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    一生 剧照 NO.1一生 剧照 NO.2一生 剧照 NO.3一生 剧照 NO.4一生 剧照 NO.5一生 剧照 NO.6一生 剧照 NO.13一生 剧照 NO.14一生 剧照 NO.15一生 剧照 NO.16一生 剧照 NO.17一生 剧照 NO.18一生 剧照 NO.19一生 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2024-04-12 08:55


    安东尼·霍普金斯、强尼·弗林将主演大屠杀题材新片[一生](One Life,暂译)。艾斯林·沃什([莫娣])执导,露辛达·考克森([丹麦女孩])、尼克·德雷克([我的父亲,罗穆卢斯])操刀剧本。该片根据尼古拉斯·温顿的真实故事改编,讲述在二战期间,29岁的尼古拉斯在纳粹的威胁下,解救了669名捷克斯洛伐克的儿童(其中大部分为犹太人),并安全送到了英国的寄宿家庭中。半个世纪后,尼古拉斯与这些已成年的孩子们在BBC的电视节目《一生》(One Life)中重聚。See-Saw影业负责该片制作。


     1 ) 爱在人生









     2 ) 「Quotes」

    「 Every narrator by its very definition is unreliable because when you tell a story there's always an essential distance between the story itself and the telling of said story, right? So, therefore, every story that has ever been told has an unreliable narrator. The only truly reliable narrator would be someone hypothetically telling a story that unfolds before our very eyes which is obviously very impossible. So, what does that tell us? The only truly reliable narrator is life itself. But life itself is also a completely unreliable because it is constantly misdirecting and misleading us and taking us on this journey where it is literally impossible to predict where it is going to go next. Life as the ultimate unreliable narrator.」

    「You have had many ups and downs in your life. Too many. And you will have more. This is life. And this is what it does. Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little farther, you will always find love. I found love in you. And my life, my story, it will continue after I'm gone. Because you are my story. You are your father's story. Your uncle's. My body fails me. But you are me. So you go now. Give me a beautiful life. The most beautiful life ever. Yeah? And if life brings us to our knees, you stand us back up. You get up. And go farther. And find us the love. Will you do that?」

    「I'm not sure whose story I have been telling. I'm not sure if it is mine, or if it's some character's I have yet to meet. I'm not sure of anything. All I know is that, at any moment, life will surprise me. It will bring me to my knees. And when it does, I will remind myself... I will remind myself that I am my father. And I am my father's father. I am my mother. And I am my mother's mother. And while it may be easy to wallow in the tragedies that shape our lives, and while it's natural to focus on those unspeakable moments that bring us to our knees, we must remind ourselves that if we get up, if we take the story a little bit farther... If we go far enough, there's love.」

     3 ) Life itself is the most unreliable narrator


    生活总是会给你惊喜。你永远不知道下一秒钟会发生什么,遇到什么人,经历哪些事情。Tragedy may knock you down. But you get back up again because all the little parts of all those who came before you are inside of you, urging you to keep going. I have always wondered how people survive the tragedies in their lives. Families with lots of love do it all the time. Even best friends too. Now, I understand how the love and the memories can transcend the tragedies. Take us beyond the tragedies. And why we all must never dishonor those who have touched our hearts by forgetting about them. Because life is never forever. But it's best parts can be passed on to those you love and shared with those who loved you until the day they died. This is the power of this movie.


    Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little farther, you will always find love.

     4 ) 欧亨利式的结局

    “Life Itself”是2018年9月上映的爱情电影,和很好看的美剧《我们这一天》(“This Is Us”)是一个导演(Dan Fogelman)出品的。豆瓣和IMDB评分都是7分左右(满分10分),我觉得这部电影被严重低估了。非常推荐大家观看!









    “My life, my story, it will continue after I’m gone. Because you are my story. You are your father’s story. Your uncle’s. My body fails me. But you are me. So you go now. Give me a beautiful life. The most beautiful life ever.”




    * 我的微博(aka爱读书的丸子)上有更多电影/电视剧推荐,欢迎大家关注!


     5 ) 中国电影加油

    飞机上看这部剧的时候就在想,跨度80年的四代人的故事在电影中没有刻意突出年代感是多么牛逼的手法,特别是西班牙二线演员Laia在第五章的时候演技炸裂,也说出了本年听过的最美台词,非常不理解豆瓣和IMDB的评分为何如此之低,也不明白This is us原班人马拍出来的电影为什么就是低分,我觉得电影的受众群体整体上年龄还是远低于电视剧的受众,对于人生没有沉淀下来的思考和感悟,也不感兴趣,因此容易觉得无聊老套这是我爸妈的电影云云,但评分两极分化也很清晰,看懂的人就打满分,打低分的人就说不好看,难怪导演怒怼影评家不懂电影。我觉得国内观众评低分也不难理解,文化差异大,生活环境差异大,英语西语切换和台词情感的侧重通过看字幕其实是没有办法完全在情感上连接起来的,比如最美的台词那部分一开始大家都不知道她会说英文,但后来居然像旁白一样用英文说那么动人的台词,仿佛一下子把你从远处拽到面前半米处,睁大眼睛真真切切的传达情感给你,我之前是没见过这种反逻辑的台词创意,太牛逼,一下子就感觉心里被搅拌了。如果有人可以把这部剧写出中文版本,如果还是使用类似的手法,剧情也是这样跨越时间和空间的,我觉得可以成为经典,中国电影剧本太弱,其实叙述方式和能力不妨多做一些自然点的尝试,这方面目前看应该还有很大的上升空间和潜力

     6 ) Life as the ultimate unreliable narrator (Quotes)

    Every narrator by its very definition is unreliable, because when you tell a story, there's always an essential distance between the story itself and the telling of said story, right? So therefore, every story that has ever been told has an unreliable narrator. The only truly reliable narrator would be someone hypothetically telling a story that unfolds before our very eyes which is obviously impossible. So what does that tell us? The only truly reliable narrator is life itself. But life itself is also a completely unreliable narrator because it is constantly misdirecting and misleading us and taking us on its journey where it is literally impossible to predict where it's gonna go next. No one knows where the story is going, nor who the hero in it are going to be.

    You've had many ups and downs in your life, too many. And you will have more. This is life. And this is what it does. Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little further, you will always find love. I found love in you. And my life, my story, it will continue after I'm gone, because you are my story. You are your father's story. Your uncle's. My body fails me, but you are me. So you go now. Give me a beautiful life, the most beautiful life ever. Yeah? And if life brings us to our knees, you stand us back up. You get up, and go farther, and find us the love. Will you do that?

    I'm not sure whose story I have been telling. I'm not sure if it is mine, or if it's some character's I have yet to meet. I'm not sure of anything. All I know is that, at any moment, life will surprise me. It will bring me to my knees. And when it does, I will remind myself... I will remind myself that I am my father. And I am my father's father. I am my mother. And I am my mother's mother. And while it may be easy to wallow in the tragedies that shape our lives, and while it's natural to focus on those unspeakable moments that bring us to our knees, we must remind ourselves that if we get up, if we take the story a little bit farther. If we go far enough, there's love.


    Grandpa: How are you feeling, kiddo?

    Dylan: I feel like my whole life is gonna be marked by death and tragedy. I crave a happy life, grandpa. I have almost desperate craving for stability and happiness, the way fat people crave chocolate, or lost hikers crave rescue. I want to live a big great fantastical life, but I'm concerned that the tragedy that seems to follow me, the tragedy that burst to me will prevent that from ever happening. And I don't know if I could stand another body bullet like this.

    Are you gonna die, grandpa?

    Grandpa: Yes, I am, probably sooner than you'd like, kiddo. I'd be honest, I'm gonna fight like hell and stick around for you as long as possible, to prevent one more death from coming onto where's near your doorstep. I'm gonna get on the fucking treadmill, cut back on the red meat. I'm gonna do my best, it's just for your teenage years would not lose one more god damn thing. I'll gonna do it for your mother and father. I'll gonna do it for your grandma. Most of all, I'm gonna do it for you, granddaughter. I'm gonna squeeze out ten more years from this decrepit old body, for you, my girl, my angel.



  • LoudCrazyHeart
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  • 😭

  • 黄灿灿
  • 力荐
  • 人生很苦

  • raku
  • 推荐
  • 好看呢~就是把人生描述的有些戏剧化,这就是叙事的偏差性吧~演员们演的还是挺在线的~最后结尾竟开始吨吨吨喝鸡汤,不过味道是挺好的呢

  • 白雪鸦鸦
  • 推荐
  • 主旨:只要继续走,人生总会有意义。旧的去了,新的会来!

  • 书信集
  • 推荐
  • 想要打六星。这个剧组都是new Yorker出来的吧,或者耶鲁大学那种English lit的,show don't tell的情节台词手法还有各种意料之外情理之中的twist运用得炉火纯青了。表现的主题超过了This is us, 但描绘的爱情还是如同剧里面一样超级暖心的模样。这部片子里说人心在生离死别面前的脆弱和敏感:跨越好几十年的人物命运转折drama得让人觉得生命老在开恶意的玩笑,然而他们却坚强、却活得超nice,并且是克服了磨难变得更好。想说,第二章节我从孙女问爷爷一席对白开始,就没有停止哭过,死掉的人不怕,但是死给周遭的爱人的打击太可怕。从来从来没有一部艺术作品这么让人觉得生命真实又绝望。本片不是this is us里面甜蜜的忧伤了,是命运太作怪,很惋惜命运的不公、和钦佩他们必须独自面对人生坚强。

  • 米歇
  • 力荐
  • Preview screening@USC 一开始内心在抱怨production value太低毫无美学的摄影 后面完全被故事和表演带入戏 泪流满面 THIS IS US加长版

  • 🛶
  • 推荐
  • Dylan坐在电子琴前清唱Can't Help Falling in Love with You的时候,止不住的泪水划过脸颊;下一刻,画风瞬间突变成撕裂爆炸与金属摇滚,心里翻涌着写不尽的愤怒苦楚和无力感。这是我整部电影118分钟里最爱的五分钟。

  • Out.
  • 力荐
  • 虽然我是奥斯卡艾萨克的粉丝但是本片也实在三星到头了。刻意的闪回和章回体掩盖不了故事的单薄无趣,可能交待男女主的女儿如何和间接导致了父母死亡的男孩儿都会使得本片成为更有意思的一部电影,而现在这种完全随机的交集真的是让人不知道本片想要传达的信息是啥。难道二十一年前我导致了你父母的死,二十一年后又在街头偶遇这种缘分就可以证明爱战胜一切嘛....

  • 我是一只小小李
  • 还行
  • 红发cooke好美

  • Ber_雪碧
  • 推荐
  • 第一段的手法 表演 卡司 都是最好的 Bening对Portman那句调侃打破了虚实是片子最值钱的地方 整体流畅 也很佩服编剧圆故事的能力

  • 星竹
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  • 开头wtf……

  • 9 Crimes
  • 推荐
  • 作为小清新文艺片 叙事结构还有点设计 全片都在热烈阐明自己Bob Dylan粉的身份 让人疑心是由一首歌起了整个情节构思 头两章意外昆汀 妹子父母这条线也太惨了西语部分温情路线 情节起伏不似前半但情感表达优秀 小哥还挺帅 NYU长岛妹的槽点能上天 班德拉斯现在这把年纪真是太有味道了! 小哥妈妈的声音好听 整个人都透着温柔的力量 田园风光也很美好 街头这般相遇的缘分 可以归结为不愿意增添出场人物吧 困扰我最深的问题是俩人到底差几岁 这个时间线对得上么!

  • kidpt
  • 推荐
  • 何謂人生很難答得準說得完,一部電影也許比千言萬語更能表達,這部就是其一。

  • 舒卷園
  • 推荐
  • 说是祖孙四代人的故事,甭管怎么串联的,问题是每段故事的时代感太差了,曾祖父时开的车和之后祖父一代差不多,祖父时代用智能手机到了父亲这代依旧是一样的,似乎为了显得故事是universal的,但问题是里面主人公的事情只有818或者知音上刊登的花边新闻才会收录的故事,看起来像是生活但细究又不够生活,感叹了半天其实也就是个上帝视角俯视众生罢了。演员都不错,给这么狗血的剧本升华了一个层次。另外真的没事儿别站路中央好么,看的难受。

  • 吃货F
  • 较差
  • 充沛的情感,时间和多线交织的叙事技巧,到了后半段更是恨自己泪点低

  • 有趣
  • 推荐
  • 心好痛… 555越完美的事情越不能stay吗,好感动… btw Oscar本人可能就是长情的要死的人吧,第一个女朋友谈了11年,然后就是现任老婆了……

  • ''Sycamore
  • 力荐
  • Tiff:虽然有些桥段生硬到不行,但我依然在爷爷和外孙女出门演出前干杯处哭得像狗。啊。

  • 豌豆汤
  • 还行
  • 为什么没有接着演爷爷啊?爷爷努力活了那么多年,看到重孙子了吗?

  • mermaidyu
  • 还行
  • 用分章节的方法来掩盖自己不会讲故事的愚蠢,不要太把观众当傻子好吗?故事里人物也是奇葩居多,脑回路轻奇到让人叹为观止。就这还以《我们这一天》主创做宣传,是想主打催泪吗?对不起,我真的是被难看哭的。

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