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    主演:萨尔瓦多·吉列尔莫·阿连德·戈森斯  伊莎贝尔·阿连德  帕特里西奥·盖兹曼  




    更新时间:2023-09-01 12:17


      On September 11th 1973, Salvador Allende's democratically elected government was ousted by a United States-backed coup that resulted in Allende's death, and left the country in the hands of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship for 17 years. It's time to remember Salvador Allende, that unsual man - for historical reasons, certainly, but also for the cruelty surrounding his memory.


     1 ) 影片字幕的补完




    注:片中英语受访者为时任美国驻智利大使, Edward M. Korry .


    Q:So, how much money then was given to Allende's opponent and what was it for?


    A: It was a total of $2.7 million dollar was spent through the CIA for the election in 64. And many millions more were given by people contacted by the United States, In Europe and in the private and public sectors. So that the Christian democratic party of Italy, the Vatican, The Royal Household of Belgium, Of the Netherlands, the German Christian Democratic Party, and many others for private organizations of Catholic Church in the United States.

    为了1964年的选举,中央情报局总共花了270万美元。美国、欧洲的私人、公共部门的还额外提供了数百万美元。其中包括意大利基督教民主党、梵蒂冈、比利时以及荷兰皇室、 德国基督教民主党以及许多其他的私人美国天主教组织。

    Q: So what was the money for?


    A: The money was for the enormous propaganda campaign in the first place on behalf of Frei and warning about the communist threat.


    注: Eduardo Frei Montalva,爱德华多·弗雷·蒙塔尔瓦,基督教民主党,1964-1970智利总统

    Q: Can you tell me a little bit about kind of began to campaign it was.


    A: Propaganda campaign of 64 was exactly what they tried to do again in 1970. And what I as a young journalist in Italy in 1948 had seen exactly the same sort of stuff. It was a Soviet tank pointing against that Italian. Because of 48 in Italy, Christian Democrat the Gasperi against the great Communist leader, Togliatti,the biggest communist party in Europe.

    1970年他们试图重演1964年的宣传运动。我年轻时(1948年)在意大利做记者,看到过完全相同的事情,那是一辆指向意大利人的苏联坦克。当时的意大利,基督教民主党人加斯佩里正在反对意共的领导者陶里亚蒂。意共那时是欧洲最大的communist party。

    注:Palmiro Togliatti 帕尔米罗·陶里亚蒂,意共创始人之一,意大利工运和国际共运活动家。

    注:Alcide De Gasperi 阿尔奇德·德加斯佩里,意大利政治家,天主教民主党领导人,连续八次担任总理,战后意大利全面复兴的奠基人和开拓者,欧洲一体化运动的创始人之一。


    Q:So what was the goal of all that?


    A: The goal was to create the pillar of democratic stability to be the counter pillar to the Castro message of Socialist, Marxism, Leninism.

    其目标是建立稳定的民主的支柱, 反对卡斯特罗的 Socialist, Marxism, Leninism。


    Q: What was Nixon's reaction to Allende's election?


    A: I was not there, but I can tell you what we know to be a fact he ordered the CIA to prevent Allende from assuming the Presidency.


    Q: How?


    A: How he ordered them I'm not sure. He just said he did not wish Allende to go from being president, elect being the actual president that is to be inaugurated. And he told the CIA to do it whatever way it could.

    我不确定尼克松的具体命令。 他只是说自己不希望阿连德成为经由选举产生的正式就职的总统。 他让中情局尽一切手段阻止阿连德当选。

    Q: Did it include a military coup?

    包括军事Zheng B?

    A: It certainly included a military coup and indeed they tried to get me to lean on the Chilean military. Right after Allend was elected, and what happened was three of the top generals met with our military attache and said:" what would the United States like us to do" ,in effect asking us to support a coup.

    当然。 他们试图让我依靠智利军队。在阿连德当选后,三位高级将领会见了我们的武官并询问:“美国希望我们做什么?” 实际上是希望我们支持政变。


    Pocos días antes que el Congreso ratificará Allende el Gobierno de Nixon, asesinó al comandante en jefe del ejército.


    El general René Esnáider, firme defensor de la no intervención de los militares en política.

    陆军总司令施耐德德将军是军方不干预政治的坚定支持者 。

    En el principal apoyo que Allende tenía en el ejército.


    El crimen fue ejecutado por la CIA y un comando, donde también había oficiales chilenos.



    Q: When we're talking about General Schneider's death and the role of CIA. It is known now that arms and ammunition came from Washington into Chile through diplomatic pouch. Did you know about that?


    A: Of course not. And because as Kissinger and the President and the CIA testified to the committee, the Committee which I was not allowed to testify to. They said that keep the ambassador out of this, not tell him. But I guessed it.

    不知道。 因为基辛格、总统和中央情报局可以向委员会作证, 而那个委员会不允许我作证(我也不太懂这个委员会具体是什么)。 他们说“不要让大使插手,不要告诉他。”但我猜到了。


    El señor Jorge Alessandri, 35 votos.


    注: Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez 豪尔赫·亚历山德里·罗德里格斯,1958年以独立人士身份当选为智利总统,任内进行国家建设、举办1962年世界杯,实行亲美的外交政策,1964年卸任,1970年再次以独立人士身份竞选总统。


    Q: What was your reaction when Allende was elected?


    A: Allende was elected. I said that it was a grave and very serious defeat for the United States.


    Q: Why?


    A: Because he had said that the United States was the number one enemy in the hemisphere. He said this over and over again.


    Number two, he was the most slavish admirer of Castro. He has spend six months in China, admiring the work of the Mao Tse Tung government. He was very fond of Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam. He was a fan of Che Guevara.


    So we know that although Allende would act in what appeared to be a legal and constitutional manner. It would be designed to eliminate all US influences. It would be designed as a class warfare to eliminate the middle class opposition the bourgeois it would be a class war approach. And it would eventually be Fidelismo without Fidel.

    所以虽然我们知道阿连德会遵守宪法和法律,但我们依然认为他的当选将会消除美国的所有影响力,将会导致一场消灭中产阶级、资产阶级的斗争。 最终将演化成为没有菲德尔的菲德尔主义(古巴GM主义)。

    Q: So Allende was a threat for the US.


    A: In judging the creation of a Santiago-Havana axis in Latin America at a time were all the social conditions necessary for revolutions, involving a great deal of unrest and violence. It was not unusual for the United States to see this as a highly destabilizing influence and an extension of Soviet influence.



    Q: What did Nixon tell you when you met with him at the White House?


    A: He greeted me by his very warmly and said to Henry: "Ambassador always tells it like it is." And he launched into 5 or 6 minutes disquisition on how he was going to smash Allende. He keep on fist into his hand. But he said he was going to do it destroy. Do it economically. They was going to squeeze them economically.

    他热情地向我打招呼,然后对亨利(基辛格)说: “大使总是实话实说。” 然后他一边阐述自己关于打倒阿连德的计划, 一边把拳头砸在手心里,他说要通过经济手段制裁阿连德。

    Q: How did he call Allende?


    A: Call him the SOB, they orb and I think also a bastard. He said that SOB.



    Q: How did you feel in 1973 when you learn that Allende was dead?


    A: He sold the seed and you're going to harvest what you have sown. And Allende said from the beginning: he was trying, he was entering a path to which there were no guides, no president, no example to follow to create a socialism by which he meant a Marxist Leninist society in the peaceful way. He wanted the bourgeoisie to commit suicide happily.


    Q: Did you agree with that?


    A: I'm not only denied agree. I thought that was not likely that, as Castro himself said to Allende from the very start:unless you destroy the army, make it into your own instrument. The revolution cannot succeed. That was a lesson that he took from Lenin.

    不,我觉得行不通,这是不可能的,就像卡斯特罗一开始就对阿连德说的那样: 除非你摧毁军队,或者把军队变成自己的工具,否则GM是不会成功的。 这是他从列宁那里学到的。

    It's just an impossibility. I think Allende was an extraordinarily civilized human being. If he was not such an admirer of the heroes of the Marxist Leninist world of Castro, of Mao, whomever Ho Chi Minh、Che. That left to his own instincts, he would like life to be very comfortable. He would have gladly accepted the deal with the United States. But the other half of him said I have to live up to this model: This imaginary new member of the Pantheon of Marxist Leninist heroes.

    然而对阿连德来说这是不可能的,我认为他是一个非常文明的人。 如果他不是这些马克思列宁主义英雄(卡斯特罗、毛、胡志明、格瓦拉 )的崇拜者,那么按照他自己的天性,他会生活得非常舒适,也会乐于和美国达成交易。 但他另一半的人格呼唤他活成一种模范,即:理想中的马列主义英雄万神殿中的新成员。



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