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    阿加莎·克里斯蒂:解密悬疑女王 剧照 NO.1阿加莎·克里斯蒂:解密悬疑女王 剧照 NO.2阿加莎·克里斯蒂:解密悬疑女王 剧照 NO.3
    更新时间:2023-11-13 16:42


    “推理女王”在作品中抽丝剥茧,而自身却是谜团重重:三集纪录片《阿加莎·克里斯蒂:解密悬疑女王》从阿加莎的作品入手,深入探索这位作家隐秘的热爱、恐惧、信仰、以及她生活的动荡时代。   在历史学家露西·沃斯利(Lucy Worsley)看来,著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)用精心打造的公众形象隐藏了“真实的自己”。阿加莎的生活和作品反映了20世纪的社会剧变,作为公众人物声名远扬,而她的真实性格却令人难以捉摸。露西·沃斯利深挖这位侦探小说家的相关资料与作品,试图找到更多的线索,解开阿加莎·克里斯蒂自身的谜团。


     1 ) 是不是通常总认为文人艺术家之类的伟人会把自己私下的人生搞得一团糟


    印象深刻的新知识点,是她的失踪失忆案并没有一直以来传得那么扑朔迷离,她本人和相关人士早就多次澄清过是因为心理病症导致的失忆,结果没有人相信,只指责这是个拙劣的骗局,只因为没有满足这些看客想要的戏剧性效果。神游症是a flight into health,可怜当时她并没有得到真正的庇护所,好在最终最终的结果是好的。



     2 ) Impressive Lines——You’ve got to question everything.

    【Cat Among the Pigeons】

    She knew she was actually an extraordinary, modern woman whose career was steaming forward but she also sensed society wasn't ready for a woman like her yet, So Agatha would hide her brilliance in plain sight.

    She'd used the upheaval of the First world War to her advantage and at this moment she buys the house under her own name during the marriage. We get a glimpse of an Agatha we don't often see, a woman in control of her destiny, a woman unapologetically herself.

    【Destination Unknown】

    It's fascinating to see Agatha fighting to keep Poirot under her control(away from love story). Made wiser by recent troubles(bereavement, cheated, divorce, lawsuit, press pressure, public censure, insomnia, amnesia, psychotherapy…), emboldened by her independent travel, she was beginning to find the confidence to stand up for herself and her writing.

    Miss Marple first appeared as a character in a short story of 1927, The Tuesday Night Club, before emerging as a detective in her own right in 1930's, The Murder at the Vicarage. Now you might think that Miss Marple is a sort of cuddly, tea-drinking old lady. She's actually an independent and quite subversive woman. And she works through feminine intuition. This is how she defines it, ‘’Intuition is like reading a word without having to spell it out. A child can't do that cos a child has little experience. But a grown-up person knows the word because they've seen it often before.’’ She's really talking about life experience. As she says here, ‘’My hobby is and always has been, Human Nature.’’ Now I think it was Agatha's own life experience, this sense that she'd been through trouble and come out stronger, that she was entering into her power, that allowed her to create the rule-breaking Miss Marple. Agatha found a way of combining her new confidence and independence, with the psychological insights from her illness to create the perfect detective. She's one of the great unsung heroes of literature, and one the great women of literature not just crime but everything because she is utterly herself. She's uncompromising but she's gentle and clever. How many other women are the hero of their story at the age of 65, but without it being because they’re somebody's mother. Miss Marple embodied the new Agatha of the late 1920s, determined not to be at anyone's mercy, completely in control of her craft.

    Agatha had gone from desperate fugitive to this confident, powerful, independent woman. In a really horrible way I think that the traumatic 1920s had made her stronger. They'd certainly made her into a household name. And I also think, the trouble she'd had made her work better. It made it richer, and darker, and more psychologically interesting. She was ready for a fresh chapter.

    【Unfinished Portrait】

    Now some people would say that this kind of offensive title is, typical of her class and time, but that's not a get-out-of jail-free card.

    Agatha Christie is a woman coming out of that colonial background, she's well read, well educated and she's coming out of a fairly elite class and she's not writing to change the narrative, she's writing so that she's ready for that white audience, that white European, white American audience, and, she is, picking up where they are and not advancing that discussion.——Which is why as a historian I think we have to look at this stuff and appreciate that it was there and to understand how potent it was.——Exactly, we need to understand it in context, knowing that Agatha Christie was not alone in terms of what she was doing. Writers in the United States and elsewhere, here in England, you know everyone was writing in this vein and using this kind of language.(There should be no room for racism.)

    She's a good writer, there are some things that aren't acceptable that she wrote. Because if I rule her out I would be ruling out a lot of other writers during that period, there are things you can learn from reading those writers. It is complicated. We can't just, put people into these boxes of good and bad.

    Agatha's creation, Miss Marple, the shrewd and observant old lady detective, appears in 12 novels, most of them from the post war years. Now I think the very best Poirot novels are from the twenties and the thirties when Agatha was young. In nineteen-fifty she turned sixty, and from then on she and Miss Marple would get older at the same pace, they'd go through life together, almost as if Christie and Marple were the very same person. Agatha inhabited Miss Marple inside and out. She was so immersed in Marple's stories, that she grabbed anyone she could to help perfect their brilliant plots, including getting her neighbours to act them out.

    ‘’Goodbye cher amie. They were good days.’’

    ‘’Sometimes, but not so very often, two people find real love together as we do. We know that what we have cannot perish. For me, you will remain beautiful and precious with the passing of years.’’



  • 布拉托丰阁
  • 推荐
  • B站有矿。最喜欢第三集。和第二任丈夫的相遇改变了阿加莎,不变的是她的创作能力和激情。

  • 小苗苗
  • 推荐
  • 三集根本讲不完阿婆的一生

  • Dublin苍穹下
  • 力荐
  • 第一集阿加莎的家庭,婚姻以及创作初期的状态,阿加莎以及凭借天才的创作(特别是罗杰疑案)赢得了价值,但传统价值观的女性社会地位仍然迫使她隐藏在成就之下,自我身份价值认同正干扰着她。第二集婚变的阿加莎制造了一场荒诞且悬疑色彩十足的消失与失忆戏码,脱单的她更是完成了自我蜕变,变成了自己生活的主宰者。三集迎来创作爆发的阿加莎,拥有真爱与婚姻,关心民生与社会的变革,融入作品。纪录片以学者探究的目光挖掘主角的生平和时代变迁,加之场景的模拟和还原,内容和形式都不错。

  • 四相公
  • 推荐
  • 目前看了第一集,以前只是知道阿加莎这个人,这次了解了她的感情史

  • momo
  • 力荐
  • 整体线索、串联和灯光镜头都非常好看,旁征博引的邀请各种跟阿婆有关联的线索人,而且貌似编剧和策划都是露西沃斯利女士,真的好厉害好棒

  • 棉花先生
  • 力荐
  • 拍的很深入。原来阿加莎是一个这么有经历有见识的女性。看得好紧张啊……编的很好很紧凑。她的人生经历真的足够精彩震撼了。她的药物学是在医院的药房学到的。还学了药剂师考试。露西还带我们看有毒性药物的土地。纪录片非常紧凑有趣。

  • 力荐
  • 更多了解了阿加莎的人生轨迹和创作背景,内容翔实考据细致,整体推荐。不太喜欢的部分,一是对个别名作的剧透环节,哇,真的是让人只能庆幸自己读的早;二是对于有些事件的观点和猜测,虽然有可信度但表述未免太过笃定了。

  • 韩晓
  • 推荐
  • 篇幅短了一些,内容够丰富,配合阿婆自传可以看影像和解说。

  • MetalDudu
  • 力荐
  • 比较独到也恰当的是用了推理的手法,对一些谜题给出了她的结论,推翻了阿婆在自传中的一些讲法。比如阿婆自称在职业上只填写家庭主妇,实际上她曾在职业栏填写过作家。比如阿婆的消失之谜,她也给出了自己的结论而非如从前的纪录片一味渲染。凸显这部纪录片并非吃老本,而是有新的角度。

  • 昏金暗玉
  • 还行
  • 一位才华横溢的女作家,从小心翼翼地试探当时的社会对一个聪明女人的容纳程度,自己全款买的宅子都要对外宣称是和丈夫一起购买,还被地产商写合同时默认是“He”。到经历了亲人去世、丈夫出轨,精神状态差到患上神游症之后,站起来掌控自己的人生,独自去异国他乡旅行,找到了小自己十四岁的真爱,事业迎来新的阶段,心中的不安全感被事业的成功、读者的赞赏、爱人的陪伴慢慢弥合,成为全球最畅销的作家。Agatha的灵魂是有重量的,有着超越时代的智慧和光彩,她的作品也一直与时俱进,在那个对女性有着诸多限制的年代追寻着最大限度的成功和自由。她的作品与人格魅力历经岁月,闪耀至今。

  • 露苑
  • 力荐
  • “Sometimes,but not so very often,two people find,real love together as we do.We know that what we have cannot perish.For me,you will remain beautiful and precious with the passing of years.”🥹

  • Mio
  • 推荐
  • 很有诚意的纪录片,正是坎坷的经历造就了阿加莎这样伟大的作者,同时她也是一个普通的女子,最后有被阿加莎和第二任丈夫之间的爱情感动到

  • 已焚
  • 推荐
  • 三集内容有点少,为一些传奇事件提供了注脚,女主持好美~

  • Babylon
  • 推荐
  • 有些时候,但不是经常发生,人们会像我们一样找到真爱,我们都知道这份感情不会消逝。在我看来,无论时光如何流逝,你依然美丽动人,珍贵无比。

  • 號角日報自拍俠
  • 力荐
  • 历史学家露西更像一个演员。

  • 罗子
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  • impressive Queen,惊叹于失踪案件,阿婆前半生经历诸多苦难,幸在后半生有Marx为伴,在私人生活重重打击下依然创造力鲜活,太有生命力了,在钱包中保留爱人的一封情书长达39年,纯情战士阿加莎xxx

  • e_unefille
  • 推荐
  • 娓娓道来阿加莎克莉丝汀的传奇人生。有趣的一点是他的主人公绝不陷入爱情,即使是第一任丈夫没有披露出轨前也是。

  • 小猪快跑233
  • 力荐
  • 少有的相信阿婆是真的创伤失忆,列举的证据也较令人信服,冲这点多给一星。三集按照时间线着重讲私人生活和创作的联系,喜欢Lucy娓娓道来一个“家庭妇女”的悲欢,尤其是婚姻的影响,在作品悄然彰显,肯定她本身的阶级局限性和作品的跨时代性,喜欢她和好莱坞谈崩是因为要在合同里加“波洛不可以谈恋爱”条款(哈哈哈某爵请自打脸)。一个获得普世价值幸福的人,仍然拥有黑暗想象力,实属难得。

  • 埃尔贝瑞苏
  • 力荐
  • 中规中矩,不是很喜欢。

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