

生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.1生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.2生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.3生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.4生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.5生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.6生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.13生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.14生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.15生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.16生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.17生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.18生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.19生活大麻烦第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-01 14:19


  Netflix大麻喜剧《生活大麻烦》由Chuck Lorre主创。讲述Kathy Bates主演的角色Ruth,连同三个当地的大麻销售药店店员,她那二十多岁的儿子,和惹了一身麻烦的保安日常生活琐事。


 1 ) 刚整理下来第二集的双语语录.[手打的累死了]

既然现在没蜜蜂出没 你可以用我的肾上腺素
Since it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine.

Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century.
Interesingly they don't put the fork in their mouth.They use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.

Lois lane is falling,accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second.
Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel
Miss lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour
碰到钢筋手臂 立马被劈成三瓣
Hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.

Unless superman matches her speed and decelerates
(Sheldon)还有时间吗 先生 她离地面两尺高
In what space ,sir? she's two feet above the ground.
如果他真的爱她的话 他应该让她掉在马路上 那还比较仁慈
Frankly,if he really loved her,he'd let her hit the pavement.It'd be a more merciful death.

问一下 跟我解释下托盘餐具放在沙发上 这算哪门子组织系统.
Excuse me.Explain to me an organization system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid.
I'm just inferring this a couch because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale.

(Leonard)你不能在半夜闯进一个女人的公寓 打扫
You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of the night and clean
(Sheldon)我别无选择 我睡不着 想到在我卧室外面是我们的客厅,在我们客厅外面是走廊和走廊这边就是...这个样子.
I had no choice . I couldn't sleeo knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and just outside our living room was that hallway.And immediately adjacent to the hallway was...this.

(Leonard)有些错误 像居里夫人发现了镭后来被证明有很大的科学研究价值 尽管她后来死于漫长而痛苦的放射性危害.
Some mistakes,such as madam curie's discovery of radium,turned out to have great scientific potential,even though she would later die a slow painful death"from radiation poisoning".

Oh boy,i was afraid of this.
These instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components.This,right here is why sweden has no space program.
(Leonard)这个设计非常不合理 假设她有个平板电视,那就意味着这后面的空间都浪费了
It is an inefficient design,for example,she has a flat screen tv which means all the space behind it is wasted.
We could put her stereo back there.
and control it how?
(Sheldon)装个红外线转接器 光电管装这 接收器装这 小菜一碟
Run an infrared repeater.Photo cell here,emitter here,easy-peasy.
(Howard)想法不错 怎么冷却
Good point How are you gonna cool it?
(Sheldon)用风扇怎么样 这里一个 这里一个
How about fans?here and here.
Also inefficient,and might be loud.
(Howard)液体冷却剂怎么样 在这弄个水泵.装四分之一英寸的聚氯乙烯
How about liquid coolant?maybe a little aquarium pump here,run some quarter-inch pvc...
Guys,this is actually really simple.
Hold on,honey. men at work.
The pvc comes down here.Maybe a little corrugated sheet metal as a radiator here.
Yeah?show me where we put a drip tray,a sluice,and an overflow reservoir.
If water's involved,we're gonna have to ground the crap out of the thing.
It's hot in here, i think i'll just take off all my clothes.
(Leonard)我想出来了.如果我们把嵌板A B F和横木H都换成航空铝.
Oh, i've got it.What about if we replace panels a,b and f and crossbar h with aircraft-grade aluminum?
Right.then the entire thing is one heat sink.
Perfect.You and sheldon go to the junkyard and pick up 6 square meters of scrap aluminum?Raj and i will get the oxyacetylene torch.

 2 ) 《生活大爆炸 第一季》中的英语笔记




非常想…,渴求:I do yearn for Sth

为…生气/烦:be mad/upset about Sth

生你的气:I’m mad at you. (S03E06)

需要扩大社交圈:We need to widen our circle.

当我压力大时,When I’m undergoing stress,

就当在自己家一样:Make yourself at home.

不急:Take your time.

影响你的性格:affect your personality

抱歉把你拖下水了:I’m so sorry I dragged you through this.

抱歉你被牵扯进来:I’m sorry you got dragged into this. (S04E17)

和…建立关系:establish a relationship with Sb

…可以吗?Is Sth okay with you?


我有打扰吗?Am I interrupting?

备用钥匙:spare key

毋庸置疑,It is well established that ….

增加/减少…的几率:increase/lower the odds of doing …

几率几乎为零:The odds of that happening is practically zero. (S02E20)


合理的解释:a reasonable explanation as to why +句子

我好奇为什么:I'm curious as to why +句子 (S04E03)

我睡得很好:I slept deeply and well.

显著提高生活质量:It’ll be a measurable enhancement to our quality of life.


我考虑到…了。I’ve taken Sth into account.

晕车:get car sick

呕吐:throw up = vomit

呕吐物:the throw-up (S05E18)


回到过去:go into the past

工作取得了重大进展:His work has made an amazing leap forward.

一次买一个月的量:purchase Sth one-month supply at a time

八天量的食物和水:an eight-day supply food and water (S03E21)

在日历上做记录:mark the calendar

炒蛋:scrambled eggs

谢谢你这么快过来:Thanks for coming on such short notice.


逊毙了:be suck at doing/Sth

太丢脸了:That was absolutely humiliating.

我没听懂:I’m not following.


冲一碗麦片:pour Sb a bowl of cereal / a cup of tea

吃剩的打包:take the leftovers home

意大利面没吃完剩下了:There is pasta left over. (S02E09)

我快被你逼疯了:You are driving me crazy!

找到折衷办法/中间立场:find a middle ground

拜金男/女:a gold digger


把你的联系方式给我:give me your contact information

是常态,很普遍:be the norm

一反常态:a departure from the norm

朗朗上口的曲调:catchy tunes

我搞砸了:I've screwed it up. / I've blown it.

周五(时间)可以:Friday works for me.

熟能生巧:The key to acquiring proficiency is repetition.

正在经历困境:Sb is going through some difficulty

练习调酒:practice mixing drinks

续杯:a refill

引起我强烈的共鸣:I relate to sth/sb quite strongly.

梳头:comb one's hair

撩妹:pick up girls


我起鸡皮疙瘩了:I’ve got goose bumps.

有点吵:It’s a little loud.

扔掉某物:throw Sth out / throw away Sth

我马上回来:I’ll be right back.

我马上过去:I’ll be right there.(S02E08)

在那边:They are right over there (by Sth) (S02E13)

没想到会有这么多人:I wasn’t expecting such a crowd.

跳过这个部分:skip over the part


让我想起…:It started me thinking about Sth

正如我反复解释的那样…:As I’ve explained repeatedly, …

从那开始就急转直下了:It was straight downhill from there.

剪指甲/趾甲:cut my fingernails/toenails

为图片加上标题/说明:caption a picture


得出结论:have/reach/draw a conclusion based on Sth

退出:drop out (of school or a race)

真幸运:What a lucky break!

参加一个研讨会:attend a symposium on …

凌晨两点:two o'clock in the morning

叫醒某人:wake Sb up

没心情做…:be in no state of mind to do

有一个全新的心态:get into a whole new state of mind

我该怎么做?What am I supposed to do?

我该说什么?What was I supposed to say?

那我应该怎么说?How else was I supposed to say it? (S02E19)

伤害某人:hurt one’s feelings

社交礼节:social protocol

你有没有意识到…?Are you aware that + 句子

我以前不知道:I was not aware of that.

向下滚动到....:scroll down to Sth

强项:strong suit

细节决定成败:The success or failure of Sth turns on details.

让我免于…的尴尬:spare me the embarrassment of …

编谎话:make up the story about Sth

祝演出成功:Break a leg!

替你善后:clean up after your mess

我感觉自己是个局外人,无法融入…:I've often felt like an outsider, never really fitting in…


擤鼻子:blow one’s nose

在杯底:on the bottom

我鼻塞得严重:I'm very congested.

死胡同:a dead end

研究失败了:My research ran into a dead end. (S03E04)


放大镜:a magnifying glass


门卫:caretaker [英] / janitor [美]

坐在前排:sit / take a seat in the front row

现在比分显示:The score now stands: Team 1 XXX, Team 2 XXX


太便宜了:It’s a tremendous bargain.

基本原则:ground rules

我滑倒擦伤了膝盖:I slipped and skinned my knee.

我滑倒了:I slipped and fell. (S02E12)

撮合Sb1和Sb2:fix/set Sb1 up with Sb2

把你打晕:knock you unconscious

你为什么心烦?What’s bothering you?

收拾行李:pack up (your things)

下决心,决定了:make up one's mind

我已经决定了:My mind is made up.

摆脱过去,开始新生活:get rid of all of it and move on with my life


招志愿者:look for volunteers

谢谢你跑一趟:Thank you for coming by.

在高峰时段:in rush hour


戴头盔:wear a helmet [ˈhelmɪt]

不理…:ignore Sb

去做指甲:go and get my nails done

别管,别插手:back off

我能和你单独谈谈吗?Can I talk/speak to you for a minute alone / in private?

尴尬,难为情:be embarrassed about Sth

不是什么尴尬的事:Sth is nothing to be embarrassed about.

没什么好尴尬的:There is nothing to be embarrassed about. (S03E01)

魅不可挡:incredibly attractive

绕路:take a detour [ˈdiːtʊə]

泡妞:hit on her

错失良机:miss a big opportunity

药效退了:The medication is wearing off.

传阅某物:pass Sth around/round


陷入僵局:be/reach a stalemate ['steɪl.meɪt]

把…刮掉:scrape Sth off (Sth) [skreɪp]

星座:horoscope [ˈhɒrəˌskəʊp]

我们没有…的交集:We have no overlapping areas of Sth.

闲聊打发时间:pass the time with some chitchat

他说得很清楚…:He made it very clear + 句子

声明一下(强调要点以引起注意):For the record, …

蒙着眼睛:blindfolded / with the eyes covered

全新的:be in mint condition / mint-condition Sth

限量版:a limited edition (+ Sth) [ɪ'dɪʃn]

送礼物:I got Sb Sth

刮奖券:lottery scratchers ['skrætʃə]

设定基调:set the tone for Sth

改变基调:change the tone of Sth

无线路由器:wireless router [ˈruːtə]

冲着…吼:yell at sb

遭受童年创伤:experience childhood traumas

有童年阴影:have childhood issues (S03E07)

你了解这个吗?Do you know anything about this stuff?

填表:fill out the form

过敏:be allergic to Sth / have an allergic reaction to Sth

创可贴:a Band-Aid

找停车位:find a parking spot

(兼卖化妆品和某些日用品的)药店:a chemist's [英] / drugstore [美]

拖住某人:stall Sb (a little longer)

完全忘了:I completely forgot.


去死吧,自恋狂:Drop dead, you self-centered bastard!

碎得修不好了:It's smashed beyond repair.

感情无法挽回了:The relationship is broken beyond repair.

我要过去:I'm going over there.

我要去…:I'm going over to + 地点

有什么好解释的?What is there to explain?

你真棒:good for you

换个话题:change the subject

掷骰子:roll the dice

掷出二:roll 2

缠绕着…:Sth1 be wrapped around Sth2

随便选一个:pick one at random

把沙发顺时针旋转30度:rotate the couch clockwise 30 degrees

找一时的乐子:look for a fling

脑中浮现了…的画面:The image of … comes to mind.

 3 ) 主题曲歌词好有爱~

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着瞧...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘
That all started with the big bang!

"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.
The bipeds stood up straight,
The dinosaurs all met their fate,
They tried to leap but they were late
想要突变 没来得及
And they all died (they froze their asses off)

The oceans and pangea
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya
拜拜 才不想学你
Set in motion by the same big bang!
It all started with the big BANG!

It's expanding ever outward but one day
宇宙向外膨胀 但有一天
It will cause the stars to go the other way,
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt
向内坍塌 反正我们不在了 不会觉得疼
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!

Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)
在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪 (我们现在捉电脑病毒了)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy
宗教 天文 e百科 旧约申命记
It all started with the big bang!

Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
音乐 神化 爱因斯坦 占星术
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big BANG!

 4 ) 刚整理下来第一集的双语语录.[手打的累死了]

So if a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed,it will not go through both slits.
If it's unobserved,it will.
However,if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target,it won't have gone through both slits.
没错 你想说什么
Agreed.What's your point?
没什么 我只是觉得这个主意放在T恤上不错
That's no point, i just think it's a good idea for a t-shit.

But there's some poor woman who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.
如果她最好发现那小不点连曲线下面积该用积分还是微分算都不知道 她会怎么想?
What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?

If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters,most people will trip.
I did a series of experiments when i was 12,My father broke his clavicle.
Is that why they sent you to a boarding school?
不是, 是因为我那些关于激光的试验.
No. That was a result of my work with lasers.

Should we have invited her for lunch?
不 我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季.
NO.We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.
We already watched the season two dvds.
Not with commentary.

这方面我不在行 不过我相信如果是邀请别人吃午餐,你最好不要说些肠运动的事.
I'm no expert,but i believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.

Yeah,well,it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges.
那部分 是我开的玩笑 讽刺下波恩-奥本海默近似
That part there,that's just a joke.It's a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.

If by "holy smokes",you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff.You can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at mit,sure.

没错 我们可以了解到你有群众性文化妄想就是指你出生时相对于任意确定星座的太阳的视位置可能会决定你的性格.
Yes.it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.

明白了 距离上次有女人在我们这里轻解罗裳 并且看了之后我们不想把眼睛给挖出来的 已经很久了
Point taken.It has been some time since we've had a woman take her clothes off after which we didn't want to rip out eyes out.

Excuse me , if i were to give up on the first little hitch,i never would have identified the fingerprints of string theory in the aftermath of the big bang.

 5 ) 悲哀 真悲哀


the big bang theory是宇宙大爆炸理论,bang可以说是象声词。

klingon填字游戏就是klingon语的填字游戏,klingon语是星际旅行(star trek)里面一个很有名的坏蛋种族的语言。

当那个野蛮人在party上老是说宅男一号cos的是矮人侏儒,宅男一号义愤填膺的说自己是hobbit frodo。hobbits可是Tolkien大爷的魔戒里面最受欢迎的种族--哈比人,frodo就是里面的主角,那个脖子整天挂着戒指的废柴。






这帮人准确的说应该是nerd,不能说是宅男。因为宅男是日语词otaku御宅族的中文化,指的是对动画漫画游戏非常热爱,一天到晚呆在家里进行相关活动的人。nerd可以理解成美国的宅男,虽然他们也是对动画漫画游戏很热爱,但有一点不一样,就是他们对知识的追求,特别是深奥的知识。有兴趣的话,可以去youtube搜一个叫white and nerdy的视频,看了就明白nerd是什么了,有中文版。



看完以后只有一个感觉,就是《《囧》》。因为里面的笑话都听的懂,里面说的东西都知道,里面吸引那帮人的东西也吸引本座,里面的游戏都玩过,里面的对话似曾相识,里面的生活和本座的生活只差一步…… 还好,还好,幸亏当年停下来了没继续,一身冷汗。



 6 ) 说说谢尔顿,友情是多么美好的事情




  • Zephyrance
  • 力荐
  • 四个宅男科学家加一个傻妞,成就了最搞笑的美剧,果然现在宅才是王道。

  • Lan~die
  • 力荐
  • 第一次尝试看当代的美剧(最近也在重温《糊涂侦探》),真没想到如此精彩。编剧超牛,台词字字珠玑,一集20分钟,看得酣畅淋漓。几位演员的表演也都很出色,最喜欢演谢尔顿的扮演者,那动作和表情拿捏的…继续看第二季

  • 大奇特(Grinch)
  • 力荐
  • 天才科学家的搞笑故事.超人那段理论太强了.

  • 赫克托尔
  • 力荐
  • 笑S了~超级可爱~台词很经典~哈哈哈哈~最近看的最好笑的剧集~

  • 眼角的花朵
  • 力荐
  • 我不管,我就喜欢沉迷科学的“傻男孩”sheldon,看起来经常打扰到Leonard。但只是过于沉迷科学,当然,他也在一步步的变化,不断进步。莱纳德虽然表面烦躁着耳朵,他对他却也有着无限的宽容。嗯,这份友情很美好。

  • bekey
  • 力荐
  • Sheldon讲普通话好得意啊!!

  • 林亞珍
  • 力荐
  • 请一定不能断啊```洗个痛快澡

  • 呆总
  • 力荐
  • 挺逗 但还是犯罪题材比较得我心

  • 黎霹雳
  • 力荐
  • Sheldon太好笑了- -哈哈哈哈哈

  • 莫呼洛迦-屁股上的青春在歌唱
  • 推荐
  • 开辟了全新的情景喜剧

  • 陀螺凡达可
  • 力荐
  • Sheldon刻薄得让我真欢喜。

  • 苏觋觋
  • 力荐
  • 谢耳朵有许多缺点,但他也是如此纯粹的一个人。

  • 尽欢
  • 力荐
  • 除了女主角,真是完美之作啊。等第九集的这几个月我把前八集看了好几遍,还带到美国看了。大爱Sheldon。“能观赏您大脑的工作真是荣幸啊。”

  • 大头绿豆
  • 力荐
  • 我觉得这剧最妙的地方是你不用完全弄懂那些理工知识也可以感觉到所有的笑点

  • 17950
  • 力荐
  • 神作啊....

  • 可乐
  • 力荐
  • 起码十多年没有这样笑过了……

  • 思阳
  • 力荐
  • 谢耳朵怎么这么贱兮兮的还能逗人喜爱

  • 幕天席地
  • 力荐
  • 多年难得一见的好笑剧。

  • 苏比
  • 力荐
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