抓人,最后就两个人开车去追太不合理了,对讲机也没有,好不专业啊。建议编剧在推进剧情的同时也要考虑真实性啊。(还是说韩国的警察就这样办案的(x )
反转好评 但就是感觉没讲完整 小警察死的太冤了
6.1/10 在本片的第二与第三幕中, 无论是角色互换后迷网的张开, 还是情节反转后恶与恶的角力, 皆是本片作为一部原创影片, 展露自身巧思与惊喜的部分。 当然不够优秀的叙事能力, 让这一通往真相的过程, 最终未能充分活用剧本的潜能。 而部分情节于反转后沦为自我矛盾的存在, 更为本片增添几分遗憾。
围绕真·疯批的故事,听取西八声一片。反转好几次,后期小跟班真的那里好惨...有被男主气到,属于虽扯但蛮好看的类型。特别在揭秘俩人真假身份后对比前面医院做戏的情况下,真的会觉得,好牛的演技。(在简介也没看的情况下随便买票进场观看,有被剧情惊到,可能知道了具体什么反转的话会觉得有点老套,别带脑对观感更好) 比起血腥,切人的张东润感觉怪搞笑的