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    主演:林峰  郭政鸿  佘诗曼  郭羡妮  姜大卫  黄宗泽  

    导演:张乾文  蔡晶盛  游达志  




    覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.1覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.2覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.3覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.4覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.5覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.6覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.13覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.14覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.15覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.16覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.17覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.18覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.19覆雨翻云国语版 剧照 NO.20
    更新时间:2023-09-01 14:01


      故事发生在明朝,失忆的风行烈(林峰 饰)并不知道自己是蒙古国王子,追求逍遥自由的本性表露无遗,更为了博取靳冰云(郭羡妮 饰)红颜一笑,决定夺取武林宝剑覆雨剑,因而与韩柏(黄宗泽 饰)不打不相识,更结交成为好友。那边夺回的覆雨剑却被冰云送给大魔头庞班(郭政鸿 饰),风行烈始料未及。原来冰云一心所钟情的是庞班,为了爱人不惜出卖风行烈,累及风行烈失去所有武功还被追杀,幸得韩柏相救。此时韩柏士别三日当刮目相看,已得到赤尊信传授毕生功力成为武林高手。  庞班所作的一切其实是为了辅佐风行烈复国,而复国最大的阻碍来自韩柏。要发挥覆雨剑最大的功效,就必须要练成“剑心通明”,江湖上能与风行烈共练此剑的,唯有慈航静斋大弟子秦梦瑶(佘诗曼 饰),然而身为大明的支柱,秦梦瑶立场坚定。风行烈唯有用情来打动她。而明室之中,亦有内奸,最有才能的燕王朱棣面对天命及冤屈,亦要做出重大的选择。


     1 ) 覆雨翻云


    故事发生在明朝,失忆的风行烈(林峰 饰)并不知道自己是蒙古国王子,追求逍遥自由的本性表露无遗,更为了博取靳冰云(郭羡妮 饰)红颜一笑,决定夺取武林宝剑覆雨剑,因而与韩柏(黄宗泽 饰)不打不相识,更结交成为好友。那边夺回的覆雨剑却被冰云送给大魔头庞班(郭政鸿 饰),风行烈始料未及。原来冰云一心所钟情的是庞班,为了爱人不惜出卖风行烈,累及风行烈失去所有武功还被追杀,幸得韩柏相救。此时韩柏士别三日当刮目相看,已得到赤尊信传授毕生功力成为武林高手。
      庞班所作的一切其实是为了辅佐风行烈复国,而复国最大的阻碍来自韩柏。要发挥覆雨剑最大的功效,就必须要练成“剑心通明”,江湖上能与风行烈共练此剑的,唯有慈航静斋大弟子秦梦瑶(佘诗曼 饰),然而身为大明的支柱,秦梦瑶立场坚定。风行烈唯有用情来打动她。而明室之中,亦有内奸,最有才能的燕王朱棣面对天命及冤屈,亦要做出重大的选择。

     2 ) 2006年TVB开年大戏




     3 ) 失败,非常失败,黄易大大的又一本小说被废了!!!


     4 ) 所谓的正义之分

    正邪不两立可是什么是正,什么又是邪么。这里,只是认为自己对的就是正 的。其实只是各自有各自的目标而已,没有办法的。

    到最后还是不喜欢西面 的这个梦瑶很讨厌。但是很喜欢庞班,很喜欢风行烈。

     5 ) Lethal Weapons Of Love And Passion

    Gam Sai Wai -- Raymond Lam Fung
    Lai Shing Nam -- Michelle Ye Suen
    Kuk Chi Wah -- Rain Li Choi Wah
    Lee Sum Mui -- Mimi Lo Man Chong
    Kong Nam -- Chan Kwok Bong
    Meng Shen Tung -- Ko Hung

    What, when, where and who
    Raymond Lam was poisoned in the beginning of the story, that's why he came to seek for Rain Li's master's help. As his journey begins, he was encountered the affairs in the martial world and meets the two women who loved him most deeply.

    Rain Li is the quiet, nice girl; Michelle is the cruel, selfish but very lovely character, because she loves Raymond so very much that she dies because of him. As for Raymond, he loves Rain Li at first, because she is the nice one. But, at the same time, he build a great relationship with Michelle, but he did not realized he loves her until the moment she dies...

    Series Links
    Episode summary and character intros from TVB official site

    - Dislike Factor
    Rain Li's Kuk Chi Wah
    I don't think she can act, her acting skills were not very good at all. Also, in the novel, this girl suppose to be a very strong character, but Rain Li made the character so weak, which was very disappointing. Plus, she has no chemistry with Raymond at all, they might look good as a real couple, but on screen, it was not good. Maybe because of Michelle's character, her character has so much more chemistry with Raymond...

    Evil Meng Shen Tung
    He is evil, he is selfish, he kills too many people, he wants to reach the top, he is Rain's father. Basically, you will hate him

    The hair style
    Ok, the story sets in the Qing Dynasty, but how come some of the characters' hair looks like it was Song Dynasty? Also, Raymond's hair is too long, it got to go!

    - Love Factor
    Michelle Yip
    You might think her character is very selfish, well, she loves Raymond way too much, and she did not want Raymond to leave her and be with Rain, so she will do anything or say anything to keep him, you can't blame her on that, in fact, you will totally support her. You also might think she is cruel, yeah, at the beginning, she does lots of cruel things, but ever since she falling love with Raymond, she did nothing against him, in fact, she does everything to protect him including dying for him! This is the character you will love and remember for a while...

    The chemistry between Michelle and Raymond
    If you saw Eternal Happiness, you will think Raymond and Michelle together on screen was good. After you saw this series, you will think their chemistry was perfect. Even though, in this series, Raymond may not love Michelle until the very last moment in the very last episode, but their chemistry still rocks the entire series and make the story a lot less boring. The reason is that Michelle loves Raymond too much, you will totally touched by her character, totally support her love for Raymond

    Mimi Lo's Lee Sum Mui and Chan Kwok Bong's Kong Nam
    Here comes the funny characters of the series, this couple makes the whole series very fun to watch. Everytime you see them together, or Mimi Lo by herself or Chan Kwok Bong by himself, you just want to laugh so bad.

    - Pity Factor
    Michelle Yip's Lai Shing Nam and the Ending ==> get ready your tissues
    Basically, she died in her wedding day to prove her love to Raymond... OK, if you did not see the ending yet, I do not recommend you to read this paragraph... Well, in episode 19, Michelle's true identity was revealed, and Raymond finally realized she is a killer, of course he was mad, and he slaps her, and she is like, "you will regret this for the rest of your life!". In episode 20, Michelle's boss wants Michelle to kill Raymond, and she agrees. She disrupts the wedding of Mimi Lo and Chan Kwok Bong, and poisoned Rain Li, she told Raymond, the only way he wants to save Rain is to marry Michelle! OK, in their wedding, Michelle was wearing white dress, and Raymond realized Michelle was dying... Michelle told him, that she will never do anything to against him. She takes the risk to kill her boss, but was injured deeply, before she died, she just wants to be Raymond's wife, that is her only wish, that's why she poisoned Rain and that was the only way Raymond can marry her... Raymond felt so sad, and he finally realized he loves Michelle very deeply and willing to spent his life with her...

    - How Come Factor
    The Title
    This is called "Lofty Waters Verdant Bow", so you will assume there must be something to do with the verdant bow. However, you only get to see the verdant bow once, and about five minutes, that is when Raymond uses the verdant bow to go through the traps and get the kung fu book. It was short, and I don't think that part was a key element to the story, so why uses the verdant bow as the title? What is that has to deal with the story?

    Best Scenes
    1. Some of the fighting scenes, those special effects were pretty cool. Also, there are lots of flying going on, hehe...
    2. Whenever Raymond and Michelle together, especially the time they spent together in the island
    3. Raymond and Michelle's weddings, they have two. The first time, it was fake, Raymond keeps telling Michelle, "it's fake, don't get real" while they getting married. The second time, it was for real, Michelle forces Raymond to marry her, way to go, girl! But, she dies in her wedding day, that is when Raymond finally realized how much he loves her...
    4. Whenever Mimi Lo and Chan Kwok Bong together, they are so cute and so funny as individual and as a couple.
    5. There is a guy, who likes Mimi at the beginning, but he is way too "knowledgeable", everytime you see him, he is making poems, it was really funny to watch this guy and his attitudes...
    6. Fiona Yuen's Kam Yee and her chemistry with that Hiu Fung. Those two might not look so "fit" on screen, but you will appreciate how Hiu Fung won Kam Yee's heart.

    - The Performances
    This award totally belongs to Michelle Yip, ever since Eternal Happiness, she is just getting better and better, and you will just like her more and more. She even improves on her crying skills, check her character's dying scene in episode 20, you will know what I am talking about... As for Raymond, it is just the same old Raymond you saw in Eternal Happiness, at the beginning, he is dumb, later, he gets smarter, but he got stuck in between two girls who love him the most... As for Rain Li, she still needs improvement, I didn't like her character, her acting, and her chemistry with Raymond... The supporting roles, Mimi Lo and Chan Kwok Bong both did a great job, you might see this two more often, I think TVB should promote them more... Also, Fiona Yuen's performances were great as well... As for the villains, none of them were great, so no words on that

    - The Storyline
    I didn't really expect this story to be pretty fun to watch. The storyline was simple, but it was good, it has it's sad moments, and also has lots of funny scenes. However, there were some little parts, where you just did not care at all, for example, whenever Raymond and Rain together

    - Worth Watching?
    If you are a Michelle or a Raymond fan, this is the series you have to see! Even though if you are not a fan of theirs, you still want to give this series a try, and you might became a fan of theirs...

     6 ) 情与义,不忍舍弃

       最近才把覆雨翻云真正地从头到尾看完了, 或许很多人不喜欢这部改自黄易小说的电视剧,但看完的感觉还不错,没有看过原著小说,所以现在阐述的是从电视剧中得到的感受,因为喜欢林峰看了这部电视剧,看完后再次沦陷,果然还是很喜欢他塑造的角色。风行烈,一个蒙古皇裔,重情重义的男子,机智,英勇却不失温柔,永远希望和平,减少杀戮,大家安安稳稳得过日子,很大同的思想。义是武侠英雄都不愿放下的,可是当命运把人推到悬崖边上,人就会很无奈得要做出自己的决定,可能那不是愿意做的,当风云汹涌的时候,想要改变,代价太高,看着身边的人一个一个离去,走到浪尖,真的很辛苦。情也是武侠剧中不可少的部分,风行烈之前对冰云的迷恋,后来对梦瑶的爱恋,一切都是付出,或许真正爱一个人就是愿意为她付出所有吧,即使被伤了一次又一次也无所谓,爱情总是那么美好,在一切还不知道的时候,没有立场的对立,一切都会平凡而顺利,不过真正的爱是要经历考验的,在经历一切后,爱情也会变得淡定,心累了,不想再去理一切江湖朝廷事,只做自己,只为自己,自私一次,那种每天能跟喜欢的人驰骋大漠的平静生活更让人向往,隐归山林是英雄最好的结局。



  • 葱花花花花
  • 还行
  • 囧囧有神 难看

  • lemon
  • 还行
  • 可以看

  • 亢龙无悔
  • 推荐
  • 这哪是原著改编,完全就是编剧秀下限的胡编乱造

  • 眼镜君
  • 较差
  • 还不错了,正邪如何定义呢?

  • 一贫
  • 还行
  • 梦瑶太白莲花了,实在喜欢不起来,风行烈虽然不是心狠手辣之人,但是还是做错了好多事,一开始很喜欢韩柏和夜月,不过后来感觉他们变成只会听别人话的背景了,但是很喜欢庞班和冰云这对,虽然坏但是坏的很有味道。后面越来越像政治片,看着没意思了。

  • 赫安
  • 还行
  • E1,看着看着记起看过第一集,依然很烂;得空看书吧

  • boks
  • 还行
  • 当初那一口口血吐的。。虐死。

  • Tes。
  • 推荐
  • 我怎么觉得这剧里好多人都特别憋屈,风行烈燕王活的憋屈,庞班厉若海虚若无死的憋屈,靳冰云爱的憋屈,看着好不爽。前面磨磨蹭蹭,喜欢风行烈黑化后的剧情。韩柏长相真不适合古装。秦梦瑶婊。

  • 冰糖葫芦
  • 还行
  • 林峰的风行烈为这部剧增色不少,彼时的林峰已然成长起来,对这种角色拿捏很准,游刃有余。矛盾的人物形象刻画得很到位。

  • 某J。624
  • 还行
  • 造型有些失败,不过只看峯少还是可以的。这片名实在太雷了,原谅我的不纯洁……

  • 麦神的小跟班
  • 还行
  • 很无聊的TVB武侠片。。

  • ZeonGin Sou
  • 很差
  • 超心疼大魔王庞班!好喜欢他。。其实现在来看,都是政治原因,站在蒙古的角度也没错。蒙古王子风行烈也很喜欢啊。。人也是超好。。可惜命运玩弄,不能遵从天性浪漫做个普通人。唉。。

  • 低配玛丽苏魔王
  • 力荐
  • 其实从头到尾都很心疼林峰的风行烈,开始爱上的女人是为了目的接近他的,后来真爱上的女人身上却又很多责任甚至在起冲突的时候不愿意信他还伤他差点丢了命,感觉所谓的正道还有正义在我看来却根本不是那么回事,朝廷的血雨腥风根本不能用谁对谁错来衡量

  • 幸运草
  • 还行
  • 喜欢魔师庞斑和冰云那对。

  • 虾米薇安
  • 还行
  • 剧情很一般,没什么吸引力。唯一惊艳的就只有靳冰云和庞班的爱情了。这是全剧唯一出彩的地方。这部戏让我认识了陈敏之,虽然她在这部戏中表现很一般。不过林峰倒是将这种亦正亦邪演绎的不错。郭政鸿因为庞班的演绎也第一次叫我印象深刻。记住了这个名字。

  • 晴潋庄蝶
  • 较差
  • 林峰。

  • 郑毓疏Demi
  • 力荐
  • 历史方面改动了不少,一边看电视剧,一边baidu搜相关知识。单以故事来看,情节并不是特别的引人入胜。结局还算好,总之有情人成眷属。

  • 往事如烟
  • 推荐
  • 能拍出这样让人看不下去的电视剧真是了不起。当然也有可能是黄易的原因。

  • 慕祺海Perkira
  • 还行
  • 剧本太差

  • 卡洛
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