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    主演:艾琳·贝达  吉姆·卡明斯  Donal Gibson  

    导演:布拉德利·雷蒙德  汤姆·埃勒里  




    风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.1风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.2风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.3风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.4风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.5风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.6风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.13风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.14风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.15风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.16风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.17风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.18风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.19风中奇缘2 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2023-09-01 11:46


      故事发生在公元1612年,宝嘉公主(艾琳·贝达 Irene Bedard 配音)跟随着英国外交官拉尔夫(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 配音)远渡重洋来到英国伦敦面见国王和王后,共同商讨族人的命运和领土的未来,跟随着她的除了保镖乌塔外,还有古灵精怪的米可(约翰·卡西尔 John Kassir 配音)、帕西和福利特(弗兰克·维尔克 Frank Welker 配音)。  在伦敦,宝嘉公主意外的和贪婪邪恶的伯克利(大卫·奥根·斯提尔斯 David Ogden Stiers 配音)重逢了,后者再一次将触角伸向了印第安人的土地,想要借此大捞一笔。宝嘉公主识破了伯克利的阴谋,和其斗智斗勇。除此之外,宝嘉公主还遇见了阔别已久的约翰史密斯(Donal Gibson 配音)。


     1 ) 随便说说

    看了一下结尾时候的制作名单. 一开始还以为是印度的制作团队搞出来的东西,因为那些名字实在怎么看都不象欧美方的人..后来又看见出现了日本迪斯尼的名字,一直到animators的staff出现..才清楚了,原来相当一部分的原画到动画是日本人做的.(严格的说,应该是日本和加拿大团队一起做的,但是从名单上来说,的确日本占了很多的比例. 而且从我对加拿大动画的了解上来说,有些做的不太好的段落很有可能是加拿大方面做的...这个有点象我上一部监督的flash动画里面,韩国人的动画做的比加拿大人做的好一样..似乎这样说有些先入为主,不过,我到现在还是这么认为)
    对于这一点,我本身并不陌生. 记得钟楼驼侠2的动画也是日本人做的.
    虽然在最后一段里面的动画里面, 走型的似乎有点夸张,但是整体来说,做的还是不错的.当然,不能和第一部比..glenn keane又有几个人可以和他比的?

     2 ) 私人影评,纯记录


     3 ) 迪斯尼对自己的否定

    这一作最后的结局可以说是迪斯尼对前作的彻底否定:开始宝嘉康蒂听说了约翰·史密斯已经死去的消息。因为背负着阻止双方开战的使命,宝嘉康蒂远赴伦敦去和英国国王和谈,这次陪伴她的是另一位白人男子——约翰·罗尔夫(John Rolfe)。最后宝嘉康蒂在伦敦意外遇见了之前传言已经死去了的约翰·史密斯,但这时宝嘉康蒂却发现约翰·史密斯其实并非是适合自己的人物,于是选择了那位愿意陪伴她回美洲的约翰·罗尔夫。


     4 ) 真实的历史更加迷人


    Pocahontas was a Native American woman born around 1595. She was the daughter of the powerful Chief Powhatan, the ruler of the Powhatan tribal nation, which at its strongest included around 30 Algonquian communities located in the Tidewater region of Virginia. As far as historians know, nothing in Pocahontas’ childhood indicated she would become known as a folk icon. But when the first European settlers arrived on Powhatan land to begin the colony of Jamestown, Pocahontas became embroiled in a series of events with Captain John Smith and John Rolfe that permanently linked her to America’s colonial heritage.

    Pocahontas Matoaka

    Pocahontas was named Amonute at birth and went by the name Matoaka. She supposedly earned the nickname Pocahontas, which means “playful one,” because of her happy, inquisitive nature.

    As the daughter of Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas may have had more luxuries than many of her peers, but she still had to learn so-called women’s work such as farming, cooking, collecting herbs, building a house, making clothes, butchering meat and tanning hides.

    Pocahontas and John Smith

    The first English settlers arrived in Jamestown colony in May 1607. That winter, Pocahontas’ brother kidnapped colonist Captain John Smith and made a spectacle of him in front of several Powhatan tribes before taking him to meet Chief Powhatan.

    According to Smith, his head was placed on two stones and a warrior prepared to smash his head and kill him. But before the warrior could strike, Pocahontas rushed to Smith’s side and placed her head on his, preventing the attack. Chief Powhatan then bartered with Smith, referred to him as his son and sent him on his way.(第一部里Pocahontas把头放在John Smith的头上面救他原来是有出处的!)

    Smith’s account of Pocahontas’ lifesaving efforts is hotly debated, partly because he wrote different versions of this initial meeting with Chief Powhatan. Many historians believe Smith was never in peril and the placement of his head on the stones was ceremonial.(哈哈哈可能只是John Smith编出来的自己的冒险故事罢了)

    Even so, if Smith’s explanation of the incident is true, he had no way of knowing about Powhatan ceremonial customs and from his terrified point of view, Pocahontas was undoubtedly his benevolent rescuer.

    Pocahontas Saves John Smith Again

    Pocahontas became known by the colonists as an important Powhatan emissary. She occasionally brought the hungry settlers food and helped successfully negotiate the release of Powhatan prisoners in 1608. But relations between the colonists and the Indians remained strained.

    By 1609, drought, starvation and disease had ravaged the colonists and they became increasingly dependent on the Powhatan to survive. Desperate and dying, they threatened to burn Powhatan towns for food, so Chief Powhatan suggested a barter with Captain Smith.

    When negotiations collapsed, the chief supposedly planned an ambush and Smith’s execution. But Pocahontas warned Smith of her father’s plans and saved his life again.

    Soon after, Smith was injured and returned to England; however, Pocahontas and her father were told he died.

    Kidnapped by the English

    It’s thought that Pocahontas married an Indian named Kocoum in 1610. Afterwards, she avoided the English until 1613 when she was lured onto the English ship of Captain Samuel Argall and kidnapped during the First Anglo-Powhatan War.(Pocahontas是嫁给过Kocoum的!据其他补充材料说还是因为爱情——由于二人在部落里的地位悬殊推断)

    Argall informed Chief Powhatan that he wouldn’t return Pocahontas unless he released English prisoners, returned stolen weapons and sent the colonists food. Much to Pocahontas’ dismay, her father only sent half the ransom and left her imprisoned.

    While in captivity, Pocahontas lived in the settlement of Henricus under the care of a minister named Alexander Whitaker where she learned about Christianity, English culture and how to speak English. Pocahontas converted to Christianity, was baptized and given the name “Rebecca.”(被绑架了还要为和平而努力,Pocahontas不愧是xenophile中的优秀典范)

    Marriage to John Rolfe

    During her imprisonment, Pocahontas met widower and tobacco planter John Rolfe. The couple decided to marry, likely for both love and political purposes – although the decision wasn’t an easy one for the staunchly Christian Rolfe until Pocahontas converted.(真实的John Rolfe不是国王的大使,而是一个种烟草的鳏夫)

    They sent word to Chief Powhatan that they wanted to marry; he consented as did the Virginia governor, Sir Thomas Dale. It’s unclear what happened to Pocahontas’ first husband, but divorce was allowed in Powhatan culture.(好先进的印第安文化,居然允许远程离婚)

    Pocahontas married Rolfe in April 1614. The match was considered an important step towards re-establishing positive relations between the colonists and the Indians. Indeed, the marriage brought a season of peace to the region.

    Journey to England

    In 1616, Sir Thomas Dale sailed to England to rally financial support for the Virginia Company, the company owned by wealthy Londoners that had financed the Jamestown colony.(Virginia Company也是有原型的!)

    The company also wanted to prove they had met their goal of converting Native Americans to Christianity, so Rolfe, Pocahontas, their infant son Thomas (born in 1615) and a dozen Powhatan Indians accompanied Dale on the trip.(有一个儿子Thomas)

    In London, Pocahontas was revered as a princess and referred to as “Lady Rebecca Wolfe.” She attended plays and balls and was even presented to the royal family.(觐见国王也是有出处的)

    Much to her surprise, Pocahontas encountered Captain Smith (whom she thought was dead) in London. Although she was overcome with emotion upon seeing him alive and called him “father,” she also reportedly chastised him for his treatment of Chief Powhatan and her people.(Pocahontas在伦敦见到了以为早死了的Smith,还叫他爸爸?(这里看不懂,算一下他俩年龄差不过15岁)但同时责怪他对自己父亲和人民不尊重)

    The Virginia Company commissioned a portrait of Pocahontas dressed in expensive clothes with an engraved label that said, “Matoaka, alias Rebecca, daughter of the most powerful prince of the Powhatan Empire of Virginia.” It is the only image drawn of her in person.

    How Did Pocahontas Die?

    In March 1617, Pocahontas, her husband and son set sail for Virginia. But they had hardly made progress when she became gravely ill and was taken ashore at Gravesend, England.

    It’s uncertain what disease struck her down. Some speculate it was tuberculosis, pneumonia, dysentery or smallpox; others believe she was poisoned. According to Rolfe, Pocahontas said on her deathbed, “All must die. But ‘tis enough that my child liveth.”

    Pocahontas was buried at St. George’s church in Gravesend on March 21, 1617. Rolfe returned to Virginia, but her son Thomas remained with relatives in England. He returned almost two decades later at age 20 to claim inheritances from his father and grandfather and became a successful gentleman tobacco farmer.(21岁去世,儿子后来也成了种烟草的……)

    Chief Powhatan was devastated upon learning of his daughter’s death. He died about a year later and relations between the Powhatan and Virginia colonists declined rapidly.(可怜的酋长父亲在爱女死后一年也死掉了)

    Much of Pocahontas’ life has been romanticized and sensationalized in movies and books. But written accounts and Native American oral history show she lived a brief yet significant life.

    She was instrumental to maintaining relations between her father and the Jamestown colonists and is believed to be the first Powhatan Indian to convert to Christianity. She is remembered as a courageous, strong woman who left an indelible impression on colonial America.

     5 ) 我和我

    小时候第一次看宝嘉康蒂,就看的第二部。 那时候年纪小,完全看不出这个故事是两个"王子"+一个"公主"的三角恋设定。 后来长大了些,重温这部电影,嘲讽一样的,原来公主殿下是选择了高富帅啊!没有什么不对的,如果我是公主,我也会这么选! 今天又看了一次第一部第二部,我的选择没有变。我还是选罗尔夫。 但我的理由变了。 如果我是公主,我会选择罗尔夫,因为他愿意放下一切陪我走,他知道我要的是什么,他维护了我和我族人的安危和尊严,而他跟我走,就是他更爱我最好的证明。 史密斯是白月光,是第一次心动,是初恋,是不打招呼就冒冒失失闯进我的生活和内心的第一个男人。他英俊,勇敢,善良,他也爱我,愿意了解我,但是后来我们重逢以后,一切都变了。 也许一切都没有变,他还是他。 他一直都是这样浪荡的漂泊的灵魂。 如果当时他没有受伤,他会不会安定的和我生活在我的热土? 这是未知的没有机会发生的事。 而罗尔夫,是肯定的,可以看到结局的未来。我选择他,又有什么错呢?

     6 ) Don't watch it. Just don't.


    I wish I'd never watched the Pocahontas sequel. Seriously. I've watched most of the Disney sequels, and while, yes, most of them are awful (though there are some rare exceptions - Bambi II is adorable), but that movie is just...beyond awful.

    You can't mess with history in the original movie and then change your mind and try to set it right in a direct-to-video sequel.

    Yes, in reality she ended up with John Rolfe, but -bleep- reality. I don't want reality. When I sit down to watch a Disney movie I want to get lost in a world where every princess gets her (ORIGINAL) Disney hero. I REALLY don't like new dudes with ZERO personality coming in and nabbing the princess just because "that's how it REALLY happened".

    Likewise, when I read the original "The Little Mermaid" by the great Hans Christan Anderson I adore the tragic ending, but when I'm watching Disney I wouldn't want to see Ariel go ahead and toy with the idea of making a Prince-Kebab out of Eric. Do you follow? Yes, John Smith was far older and Pocahontas was years shy of puberty. I know in reality their relationship was platonic, but dude, making Disney!Smith out to be a complete arse just so that they could justify her waltzing off with Rolfe was a crappy move.

    Who have we to thank for this? The history buffs who -beeped- and moaned when the original was released. I wonder if the same history buffs -beeped- and moaned when Ariel didn't die at the end of "The Little Mermaid".

    I digress.

    What happened to "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you"? What happened to "no matter what happens, I'll always be with you, forever"?

    "We walked the same path once. Now I know where I belong."

    Just stamp on my childhood a little more, Disney. :(

    There are enough horrendously complex and painful things in the real world without kids movies (yes, I do know that's what they are) getting corrupted by "how things REALLY are". Little girls will soon realise that not everybody gets their prince charming. Do we really have to let them in on this early?

    Thank goodness "The Little Mermaid III" is going to be the last direct-to-vid sequel.


    行吧,迪士尼治好了我的补续集强迫症……到后面已经放弃思考开始yy双john搞基啦啦啦……怀疑迪士尼在这里试水了电脑建模技术= =

  • 黑特-007
  • 较差
  • 感觉比第一部差了很多,一个很大的问题,就是把异域女主的故事放到帝国伦敦,女主所有的闪光都失色了,一句,我们走过山水,我已寻得归宿,让人神伤…

  • 大罗
  • 还行
  • John Smith成了个死跑龙套的,但Pocahontas终跟另一个John成眷属。

  • 恶魔的步调
  • 推荐
  • 我真的觉得这是唯一一部迪士尼动画女主换了俩男主的

  • 酸奶兔
  • 推荐
  • 新男主上位,原男主从恋人被降格成了打手,即使是要按角色历史原型矫正配对儿,也该有个让人信服的过程而不是如此草率敷衍。第一部海枯石烂,第二部曲终人散,这让人往后还怎么再相信迪士尼的爱情故事呢。

  • 爱的镇魂歌
  • 很差
  • 虽然是宝嘉康蒂的后人要求的……可是真的比第一部精彩!而且破天荒的因为理想的发展分歧竟然换了个男人!好真实!

  • 超级碎纸机
  • 力荐
  • 无聊

  • 草猫想作读书人.我爱胡媚娘
  • 较差
  • 异地恋终被绿

  • 梁臻頤
  • 还行
  • 貌似不如一

  • 独一Woo爱
  • 推荐
  • 四颗星给编剧的婊子心肠,时刻瞄准靠谱的白人青年波卡洪塔斯真是所有向往文明社会土著青年男女的精神偶像

  • 给我打钱
  • 推荐
  • POCAHONTAS一直是最喜欢的迪士尼公主,翻来覆去看了很多很多遍。不过第二部昨天才第一次看,没想到竟是这样的结局....好伤心【【PS动画做的真够烂

  • 山山
  • 较差
  • 制作质量大幅下降,而且角色性格也变了,变心变得那叫一个快

  • 90
  • 还行
  • 记不得剧情,只记得音乐

  • 橙二侠
  • 推荐
  • 美术比第一部差了不少,难怪是只出了dvd版本的! 最不能接受的是她和john smith分手,跟了那个新的男人!虽然我理解历史上确实最后是嫁了这个人,但是第一部里两人那么相爱,结果就这么轻描淡写地分了?john smith在第二部里不管是长相还是性格都被故意刻画得比较糟糕。

  • Oliva
  • 还行
  • 更喜欢第二部也更喜欢第二部的john

  • 这个女人
  • 推荐
  • 爱的莫名其妙,幼稚可笑。没人说女主不应该追求真正的幸福,只是对于这样的时间内要讲述的故事被弱智化了,前作的一切铺陈也都被打散!编剧你并不懂童话,更不懂爱情。【这片子毁了我对异性恋的忍耐力】

  • 较差
  • Shit, 不说别的,关于爱情第二部完全背离了第一部,太恶了。也没了梅尔吉布森,太让我是忘了。幸亏不是同一个导演。真后悔看第二部了

  • Leo
  • 较差
  • 怎么能在第二部就爱上另一个人````

  • 阿夏夏
  • 还行
  • 不如1好

  • 竹幕
  • 推荐
  • 如此一厢情愿的白人视角。现实中的Pocahontas被英国的settlers抓为人质,强行baptize,嫁给John Rolfe后的短短三年里,依次发生了生下儿子、远航到伦敦、以及最终感染疾病死在伦敦。这么闹心的故事迪士尼也可以capitalize,厉害厉害。

  • 海伦哥
  • 较差
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