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    主演:伊桑·霍克  Seymour Bernstein  





    西默简介 剧照 NO.1西默简介 剧照 NO.2西默简介 剧照 NO.3西默简介 剧照 NO.4西默简介 剧照 NO.5西默简介 剧照 NO.6西默简介 剧照 NO.13西默简介 剧照 NO.14西默简介 剧照 NO.15西默简介 剧照 NO.16西默简介 剧照 NO.17
    更新时间:2023-09-01 11:55




     1 ) 纪录片中的一些话(更新ing)



    “Motivated by a love of music and possessed of a clear understanding of the reasons for practicing, you can establish so deep an accord between your musical self and your personal self, that eventually music and life will interact in a never-ending cycle of fulfillment.”

    "The most important thing that music teachers can do for their pupils is to inspire and encourage an emotional response, not just for music, but more importantly for all aspects of lives."

    "The contrast between the unbelievable attainment of art and unpredictability of the social world is so great."

    "Your initial response to music occurs without intellectual analysis. Gifted children, for example, often project deep musical feeling without being aware of musical stracture or historical facts. It is this kind of innocence from which adults can learn.Therefore in practicing, avoid excess of analysis and allow the music to reveal its own beauty, a beauty that is ansered by something deep within you. "

    “In contemplating my own connection to music, I always return to the same answer:Universal Order. If the heavenly constellations offer us visual proof of this order then music must be its aural manifestation. Through its language, we become one with the stars. Music speaks concordantly to a troubled world, dispelling loneliness and discontent. Its voice discovering in it, those deep recesses of thought and felling where truth implants itself. Music offers no quarter for compromise, no exceuses, no subterfuge, no shoddy workmanship. And we sense in music, an extension of ourselves, a reminder of our won potential for perfection.”

    "I never dreamt that with my own two hands, I could touch the sky."

    From Shumann to Clara:

    "Throughout all music , there sounds the colorful dream of the earth, one quite note, played for a secret eavesdropper. You are the note of my life. You are the secret eavesdropper.”

     2 ) 永遠の自己探求

    印象很深的一个场景是Seymour徐徐把沙发床折叠整理收拾好,房间又恢复成原本的模样。一切繁华落尽,他选择了isolation和solitude,选择退回了自己的safe place,只有音乐才是他的唯一。”Music is my being, just like everything I do is somehoe related to music.” 似曾相识的热情,但坚持一生才是真爱,他向我们证明世间就是可以存在如此恒久的执着。
    #Music is a language of feeling.
    Finally, tranquility.
    Ps.人家还是用了face vicissitudes的,年轻时代那段差点被包养的历史也是略喜感,虽然心情完全可以理解。

     3 ) A universal language

    纪录片 《Seymour: An Introduction 》自身就是一首钢琴曲,旋律披着温暖的光泽。我记下了一些片段,希望对感兴趣的朋友也有帮助。

    音乐真是世上最美妙的类比库,也许这也是为什么Seymore认为music是universal language的原因之一吧。

    “I thrive on solitude. I have to be by myself in order to sort out all the thoughts that course through my mind. Our social world is unpredictable. Someone who may be the closes to you can one day say something and and somehow the relationship dissolve. I have to tell you that our art is totally predictable. Music will never change. When Beethoven puts a B flat down, that’s there forever. Because of the predictability of music, when we work at it we have a sense of order, harmony, predictability, and something we can control."

    Your initial response to music occurs without intellectual analysis. Gifted children, for example, often project deep musical feeling without being aware of musical structure or historical facts. It is this kind of innocence from which adults can learn. Therefore in practicing, avoid excess of analysis, and allow the music to revel its own beauty, a beauty that is answered by something deep within you”

    Do you know ho many men tried to subdue the feminine in them? Well look here’s Beethoven (Seymour plays a piece). Picture this, he’s playing this (Moonlight Sonata) for the first time in the World, to a room filled with his colleagues. He finished playing and they were all crying….Beethoven stopped, said, “Men don’t cry. Why are you crying?" This sensitive guy, you know, he had the feminine in him but he tried to subjugate it

    It has conflicts and pleasures, harmony and dissonance. That’s how life is. Can’t escape it. By the way, the same thing occurs in music. There are dissonances in harmony and resolutions. I believe that you won’t enjoy the resolution unless you have that dissonance. What would it be if we didn’t have the dissonance? We wouldn’t know the meaning of the resolution.

    【当 Seymour在回应,自己如何看待父亲不认为Seymore是他所想要的那种儿子时】
    I felt insulted. I felt that he couldn’t say he has three daughters and a son ‘cause he couldn’t identify with the son that he had. After a while, when I was adult enough…..I create a translucent dome around myself, a protective dome. Outside are flying all the ravens, who symbolise all the people who are detractors in my life, who don’t really want me to succeed for their selfish reasons. Even though I can see them, they can’t touch me anymore. Guess who my father is. He’s one of those ravens. He’s picking at the translucent dome, but he can’t get in.

    【Seymour 和一位学者谈到音乐的教育意义时】
    Our culture deliberately drives people to focus outside so it can control them. Because if you can make people slaves of consumerism, slaves of success, slaves of status, you can manipulate them completely. So the role of music in our culture is crucial, because music is the art most sacredly capable of helping us get in touch with the deepest passions and compassions and deepest understandings of ourselves.

    【当 Seymour谈到年龄允许他更加坦白无惧时】
    When you reach my age, you stop playing games. You stop lying to people, and you just say really what’s in your heart. And you find out that it’s the greatest compliment to someone when you really say the truth and don’t just say what they expect you to say.

    Every piano is like a person. They build them the same way. They never come out the same way, because human factor of putting everything together. Then the soundboard, the wood is alive. Every tree is different. So the soundboard vibrates. Each soundboard has different wood. It can never be the same.

    【当 Ethan Hawke 和 Seymour谈到自己在创作和事业中的交煎时】
    (Hawke)I think a lot of people spend the bulk of their life no trying to play better but by trying to gain more things. For me, personally, I can look around and I can see that doesn’t actually make people happy. I’m looking at myself, and I’m saying, “You have the second half of your life ahead of you. If it’s not for material gain, if I don’t have a specific religious calling, what is it that I’m living it for?” The whole system of life is geared to make you think about success. Often, doing my art the best and equating that with any kind of financial success are just - they’re just wildly at odds with one another. So the most “successful” things I’ve done have been some of the worst things I've done. And sometimes I think that just playing life more beautifully is what I’m after.


     4 ) You will never be old as long as you know how to begin.

    NYFF 1 【Seymour:An Introduction】

    Seymour Bernstein, 87岁,前程大好却【半途而废】的pianist。独居纽约上西区,睡一张沙发床,潜心教学作曲写作,易动情流泪也常展露孩童般的笑容。
    老人几句话,我已振聋发聩,忙不迭掏出小本来记。难怪只一面之缘,Seymour就俨然成了Ethan Hawke的灵魂导师。后者甚至亲手操刀,历时两年,完成了这一部大音希声的纪录片。

    Q&A 脑海里这一句记得最清晰
    Q: Does music keep you young?
    A: You will never be old as long as you know how to begin.

    P.S. Ethan Hawke 处女作着实惊喜,细腻不小气,抒情不滥情
    New York Times review -“affectionate and searching” 是真的。

     5 ) 《西默简介》拍摄初衷、台词摘录以及降b调猜想
















    昨在墨爾本電影節上看了Ethan Hawke拍得「Seymour: An Introduction」。極好。應該是今年就目前而言,我在電影院度過的最有價值的九十分鐘。



    "That's how life is, it has conflicts, pleasures, harmony, and dissonance. These same things occur in music. Without dissonances, resolutions would not be that beautiful."

    "Religion requires faith, in music, there is the language written out for you."

    "When my practicing went well, everything else in life seemed to be harmonized by that. When it didn't go well, I was out of sorts with people. So I concluded that the real essence of who we are resides in our talent, in whatever talent and there is."

    "Listening to yourself more help you listen others better." (他學生說得這句也極好)

    "I never dreamt that with my own two hands I could touch the sky." (!這是片尾最後的一句話⋯⋯想深深地感謝我的父母)




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