Cult Films have limited but very special appeal. Cult films are usually strange, quirky, offbeat, eccentric, oddball, or surreal, with outrageous, weird, unique and cartoony characters or plots, and garish sets. They are often considered controversial because they step outside standard narrative and technical conventions. They can be very stylized, and they are often flawed or unusual in some striking way.
Most cult films cut across many film genres (science fiction, horror, melodrama, etc.), although some film genres are also more prone to being cultish, such as the horror or sci-fi genres. Teen comedies are also more often rated as cult films, such as Dazed and Confused (1993), and Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), with quotable lines of dialogue, and memorable characters and scenes.
Many cult films feature or effectively showcase the performance of newcomers or other unknown talented actors/actresses. These often-obscure and cheesy films are usually made by maverick, highly individualistic film-makers with low-budget resources and little commercial marketing. And cult films are rarely, if ever, sequels, since then they would have attained mainstream appeal and widespread success. Some directors are more prone to making cult films, such as John Waters, Quentin Tarantino and David Lynch, especially early in their careers, because of their individualistic perspective and style, although they can often make a conventional 'mainstream' film too (such as David Lynch's The Straight Story (1999)).
Many cult films fared poorly at the box office when first shown, but then achieved cult-film status, developing an enduring loyalty and following among fans over time, often through word-of-mouth recommendations. Sometimes, they were revolutionary, brilliant films 'before their time' (i.e., Fantasia (1940)) and not bound by the conventions of their day.
They elicit a fiery and intense passion in devoted fans, and may cause cultists to enthusiastically champion and become devoted to these films, leading to audience participation, fan club membership, and repetitive viewings and showings. Cult films have tremendous followings with certain groups, e.g., college campuses, 'midnight movie' crowds, independent film lovers, etc. Cult movie worshippers persuasively argue with all about the merits of their choices, without regard for standard newspaper or movie reviews from critics.
There's no hard-and-fast rule or checklist to gauge what makes a cult film. A cult film is often designated as such "in the eye of the beholder" without fufilling any definition. It's often a matter of opinion. One viewer's cult film may not be judged the same by another viewer. And just because a segment of devoted viewers (pre-teen girls) repeatedly watch a film - such as Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - to view its star Johnny Depp, or Titanic (1997) (to see Leonardo Di Caprio), or to view the latest George Lucas Star Wars film, doesn't make a film a cult film. However, there are the most popular cult films, such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) and any of the Star Trek films, that have developed cult followings with all the trappings.
One of the biggest, best-known cult films was not intended to become so popular. It was a low-budget, government 'documentary' propaganda film from the mid-30s created to dramatize the dangers of marijuana use and demon weed - Reefer Madness (1936). However, Tod Browning's grotesque Freaks (1932), was deliberately advertised as "the strangest...most startling human story ever screened," and had alternate titles including Forbidden Love, The Monster Show, and Nature's Mistakes. It used real-life dwarfs, pinheads, and other human freaks (portraying sideshow circus performers) to present a jolting story of revenge.
When first released, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) and Almost Famous (2000) were almost instantly pronounced as cult films, but as time progressed, they didn't really fit the category. They were highly-acclaimed, award-winning films that were prominently shown in the mainstream, and it had been too early to judge them as cult films. The media often labels an unusual film as a 'cult film' when it really shouldn't. It takes time for a film to reach cult status.
Camp films are cult-type films, but they are often poorly made or ludicrous, yet still enjoyable and appreciated. Cult films follow no rules or pattern - some cult films are popular only among certain limited groups of audiences or friends.
Music-Based Cult Films:
Some cult films are music-based, such as director Rob Reiner's This is Spinal Tap (1984), a tongue-in-cheek spoof of rock documentaries, following a faux British heavy metal band's disastrous US tour; Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982), a bizarre film based on the popular rock album; Ken Russell's Tommy (1975), the Who's rock opera about a deaf, dumb, and blind kid who sure plays a 'mean pinball'; and The Blues Brothers (1980), a farcical musical comedy involving two loser musicians who resurrect their old blues band.
The first of two other quintessential rock musical cult films include the transgender The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) - notable for inspiring the craze of interactive, 'midnight movie' screenings. The iconic film was essentially a trashy tale set in a mysterious castle with kinky extraterrestrial Transylvanian transvestites, two stranded young people (including an underwear-clad Susan Sarandon), and a mad scientist. The second was a rebellious teenage musical comedy Rock 'N' Roll High School (1979) that featured a rock band named The Ramones. Perry Henzell's urban-crime drama The Harder They Come (1973) with musical star Jimmy Cliff, featured a reggae soundtrack and a seamy look at poverty and crime in Jamaica.
Well-Regarded Cult Films:
A number of cult films are well-regarded, such as Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life (1946), that became popular many years after its initial release due to repeated television showings. Likewise, the classic weeper An Affair to Remember (1957) has developed a loyal following (it was a remake of Love Affair (1939), was paid homage in Sleepless in Seattle (1993) and remade as Love Affair (1994) with Warren Beatty and Annette Bening).
Others include the science fiction classic Forbidden Planet (1956) that has developed a wide cult following, Kubrick's intriguing A Clockwork Orange (1971) - a surrealistic tale of an ultra-violent future and the danger of psychological reconditioning, or Coppola's anti-Vietnam war epic of a terrifying journey into hell in Apocalypse Now (1979), or another Kubrick classic, Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb (1964).
Frank Darabont's subversive, allegorical, and life-affirming prison story about two life-sentenced prisoners, The Shawshank Redemption (1994), based upon a Stephen King story, failed at the box-office during its original release, but established a strong cult following its video release. George Roy Hill, the director of such Oscar-winning hits as The Sting (1973) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), also helmed the comedy-drama Slap Shot (1977) with Paul Newman - noted as one of the raunchiest, most foul-mouthed, macho sports films ever made. Another highly-regarded cult film is Monte Hellman's low-budget Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) - a late 60s to early 70s entry in the road film genre - that was both an existential character study and a car-chase/race film.
A visually rich Philip-Marlowe style detective film, director Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982), set in futuristic, proto-punk Los Angeles in 2019, and about an ex-cop (Harrison Ford) who hunts down renegade human replicants, has developed a wide cultish following. An early 70s big-cult favorite was director Hal Ashby's dark, eccentric and macabre Harold and Maude (1971) about a strange taboo romance between a 20 year-old boy (Bud Cort) and a fun-loving, joie-de-vivre 79 year-old woman (Ruth Gordon) to the tune of a Cat Stevens soundtrack - with ingenious scenes of the spoiled rich boy's mock suicide attempts staged to upset his mother. A year earlier, Bud Cort had starred in Robert Altman's quirky and satirical fairy tale Brewster McCloud (1970) as a bespectacled boy living in the Houston Astrodome where he was building a machine to escape and fly away. The Sound of Music (1965) when re-released in the late 20th century was presented as a sing-along version (with subtitles) along the lines of the participatory Rocky Horror, with fans dressing up as nuns, lonely goatherds and Nazis.
Conversely, some of the most praised films have pornographic origins, such as the ground-breaking Behind the Green Door (1972) due to its star Marilyn Chambers appearing in her first adult role (she was a former All-American Girl and Ivory Snow detergent model).
—— 文字绝对是人类史上最让人无法自拔的毒品。致幻,带来无以名状的兴奋以及绝望。更早与文字之前,在其还在嘴与耳间传播时,这一伟大的致幻剂就已在人类的血液之中蠢蠢欲动。当打字机先生的两个朋友在黑药之城发现他枕着纷杂不清的各类毒品躺在沙堆上后带他回住处读起不知何时寄回美国的书稿,那梦幻的文字带来的何尝不是一种快感。
原文博客:电影改编自威廉巴勒斯的同名小说,和小说中展现的脑内地震不尽相同,大卫柯南伯格结合了威廉巴勒斯自传三部曲《瘾君子》、《酷儿》、《裸体午餐》中的内容,描述了作家威廉.李在半梦半醒中逃离毒品控制,正视体内魔鬼的过程。两次杀妻构成了影片循环式发展的结构,它看起来像宿命重现,实则是作家击碎梦境,走出封闭的内心世界,从控制中心逃离到边缘地带的象征。就像拟人化的打字机 “克拉克诺瓦”弥留时所说的“作家应该生活在残酷的现实中”。
在毒瘾的作用下,威廉.李误杀了自己的妻子琼,当他慌不择路的选择逃亡时,一个魔鬼扑上肩膀的吊坠出现在镜头里,暗示威廉.李的心魔已占据了他的身体。此时骨瘦嶙峋的怪物在酒吧出现,他让威廉.李离开纽约,逃往地区间-Interzone,实际上就是退守至封闭的内心世界。他让威廉.李带上名叫 “克拉克诺瓦”的打字机给地区间打报告, “克拉克诺瓦” 就是连接作家思想和内心世界的读脑器。
现实和幻想在迷宫般的地区间-Interzone(丹吉尔)-交汇进行,这个像心脏构造的城市具备着梦境的一切要素,古堡,集市,咖啡馆,遮蔽的天空和无数个通往黑暗尽头的长廊。打字机的声音如影随形,它既是钢铁时代的奇响,也是作家脑中迸发出高亢激烈旋律的高音萨克斯管。金属键盘好比酷似亡妻的女作家琼的肌肤,当抚摸不足以表达爱意,汝须剥开键盘直至体内,情浓极处,汝更须猛烈敲击键盘,直至血肉淋漓的完全勃起。打字机的口、屁眼和生殖器合为一体,因为语言即病毒,它既是身份(同性恋)缺失后无法言说的恐惧,也是直接作用于脑部的交流电,它体现的是一个人对另一个人的控制,通过语言、排泄物和性。当两台打字机在作家面前争吵时,就像脑内发出巨大轰鸣的噪音合奏,须将一台敲碎至零件方能得到片刻的安宁,就像 “克拉克诺瓦”对威廉.李的第一次引诱:“去接受这种新的视角(毒品空间),我就是靠着美妙的词句过活的。”
本威医生是地区间-Interzone 控制体系的代言人,他的女人皮囊就是他的政治伪装,如同毒品上面涂抹的糖霜,就像他第一次遇见威廉.李将黑肉(新毒品)掺进灭虫粉(旧毒品)所说的,新型毒品会隐形,就像潜入旧毒品世界的间谍。作为金字塔的最顶端,他的工作就是不断开发新型毒品以控制退守至内心世界的人们,瘾君子通过怪物头上的吸管,靠吸食丑陋灵魂的思想为生,交出灵魂以换得本威医生所谓的“自由”。
战后文人的状态:披着君子面具的颓废内心,沉浸在虚幻的精神世界中。 p.s.由于智力原因,并没有太看进去
怕虫党缩成了一小团 捂着眼睛从指缝里偷偷地看完了 久违的 温馨感。。。
@ Prince Charles Cinema 搞隐喻大概没几个人搞得过柯南伯格,他那令人发指的美学观念和极尽恶心的隐喻指称对象让我心服口服,极端异质的影像某种程度上完美还原了原著,现实与幻想交织,如同一个吸毒者混沌大脑的癔症。逃离如果是向着interzone,困顿宿命还是注定的,毕竟没人逃得出自己内心的阴影。
it's time for cult 《nacked lunch》是那种...像冰凉的黑色液体慢慢渗入到皮肤里,皮肤在变色,并感受到温度的降低,皮下的某个或某些部位在瘙痒,但抓不到准确的位置,找不到确切的入口,知道它的存在和它存在带来的变化,却摸不到看不见也表述不出的电影。's time for cult.这又是一部被认知成“my style”的电影,像树婴、涨潮海岸一样被攫取到自己的体内,当别人提到我的名字的时候,就该一同说出它,例如可以在我冗长的墓志铭里写上诸如“十
那个制作black meat的巫婆是Will&Grace里的Rosario吗!!!!!!!
一场关于写作的隐喻。比预期的低了一点点……因为如果按原作来的话,大概只能改成泡面番了,而那颠狂气控制的扭曲感画面,导演只能是汤浅政明了(见samurai champloo某话)。另,北非毒品爵士……这样的关键词,难道渡边(Cowboy Bebop剧场)有致敬?