Victor Maynard is a top professional killer who is about to retire and experiencing a midlife crisis. He is 54 years old but still single, and he leads a monotonous life. His mother has been pushing him to find a woman to carry on the family line so that the killer gene runs in the family’s blood.
As a number one professional killer, he has strong work ability and professionalism. He easily made two missions in the first three minutes of the film. The night he checked into the hotel, Victor loaded the gun, set up the small space for his vigil, and instantly went into full alert. Victor looks boring and seems a little obsessive: drinks and condiments are placed in the middle of the table, the furniture is covered in plastic, and the smell of disinfectant fills his house.
The ruthless killer also has a tender side to him. When Victor saw a cat, he shed maturity and transformed him into a cute slave of the cat.
Once Victor was employed by a gang boss to kill Rose who is an occupational cheater and sold a forgery, which should be completed smoothly as previous each mission, but during the action he and Rose gave birth to sincere feeling, and in the critical moment, Victor not only let go her but began to protect her.During the action, Victor's monotonous lifestyle begins to change, and because of Rose's troublemaking nature, his routine is broken over again and again, from yelling at her, to reluctantly forgiving her, and finally falling into her clutches. Until the night of his birthday, Victor put down his guard and stereotypes, threw away the wine glass and cake, put on funny hats and danced comically with Rose and Tony. After that day, he removed the plastic from the furniture and began to decorate the room with colorful garniture.
At the end of the film, when he was on the verge of being killed, he unhurriedly said to Rose, "I missed you, too". His image comes alive and he becomes a wild man.
演员气场很强大,英伦的小幽默里总是有着这类神经质的脱线。Emily Blunt总算淫荡了一回,并最终淫荡的将自己嫁了出去。★★★☆
cast太强大了!气场强大的BN老爷子+终于开始卖风骚的Emily Blunt+留了胡子的天然呆Rupert=无违和搞笑三人组。至于配角,RE叔其实不是boss,他是文艺酱油帝,还有潮爷那一口大白牙和二斤发胶笑死我了呀!
没有最二只有更二!!!Bill叔彻底萌爆表!鲁鲁演什么都是Ron说起话怂怂的音调辨识度太高!Emily Blunt的衣服一套接一套的换呗!被潮爷那一口傲人白牙闪瞎,高领毛衣也赢了,角色够贱一见他我就笑啊,小短腿还踹人!!!最后还爆了自己的头……亲爱的你疼吗,缺爷没教育过你陌生人的枪不能随便玩嘛……
Emily Blunt太有爱了!!!Rupert越老越帅啊。还有那个白牙爆脸的,英式幽默赞。
很多桥段难免老套,比如把仇人们安排在一起,练习射击,主角之间的误会。而且都在靠比尔·奈伊一个人搞笑,艾米莉·勃朗特简直太不来电了,表情僵硬……闷骚中年男人,遇到调皮少女,这个想法如果能拍好,会比现在有趣的多啊。这类的还是Keeping Mum好看
每次見到的emily blunt 好像都不一樣
Bill Nighy一个人吃西餐,一个人修剪盆景的场面很有爱。Rupert Grint半裸躺在浴缸抽烟的形象和荣恩反差好大,该好好健身了。Emily Blunt缺少灵气,美都美在美腿、美背和衣服上,连挑逗都感觉很生硬。
笑死我了!好多细节都很嗲!并且最开始Nighy家里有只Beo9000,Blunt骑单车穿过National Gallery,copy得还是一副伦勃朗……我就一直看得很开心。虽然最后感情戏比较拙劣。