I believe its the rawest documentary i have ever and WILL ever see in my life. and that by that i mean every single thing you see on film is 100 % genuine and real there is no acting, just "home video" you can call it, and interviews. It's a remarkable story as well, and so special because theres so much footage. I believe Thierry was a mental person, obsessive. and as the narrator said, he finally had a focus (street art) for his passion (filming). And then his focus was Banksy, and then his art show, cause as he said himself, so god damn innocently and blissfully ignorant he says "I did not want to disappoint Banksy"
So he went all out.To comment on the OP's suspicions for funding, Thierry was obviously doing very well, his own designer fashion store in L.A??? You're making a f_cking killing for any retard who doesn't know that. He would turn 50 dollar products into 5000 dollar profits. He took time off to film. And it was mentioned he took out a mortgage from his home (or business, not sure) to finance his art show.
Everything is explained I dont know why the OP is being skeptical. Banksy didnt ask you to film for him because Banksy doesnt know you, but Thierry was referred to from people Banksy trusted.
This has gotta be one of the best movies I have ever seen and its for how incredibly real it is yet truly remarkable at the same time. Somehow this is the thing that Banksy has always tried to avoid and now all of a sudden he's turning into what he was never about, and he did it himself so inadvertently.
But this is good for him, he just shouldnt advertise for himself the way MBW did.
But yeah, why bother pondering, just take it for what it is and enjoy it. love this movie
Is it a hoax if it's also art?三星
is this a hoax????
太好看,多处喜感憋不住笑场。尤其神出鬼没的涂鸦大神Banksy如江洋大盗般悄然潜入美术馆,不为窃取而是将自己的涂鸦作品偷偷黏在那些古典名画之间时。与Banksy这样的神鬼天才比,Thierry 不过是投机敛财的艺术商人与批量制造的工厂主,徒具沃霍外壳而已。Thierry的成功,正如Banksy所言:是个joke。
又想起自己09年深夜在林化所和南林大校园里的两次涂鸦经历。我性格最大弱点之一就是浅尝辄止,好高骛远。看这部电影又燃起来了,2013 winter, let's get back on the street!
How things get out of control.
一度怀疑Banksy怎么会如此无聊的拍这么个小丑,后来看评论说怀疑 Thierry Guetta 就是Banksy本人/团队成员,或者整个洗脑先生的闹剧就是Banksy授意的,深以为然,毕竟这太Banksy了
泰瑞就是个小人得志的典型代表 根本就不是班克斯的个人纪录片
Documentary or Mocumentary? 一个摄像强迫症法国人、Banksy和其他一些热爱街头涂鸦的人们,然后法国人被涮了……配乐的五首歌都好欢乐,老子又一次natural high了……tonight the streets are ours!!!