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    金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.1金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.2金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.3金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.4金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.5金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.6金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.13金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.14金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.15金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.16金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.17金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.18金装律师第七季 剧照 NO.19
    更新时间:2024-07-03 20:22


      USA宣布续订该台最高收视剧《金装律师 Suits》第七季,这令到该剧将会到达第100集的里程碑。


     1 ) Donna 和 Harvey 间的那头大象




    guilty pleasure,摊手。





    Louis 和 Donna,情商的马里亚纳海沟和珠穆朗高峰。


    要么是Donna天知道的 “我就是知道”,要么是Louis鬼上身的 ”我就是要发神经”。




    ”Foster医生“里Dr.Foster深夜和老同事说起老公出轨,表示自己不能像别人一样一哭二闹三上吊,不可以,because I’m smart.



    我在各种婚礼上听到过少数真正动情的誓言,”Thank you for always being my best friend in my life.”

    既然可以确认了一份海誓山盟的友谊,为什么还要执着去确认总有一天要消逝的爱情。Don’t ask, cuz you’re smart.


     2 ) Memories, of a stolen place / Caught in the silence / An echo lost in space / It comes and goes in waves / It always does // We watch as our young hearts fade, into the flood

    Ever since I left that hotel room, I've been stuck. We were together again, and it felt just like it did before, except it wasn't--because she wasn't mine. And since then, I've been counting the days, until my soul-mate marries someone else and walks out of my life forever. I know that she's with another man, Donna, and I know that she loves him... But all I want to do is just say to her: can't she see? The man she was meant to be with is standing right in front of her face.
    I should have told her when I had the chance. But that's something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life. 💔

     3 ) Fantasy and life

    People can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

    Paula: I think this may have been a mistake. You didn't come to date me you came to me because you're in the middle of another crisis and you need me to walk you through it.

    Harvey: it isn't true

    P: of course you don't think it's true. If you did you would have called my office and made an appointment

    I don't need an appointment. I'm sharing things about my life. Last time I checked, that's what people do on dates.

    Yes that's what's they do, Harvey, but on first dates, they also try to make the other people feel special and listen to.

    Do you know why it's unethical for a therapist to go out with her client, Harvey?

    Yeah, of course I do

    It's because it's natural for a client to transfer feelings of desire onto his therapist that aren't real. You may not know is that it's not natural for a therapist to feel the same way. You don't think I've had fantasies about you? That one day you'd show up at my office as I was heading home for the night, and I turn around, and you're there. You wouldn't say a word but you take me in your arms and kiss me and it would actually be the start of something special. Well, I have which is why despite my better judgement, I'm here with you right now.

    So what's the problem?

    The problem is those fantasies weren't of me being a therapist to a man who's still too afraid to admit that he needs help much less take control of a firm that bears his name. Than you for dinner Harvey. If you need a session call my office. Unfortunately I can't see you anymore but I can give you recommendations for somebody who can.

    Episode 2

    H: Hey i hope you dont think i fogot about oir dinner

    Yeah i dont but im afraid i have to reschedule

    sure anytime is good for me

    thanks for being understanding

    P: and for the record im lookinf forward to getting to know each othet better

    so was i.but the truth is i guess im glad were rescheduling. i dont want to end up focusing on myself like i did the last time

    P: why? is something going on?

    its not a big deal

    harvey you can talk to me about it

    but you said it before

    i know what ive said before,but this is different


    because you heard me, and respected my wishes, which means instead of me listening to you as your therapist

    not therapist. even when we canceld, i feel like im getting to know you better

    me too. So are you gonna tell me whats going on?

    you know what. now that i just talked to you, i feel like i can work it through myself

    good, good night harvey

    Episode 3 love or not

    H :Before you say anything I came here for a reason. Because this is where we met but it isn’t where I need to be anymore

    Harvey I don’t think...

    I just have one question to ask you. Are you worried about what this woman’s gonna think or because you think what we are doing is wrong. Because if this is just about what other people think well it’s crazy

    Well it’s crazy to me I need you to understand

    I need to understand that but I know we have a connection and to throw that away because of some figment of your imagination

    It’s not a figment of imagination

    I’m worried about what I think

    And what is it that you think?

    That what if it is a terrible mistake and it doesn’t work out and I look like a fool?

    Okay i know I’m not a therapist but isn’t that the risk of any relationship?

    I’m scared Harvey

    Me too

    What do you say we both be scared together?

     4 ) Life's a fickle game we play

    'Cause I'm fast enough to get in trouble And not fast enough to get away And I'm old enough to know I'll end up dying And not young enough to forget again It's all a fickle game Life's a fickle game we play

     5 ) 人来人往,还好有你。



    就这样一直模模糊糊地拖到了S4。我只能说Donna那个错误就是个bug啊,那么聪明情商高的人怎么突然就想不通犯这种错误呢?也就是这一次,逼得Harvey不惜一切代价也要保护她,逼着他说“I told you I'd never let anything happen to you, and I won't ever, so you don't ever have to feel scared like that again.”,“Anyone else every loses faith in me,it doesn't matter.But with you,it's different”,逼着他承认“You know I love you.”。至此,我想他们之间的爱情已经没有必要再隐藏了,不管是因为12年前那个所谓的“规则”还是别的。


    之后又是无尽的纠缠。不经意地触碰,不停地试探底线,然后又收回。然而,兜兜转转,Donna再也没有想过要离开,Harvey显然从来没有想过要她离开。就像最开始的时候,Donna对着Harvey说“No one is leave you”,Harvey对着Donna说“I can't be me without you”。他们互相陪伴了13年,他们争吵过,然而由始至终,他们都没有改变过最初的想法。

    我想,他们之间的感情远远复杂于爱情。Harvey从来不是一个有足够信任感的人,正相反,他是一个非常没有安全感的人,同时,他脾气还不够好。我常常想,Donna一直没有责怪他,是因为她知道他的缺点,她知道他没有表现出来的那么强势、不可击败,她了解他,理解他,所以,她曾经对着Scott说“Harvey isn't perfect,but he is a good man.”Scott无法接受这样的Harvey,事实上,没有几个人能够接受。也正因为Donna一直的不离不弃,才让Harvey毫无保留地信任。这是相互的,之所以纠缠这么久,不过因为谁也不想真正地放手。


    从DA办公室到Jesscia律师所,从检察官到商业律师,从普通的律师到如今的Name Partner,13年过去了,他们的身边来来往往走过了很多人,然而,最终,留在他们身边的还是彼此,也只有彼此。


     6 ) 大爱哈维




  • Super Neo
  • 力荐
  • mike ross演员不是要不演了么 那还有下一季么 其实只要有Harvey和Donna我就能一直看 毕竟一直ship他俩的 Rachel都去当王妃了想想真是怪神奇的 ep16开头bgm是human超喜欢

  • Taekii
  • 推荐
  • 退场了还挺不舍的…

  • はぐみ
  • 推荐
  • 一如既往的小情绪大动作的台词,已经泛滥到能占一半以上的剧情了,你就不能好好说话?就不能静下来好好想一下?多大的事非要怼的像仇人吵架一样!都第七季了,简直受够了,一集弃!!

  • 夜神月的猫
  • 较差
  • 好喜欢Harvey

  • __雲淡風輕.
  • 力荐
  • 尽管套路是差不多的,还是很喜欢看。

  • 虚度年华
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  • 第七季是梅根王妃的洗手之作,剧末的婚礼Rachel和Mike终于步入教堂,两人双双告别这部剧,Mike也终于摆脱了野路子律师的路数,步入正轨,并且因为自己的出身和经历选择了为社会底层打官司。人人都有成长和进步,人人也都有收获和失去。

  • 满心
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  • donna这一季第一集明显有点hold不住的样子。。ps:18年的下半季水平有所回升♪

  • eroneko
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  • 准备弃了 实在受不了麦克这个圣母婊

  • 飞翔的菊花
  • 还行
  • 太感谢编剧给了路易斯一个完美的爱情,他和希拉真的是绝配啊。而且同仇敌忾的感觉才是这些精英们应有的霸气。只是这季最后一集怎么感觉仿佛没有下一季了。

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  • 这一季完美实现了我之前设想过的种种如果。如果哈维是老板,如果麦克是真律师,如果唐娜告白,如果哈维和路易斯成为朋友。路易斯的成长有目共睹,现在的他能赢也能为爱的人做出牺牲。

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  • Wait
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  • 冥冥之中自有天意,这个时间点看最后几集。louis在e10最后那段话正是我想说的啊

  • Я
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  • Fickle Game

  • 贝塔先生
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  • 3.5星。完全是靠惯性在追这部剧了。律政线里所有的案件都是庭外和解,一集之内原告被告必然是互相打过几次嘴炮耍过几次计谋,最后再总给主角们找到一击制胜的破绽点。办公室政治线这一季较弱,没有了合伙人头衔抢来争去的戏码。爱情线?谁和谁都是定死了的,毫无新意。

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