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    主演:柯克·道格拉斯  玛丽莲·麦斯威尔  阿瑟·肯尼迪  PaulStewart  





    夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.1夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.2夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.3夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.4夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.5夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.6夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.13夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.14夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.15夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.16夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.17夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.18夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.19夺得锦标归 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2023-09-01 14:51




     1 ) [Film Review] Champion (1949) 6.6/10

    A boxing drama immersed in a noir-inflected cynical vein, Mark Robson’s CHAMPION headlines an in-fine-fettle Kirk Douglas as the titular pugilist Midge Kelly, whose rags-to-riches ascendency is ever so familiar a ne plus ultra of American dream, only it is also beset with all sundry of pitfalls both extrinsic and intrinsic.

    Dotting the i’s and cross the t’s of the now warmed-over procedurals of the boxing racket, Robson’s strenuous effort to make the fisticuffs more realistic might make the wonder then, to today’s eyes, it is simply passé, all frenziedly edited shadow-boxing and pulled-punches with invariable thudding sounds added in post-production (a modus operandi, nearly three decades later, still adhered to and tweaked by John G. Avildsen in ROCKY, 1976), which doesn’t lay down enough ballast to the unexpected blow of cerebral hemorrhage, and to make matters worse, championing Midge’s mad-keen monomania to win over an uplifting underdog victory for Johnny Dunne (Daheim) shows up the story’s own myopic obsession of undue dignity of winning.

    For one thing, Midge Kelly is not a traditional hero figure, he is a very noir character, aggressive, uncompromising and vile if he needs to be, and Douglas hits all the right spots here, although sometimes he seems too blunt and over-indulgent of his masculinity, some subtlety would be good but that is one thing Douglas doesn’t possess innately, anyhow it is a rather fine performance yielding his first Oscar nomination, which he would refine with more gusto and versatility in Billy Wilder’s masterpiece ACE IN THE HOLE (1951). Also garnering his very Oscar nomination, Arthur Kennedy, who plays Midge’s gammy brother Connie, outstandingly counterbalances Douglas’ impetuous aggression with a cherished understanding and struggling of a normal human being, against what is right or wrong.

    Through Midge’s involvement with female characters of varied dispositions - the corn-fed, gracious Emma (a saintly Roman, strikingly telegenic in her breakthrough and invests staggering poise against the short end of the stick), who falls in love with him instead of a more eligible Connie (ableism, isn’t it?), whom he weds under duress then jettisons like a defunct plaything; the uppity dame Grace Diamond (Maxwell, who excels in darting disdainful glances with just enough understatement), whose name is telling enough for what she is after, to whom he exacts petty retaliation after being stiffed when they first meet; then Palmer (Albright), the sculptress wife of his influential manager Harris (Van Rooten), the one he seduces and whose value can be easily measured out with monetary compensation, hardly can one miss the uncomfortable misogynistic and phallocratic whiff by subjecting all these women to his easy preys.

    A pellucid if nondescript dissertation of a botched American dream when its toxicity finally catches up with the champ. Coupled with an appositely fatalistic mythos, Mark Robson’s CHAMPION is, for what it is worth, one of the beacons of the sub-genre of pugilistic dramas that more or less retails the same old story with all sorts of variations.



  • WillGoWild
  • 还行
  • 剪接與影像尖銳(Mark Robson不愧是《大國民》的剪接),拍在Body and Soul後面,不免遭受品頭論足一番。Kirk Douglas(明星氣燄) vs. John Garfield(藍領叛逆)。自卑扭曲的黑暗內在 vs. 資本主義批判,兩條路徑一內一外,走向美國夢碎。

  • HurryShit
  • 还行
  • 反励志类型片,在名利中迷失自我,结尾用一场拳赛完成救赎,比赛场面摄影与调度值得玩味。

  • 人间魅影
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  • 3.5|片子略不及预期,剧作元素过多了点,但是值得玩味的诙谐和恶毒处还是有的。喜欢摄影,如果被归为Noir那大部分都归功于摄影和结局。当然如果想欣赏一些Kirk的好肉,这部是必选。早年同样被安排演出身穷困渴望成名但一根筋或自作聪明把自己毁了的蠢蛋,Kirk的表演比Burt更nuanced。这部其实反目骨科和经纪人/拳手都可以有,另外B/K双拳击手拉郎更是太可以有了,这也是戏路一致的好处(看的过程中也有想过这个角色其实很适合毁在《成功的滋味》汉塞克那样的恶人手里,必定别有一番滋味)。顺说连看了俩Kirk主演的角色都有father issues还都()了……that might explain something?

  • Virgil
  • 还行
  • 这一部又是关于拳击的黑色电影,拳击题材的电影貌似都有涉及操纵比赛的内容。柯克·道格拉斯与三个美女对戏,爽的不要不要的。

  • stknight
  • 推荐
  • 很黑色的拳击故事,制作上各方面都是顶尖。人物和事件有点过多,但也因此融进了多种不同的情绪,不是单纯一种套路。斯科塞斯在拍《愤怒的公牛》时或许也有参考本片。

  • Cinema is dead
  • 力荐
  • ☆:3.5 剧作、调度很标准的一部-被塑造因而堕落,老生常谈破碎的“美国梦”。有些场景还是很闪光的!柯克太适合野心家了。

  • マツハラ
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  • 黑色电影时期具有黑色元素反映比赛黑幕的体育片

  • 嘻兵
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  • 影片总体来说还算流畅,情节也还算吸引人,所以说绝对是能给四星的电影。但是本片的主角形象太奇怪了,感觉后面坏的莫名其妙。影片的中间所谓的堕落过程有好一段也有点多余了。柯克的表演倒是很不错的,起码让我真正讨厌这个男主了。比起之前的荧幕形象,后来的梵高传就俞凸显演技。肯尼迪的表现也不错

  • 罚款时间y
  • 推荐
  • http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2789465147&uk=942550114&qq-pf-to=pcqq.group

  • 水牛
  • 还行
  • 阳刚气和意志力爆棚的黑片男主角!完全能理解他的行为,这个结局也许对于他来说是最好的

  • CQB241
  • 力荐
  • 对这片子期待过高。Arthur Kennedy真是越看越舒服。

  • Caneloni
  • 还行
  • 3.5星,摄影和剪辑都很好,尤其是几次出现的黑色长廊镜头拍的格外有韵味,这黑色长廊就像是通往主角内心深处的幽暗小道。最后一场戏老道格拉斯释放出了所有演技令人难忘的表演更是被后来很多的演员所借鉴。

  • 秦诺诺
  • 还行
  • 在拳击黑片里太显平庸。一个纯真的人因勤奋怀着正义不服走向巅峰又因自负挥霍堕落亲离迷失,三个女人我觉得还是最初的那个好可惜。最后一场真是捍卫了一切他战斗了最后一秒。

  • 了花
  • 还行
  • 好男人爱好女人,好女人爱坏男人,坏男人一会儿爱好女人,一会儿爱坏女人, 其实他爱的是自己媾女的魅力,最终弄得兄弟反目,自我断送。剧情一般,KD四星。

  • ofelia11
  • 还行
  • 只有拳赛部分的影像比较吸引,故事很水。65

  • 长袜子
  • 还行
  • 看到开头就猜到了过程结局的一切套路,节奏没有尿点,金钱贫瘠的原罪,导致男主不甘贫穷奋发图强,因为强大的意志和天赋成为一代拳王,结局令人唏嘘

  • jupiter
  • 推荐
  • 还是老片耐看,年初一看几个中庸港片,令观者生无可恋,老片提振一下看电影的享受与初衷。ps. 爱奇艺高清生肉版,爽。

  • k-pax
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  • 拳击人生几乎就是现代英雄主义(与悲剧)的全部写照,「超人」妄图操控命运并摒弃一切「羁绊」最终在命运与死亡面前缴械投降,然而这却也是真正「冠军」的唯一出路与自证。

  • 451½°F™
  • 推荐
  • 影片讲述一个出身底层的拳击手在世界冠军的争霸赛中力竭而死的悲剧,道格拉斯完美诠释了野心勃勃不断膨胀变得薄情寡义的莽汉,影片的拳击场景非常精彩,摄影、打光、剪辑尤其出色

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