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    天堂孤影 剧照 NO.1天堂孤影 剧照 NO.2天堂孤影 剧照 NO.3天堂孤影 剧照 NO.4天堂孤影 剧照 NO.5天堂孤影 剧照 NO.6天堂孤影 剧照 NO.13天堂孤影 剧照 NO.14天堂孤影 剧照 NO.15天堂孤影 剧照 NO.16天堂孤影 剧照 NO.17天堂孤影 剧照 NO.18天堂孤影 剧照 NO.19天堂孤影 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2024-04-13 13:07


    环卫公司垃圾车驾驶员尼卡德(Matti Pellonp?? 饰)的老同事计划筹资组建自己的环卫公司,邀请尼卡德技术入股,但老同事不久急病突发身亡,尼卡德的生活重回一潭死水状态。尼卡德心有不甘借酒滋事,在被拘留的时候结识日后的同事米卡拉。米卡拉偶而会不识趣的妨碍尼卡德暗地追求超市售货员伊罗娜(Kati Outinen 饰),但他仍是尼卡德最可依赖的朋友。伊罗娜为报复超市经理偷走了钱盒,尼卡德帮助她找到服装店的新工作,服装店经理夹到尼卡德与伊罗娜的关系中间,但尼卡德最终夺回了自己的爱人。   本片获1987年芬兰电影尤西奖最佳影片奖。是导演郭立斯马基(Aki Kaurism?ki)无产阶级三部曲的第一部。


     1 ) 短评






     2 ) My Questions on Shadows in Paradise

    Actually this is one of my assignments from my foreign teacher who recommended us to watch and ponder on the film. I use plain language to share some of my thoughts here with you and hope you guys will enjoy it!

    Feel free to comment!

            How to understand the characters in the movie Shadows in Paradise?
            What does the ship which is going off at the end of the movie symbolize?

    Possible Answers:
            After watching the film first time, I felt it a comedy with happy ending. However, when I watch the film a second time, I feel depressed, and I have a totally different feeling from the first time. I regard it as an ideal dream of the working class rather than a simple comedy of the workers. This film reminds me of The Flies, which we’ve read last semester. Both of the film and the article are talking about the stories of the same class, the lower working class, which has nothing glamorous but unique. As we all know, paradise represents a bright and joyful image, so how come there are some shadows in paradise? This is the question occurred to me when I first read the title of the movie. Trying to understand the film and the theme, I approach to the understanding of the characters first.
            In the movie, there are two main characters and four other characters. I’d like to divide them into different groups according to the different criteria for the sake of better understanding of the characters.

                     Attitudes towards Life

    1.Positive: Make a change
    2.Negative: Stay in comfort zone

            According to the attitudes towards life, I categorize the characters into two groups: make a change and stay in comfort zone.
        What I’m most impressed by this movie is that the characters’ desire to make a change. Firstly, the coworker of Nikander, who had a dream to travel around the world with his wife, wanted to run a company by himself. He was fed up with the current job for twenty-five years and he was longing for change. He was so positive towards life, but he worked too hard and prepared a lot for his dream. He even died when he was working. This makes me think of those events in nowadays society, which are the premature deaths of the elites in society. As we all know, if we want to gain something, we have to pay the price sooner or later. However, those premature dead people are working too hard to stand. Although they are positive towards life and willing to make a change, they overwork to make up the lost. Their attitudes towards life should be appreciated, but their method of wealth accumulation should not be complimented. As Confucius has said, enough is as good as a feast. We should be satisfied when we have enough sources. This is probably a correct method of making a change.
            Secondly, the main character, Nikander, is also a member of the positive group. He was willing to be a foreman when his coworker suggested him to be and he learned English after work in order to improve himself. He kept on trying, kept on making a change even he was only a garbage collector, a blue-collar worker. Even though he hadn’t a decent job, he kept everything of his life in order: he went to work on time every day, cooked dinner for himself, and folded his clothes tidily. In my opinion, arranging one’s daily life in order itself is a kind of positive act. The others may have held him in contempt, but the most important thing is that he never looks down upon himself and he is always positive towards life.
            Last but not the least, the partner of Nikander, a jobless person who was arrested in the jail before, was positive as well. He was willing to work and wanted to make a change in his life. He began changing from getting a job, helping Nikander, visiting Nikander when he was crossed in love and taking care of Nikander when he was in the hospital. They were trying to make a change in their life and struggling in the working class.
            In this movie, the characters, though in the inferior status and lower working class, I think are optimistic towards life except Liona’s attitude was controversial.
            Liona went through a lot but she seldom took action to make a change in the previous half of the movie. When she was fired for no reason, she chose to steal the money box and avoid the reality. She requested Nikander to drive her out of the town. In my viewpoint, if she really wanted to make a change, she should use some practical and legal methods rather than this illegal and negative means. Because she must know the result that she would stand accused of theft by the police after she returned home. That is to say, she must know this act will not work and all these would be in vain at the start of her plan. So what’s the point doing this if she really wanted a change in life? She could have appealed to law or the Labour Union for getting a reasonable reply of her unemployment. But she didn’t. From this aspect, she seemed to be negative towards life because she just tried to avoid the cruel reality.
            However, taking her act at another thought, she was still trying even when she was sure to fail. She attempted to make a change and get hold of her own life, though the method she adopted didn’t work. Thus we may interpret this act as a positive attitude of her deep heart from this aspect. What’s more, she was still positive towards life when she chose to leave with Nikanda in the end. This was also an act that she tried to make a change in her life. Probably getting on the ship with Nikander was a signal of revolution.
            To sum up, Liona had both of the positive and negative attitudes towards life which made her attitude controversial. Above all is how I understand the characters from the perspectives of attitudes towards life.

                     Social Status

              1.Upper Class
              2.Lower Class
            This movie is mainly talking about the life in the lower working class. The major characters are just like the representative of the lower class in society. They don’t have decent job or well-paid salary, let alone the high-class network in society. They looked more serious and sober. Liona, was the most typical characters of the lower class. She seldom showed a smile on her face, probably because there was nothing worth smiling about in the life of lower class. We know the life of the lower class from her. She was fired the third time for no reason; she turned to steal for revenge because she was unemployed; she had to live in Nikander’s house for accommodation; she had to find a job with the help of men; she had to eat hamburger besides the road rather than have dinner in the restaurant. Those people in lower class had something in common with her.: they haven’t got steady jobs and networks to help.
            Like Liona, Nikander was also a typical character in the lower class. He was looked down upon by the waiter in the restaurant and the manager of the shop because his dress and job. Through their life, we know the life of lower class is full of bitterness and prejudice. This environment is like the shadows existing in society. Anything glamorous doesn’t belong to them. We’re usually attracted by the paradise, the halo of upper class; however, after watching the film, I know that we can’t overlook the shadows, the dark side of society.
            Unlike the lower class, the people in the upper class enjoyed the well-paid salary, stable job and the better quality of service. The manager of the clothes shop could be categorized into this group. He could offer Liona a job; he could have dinner in the restaurant and never bother whether there was a seat or not. The people in upper class enjoy the privileges and live a more comfortable life than those in lower class.
            This is how I understand the characters from the perspective of different social status.

                   Attitudes towards Love


            The love story served as a main thread through the whole movie. To understand their attitudes towards love is of great importance. Liona was confused about love when she was in the crossway to make a decision between the manager and Nikander. These two alternatives represented bread and love, the permanent topic in our reality. She was so confused that she didn’t know which to choose. Bread or love, that is a question. Liona first was a realistic lady when she chose the manager, the bread in life. Because she knew she could not live without a job and money. I quite agreed with her first decision. After all, life is cruel. However, she finally looked into her deep heart and found out the real answer, the true love in human. She chose to believe in the power of love so she took an act to leave with Nikander in the end. This is her final decision and attitude towards love.
            Concerning love, Nikander was everything that Liona wasn’t. He was persistent, faithful and loyal to love. He let Liona live in his house for shelter; he gave the money back to the manager of supermarket for Liona; he never gave up Liona even when she had another man. His persistence towards love won Liona’s heart eventually.
            This is how I understand the characters from the perspective of attitudes towards love.

            After analyzing the characters in the movie, I have a better understanding of the theme. The ship also which is going off at the end of the movie makes me think a lot. I have to say the director of the film is a genius because he leaves enough space for the audience to ponder and reflect after watching it, especially the ending part, a marvelous job.
            When the ship was sailing out in the end, the audience may think where were they going? How was the future life of them? These are the questions I think about. I believe many other people may think alike.
            On the surface, the ship with Liona and Nikander on it symbolizes the happy ending of the couple. They finally got together and went for the honeymoon. They took an act and made a change in their life regardless of reality. They may probably have a romantic cruise or a fantastic journey. However, is life really so simple? Does their destination really exist? This ending makes me think of the happy endings of the fairy tales. As we all know, the endings of the fairy tales are like this: from now on, the prince and princess live a happy life forever. Nothing more is described about their future marriage life. But we can guess their life full of pressure and trivial daily troubles. They are the noble so they must be under the pressure of royalty and public. What’s more, they have to deal with those daily necessities let which they seldom concern about before marriage. They have to face to the reality after all. Can they live a happy life forever? That ending just can cheat those children who have never taste the bitterness of the life.
            Similarly, Nikander and Liona are like the prince and princess, who have to face to the reality and have to struggle in the shadows of society after their cruise. Life is never so simple that we can find a place without troubles and tensions. The ship at the end of the movie is like our life, which is dynamic and full of uncertainties. Nikander and Liona wish to be happy and out of pressure from work and society. The ship which was sailing away, like floating up to the paradise, can symbolize the hope of a new life, the paradise in their heart. In their minds, the ship will lead them to the paradise, where they can be away from the shadows in society; nevertheless, that place doesn’t exist. Wherever we are, whoever we are, we still have to tackle those troubles in life. The lyrics of the song at the end of the film “life itself is painful” also tell us the essence of life lies more in its bitterness than in sweetness.
            We don’t know what’s going on in their life, but their future is open to our predictions.
            Maybe they will live an undramatic life in the future and everything will like the same as usual when they are back. Liona may be busy with finding a new job; meanwhile, Nikander may do the routine garbage-man work everyday. Although their life is full of dull work and uneasy things, they might still feel very happy and satisfied in deep heart. As we all know, the definition of happiness varies from person to person. Happiness to them may mean the satisfying feeling in their heart rather than wealth and reputation.
            Who knows maybe they will live a dramatic life? Nikander and Liona may find some commercial opportunities during their journey and they might run their own business in the future. Very soon, they may gain a huge amount of money and climb up to the upper class.
            What’s more, maybe they live in a much more miserable life than before. Liona may probably lose the job and have to struggle in job searching when they are back. Society is competitive and tough. If there is no vacancy for her, she won’t probably earn a living. The same case may also happen to Nikander. He is only a blue collar in the lower class and he might be fired someday for no reason like Liona. Then their life will be a mess and miserable.
            The ship gives me a lot of imaginations and these are the three possibilities I can think of about their future.
            Back to the ship, it will lead us to far shore, but we will never know where is our destination and when will we be there. Our life experience is like the ship, sailing in the endless ocean, fighting with the storms, waiting to get to another shore without clear destination. Like Lin Yutang said before, life is like a dream. Everything is changing on the way, but the most important thing is that Nikander and Liona have found out the things that worth cherishing in their life, which is love.
            In a nutshell, the ship symbolizes our life, which is full of ups and downs, and filled with uncertainties. What’s more, the happy ending of the main characters is just a dream and the place where they leave for is the paradise in their hearts, which doesn’t exist.

     3 ) 困苦中的浪漫 清冷中的唯美


     4 ) 光













     5 ) 给我一杯断肠酒

    “给我一杯断肠酒”于是,当他的胖同事来找他一起上班的时候,他带着墨镜直躺在床上。当他说他死也不去的时候, 下一个镜头又直接切到影片开头那组工作的画面,男主角还是机械地站在垃圾场的尾部,右手拉动滑杆。

    末尾 ,轮船在阴霾寒风细雨中缓缓驶向远方,深蓝的海水在风中起伏滚动,一首老式的摇滚歌曲响起,就像歌词里面所说的那样:“生活本来就是痛苦的……”他们的未来也终究逃不过苦难,但他们很快乐,因为他们找到了生活中真正值得珍惜的东西。

     6 ) 无力感是生活的基调






  • Sandrelli
  • 力荐
  • 8/10。清垃圾箱时捡到一张唱片,卑微的苦中作乐也能点燃希望;喜欢男女主角初次相遇那段,她的大红衣服在冰冷的环境色调里格外热烈,主动要求帮他扎伤口,两人的脸胀得偏红;餐厅门卫、服装店老板借口阻拦进入,饱受打击的底层仍不把悲伤挂表情上接受怜悯,顶多独自醉一场,缄默是他们争取尊严的方式。

  • 火娃
  • 推荐
  • 爱考利斯马基就是爱一种肥皂剧 演员、台词、调调 一万年不变你也不烦

  • 皮革业
  • 推荐
  • 友情 爱情

  • 还行
  • 把时间打乱,《火柴厂女工》重生后变得冷酷无情厌倦男人,碰上了另一个时空男版的自己垃圾车男工,两人结婚后去了《勒阿弗尔》,过了平淡幸福的几十年,帮助了一个黑人小男孩,happy ending。这是阿基的电影宇宙。

  • 判官
  • 推荐
  • 老鼠与人类的基因差别只有15%左右,沙发土豆肥皂剧和考利马斯基的区别也差不多,不过前者乐于展示张牙舞爪或面目扭曲,而后者则把那些浅薄完全摒弃,冷的彻骨也热的灼心。

  • 托尼·王大拿
  • 推荐
  • “我是来带你走的,蜜月旅行总不能一个人去”,真他妈的浪漫。他们未来或许仍逃离不了痛苦,但上船的时刻他们无比幸福

  • SundanceKid🌈
  • 推荐
  • 哎呀,坏坏的可耐的阿基大叔阿基大婶啊……

  • iceman
  • 力荐
  • 最后依然是上了一艘大船,那红色的镰刀锤子,航向苏维埃的塔林。年轻时代的卡蒂·奥廷宁,稍微折腾一下也没那么丑了。

  • 巴伐利亞酒神
  • 推荐
  • 太喜欢了,是那种拿出手机备忘录记笔记的喜欢,对无产阶级的孤独感刻画没有流于俗套,而是非常地冷峻和轻巧。

  • 皮格马利翁
  • 力荐
  • 考里斯马基总是很有趣:)

  • 闻人林
  • 还行
  • “无产阶级三部曲”第一部。听了张大磊的推荐来看,还真是相当动人。考里斯马基的体系太强大,以至于他的这种高度限制的表演方式(绝对可以顺到德莱叶-小津-布列松的体系里,反而不是塔蒂-罗伊安德森-苏雷曼这个体系……)与其实有些离奇的情节在体系里非常自洽。对孤独感的刻画真是入木三分(别忘了这片其实是个风格独特的情节剧啊,差点还走向黑色电影)。开头垃圾车的段落真是漂亮(一瞬间穿到肯洛奇-达内那儿)。剪辑风格干脆利落,居然都不留气口……

  • 胤祥
  • 推荐
  • 不知是否有人会像我一样认为此片和北野武那部奇妙地互文。芬兰初夏,阴郁的海...

  • 鸡塔
  • 力荐
  • 开场的赫尔辛基收垃圾佬太酷了,“没有极限”,“可信赖的垃圾处理,始于 1986 ”。不过这部电影和贾木许那部片子的名字,未免太像了吧。而且我明明没看过——怎么一直念叨要坐一趟去塔林的游轮呢?

  • 木卫二
  • 推荐
  • 曾经不想让别人知道自己的男友是个收垃圾的工人,如今,与男友一同坐在垃圾车里,脸上却闪烁着充满幸福的笑容。爱情是无产阶级仅剩的骄傲。【联合国教科文组织】 芬兰影史十五佳NO.14

  • 有心打扰
  • 还行
  • 和《升空号》其实差不多,甚至是最后也同样是以坐船离开圆满收尾。依然是无产阶级的爱情故事,但可能是三部曲中我最不喜欢的一部了。3.5

  • 方枪枪
  • 还行
  • 垃圾处理从86年开始,问我想要什么没意义,你带给我的只有伤和痛,佛罗里达只有芬兰人和唐老鸭,你能养活我俩么小土豆。。阿基典型的风格

  • 琧婯
  • 推荐
  • 我居然好喜欢阿基早年的这部!爱是人最后的尊严。男人自语道:“我从很多个角度考虑过爱情,比如伤害和不完美也是一种乐趣,而身处其中的人却都很严肃。”结尾的歌,如同咏叹调,情感直白:“抬起头,我的爱人。你看那灯火通明的公园,我的心在思念你,在这里孤单地跳动。请快些吧,快回家吧。人生啊,如此短暂。快回来,你给了我一切。但爱人啊,尽管我这样请求。我知道这都是徒劳的,尽管我思念你,日日夜夜。不要迎向我,因为你也知道,生活只会带给我们痛苦。别匆匆回到我身边,这里的阴影会把你淹没。别匆忙,看这美丽的世界。在这里,看不见泪水。”

  • 夜第七章
  • 力荐
  • “我什么都不需要。我是尼卡德,以前是屠夫,现在收垃圾,牙齿和胃都不好,肝也不行了。”收垃圾的男人每次见到心爱的女人都要带一束花,要有多爱,才能回答的这么卑微。不许诺未来,全然交代过去和现在,情话无聊又动人。

  • 疼疼(电动版
  • 推荐
  • 顺着作品年表开始看阿基,有点理解为什么仁科喜欢这个导演,确实很戳文艺青年的点。

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